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Everything posted by dentalplan

  1. Ok but as I said about Fatboy Slim, he's active and touring and definitely there but not headlining the Other Stage anymore, we believe. So you'd expect it was a booking because it was a 50th anniversary. So, it could be that Skunk Anansie (and Happy Mondays) were the same, as they had former headliners dotted all around the place. Or they could be on the Avalon Stage instead now. Just a suggestion on how it might not be carried over from 2020. It might be, for all I know.
  2. Thanks for sharing. Seems like a slot he would have held in 2020, and Blossoms are returning to Other on Friday, so maybe they are pretty much working off the 2020 bill as a template. Replacing acts like Dizzee and Robyn who might not be touring, or acts like Skunk Anansie and Happy Mondays where it might have been a 50th anniversary special (like Fatboy Slim who we know has been replaced).
  3. Thought this was gonna be a festival competition. 🙁
  4. dentalplan


    Nah you’re overthinking it.
  5. I can imagine him dropping in on Kacey’s set on Friday. Not sure he’d route his tour around that though.
  6. dentalplan


    @adequate8 Any chance you could tell us what you’ve heard? I don’t think Neil logs in on weekends.
  7. Why would he approach what would be the defining show of his career with a stripped-back set up?
  8. Yeah it’s been mentioned. His tour has plenty of gaps between shows in different countries but people are dismissing it because, as it’s a festival show, it apparently means he is the only one who needs to be on site and his stage setup, crew, dancers, whatever can just go to Germany.
  9. dentalplan


    I recall they’ve sent Glasto info to Neil privately before. Can’t remember what. Friday Other would be perfect. Could see that being one of the more densely populated crowds for that stage when everyone has left Billie because she fell asleep again.
  10. Blige will do Family Affair alone. Not much Dre can do in that performance. Similarly, I think Kendrick will just play solo and perform most of Humble as part of a big medley, as that is his 'big' song. The songs in the trailer were: Rap God > The Next Episode > Family Affair > Humble > Still DRE > California Love. I think one of those could get tossed for Forgot About Dre but it should be mostly the same as that. I thought a new song could be in the mix but it'd be pretty much a debut of the song at this point and that might be a poor choice considering the quality of the other songs. But yeah, obviously Kendrick's not going to steal the show, looking at that barrage of hits. Still gonna be good tho.
  11. I went home all alone check my phone Ono
  12. dentalplan


    Typical lazy student Edwin. Pretty pumped for the new album off the back of Wake Me Up and the snippets so far. The ENSWBL albums were a tough sell but songs like Sunday and In Degrees went over really well with everyone, so I’m glad they’re exploring that angle a bit more. Out of time to produce another My Number or Inhaler so why not reboot? Release in time for the tour or near enough after would be grand. Could all do with a Foals rave-up.
  13. He’s been in the band for ten years and they did recently just cancel a festival appearance. You should put stock in it. Don’t keep your opinions to yourself. They’re as good as anyone else’s. Possibly even better.
  14. 52nd anniversary Doesn’t really negate your point but I don’t see a prestige emphasis on this year.
  15. As said last night, the stories don’t even mention him playing with any degree of confidence - just that he’s got tour dates at the time and is rumoured for this reason. It’s not really a story anyone would plant, as it’s not really a story at all. The Daily Mail even says that he’s not booked according to a source.
  16. Tbf none of us will be, unless we go see him at his stadium gigs.
  17. He plays Stockholm Syndrome?
  18. Will Young has played a few times I think. Lucy Spraggan as well. Not headliners, mind.
  19. Wait is that all it initially said? It doesn't seem to say that a source says he's playing, just that a source said he was 'considered' in 2020 but it didn't pan out (which isn't what they said about 2020 before) and now 'all the festivals' want him (Coachella got him as the 99th choice, only festival this year so far), adding that there's a gap which would allow him to play. It's a dogshit rumour. If we had anything else to go on, we'd put that straight in the bin.
  20. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/harry-styles-rumoured-headlining-glastonbury-26110143 It actually seems like The Star has also backtracked. No 'source' info there anymore, just says fans believe that he's playing because of the tour dates.
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