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So what are the rest of you doing

Guest WildChildRockChick

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...between now & 2011?

Im bored. A week after Download I went off to Glastonbury but now that's done, Im skint, and don't know what to do with myself which isn't helped by being skint...

I thought I might harass Andy Copping for Alter Bridge next year :D but apart from that I feel very much at a loose end.

So have you settled back into the daily grind yet? How are you keeping yourselves occupied?

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Well, my life and the life of many of my friends are in disseray, and seeing as I've already had one rant today (in the singles thread on the discussions page) I'll just use bullet points

- I was due to be best man at my mate's wedding - the split up at their engagement party when he decided he'd rather be with a girl he works with.

- my nan is in hospital after not eating and drinking anything for several days, she's recently been diagnosed with alzeimers.

-speaking of mental illness a close friend of mine was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic and instead of letting the medication take effect he gets wasted on booze at every oppertunity

-another friend is completely broke after his application for a merchant licence for his Internet based business so he can't take payments and make any money to pay off the loans he took to set it up.

-Another friend is under the delusion he can make millions by making a home made zombie film, he wrote a cliche and error filled script, that I am now helping him re-write out of sheer pity

-Im completely broke

-I may be jobless in the near future...

On the plus side:

-By being in hospital my nan perked up due to being made to eat and drink

-My disipliary meeting that was scheduled for today has been pushed back meaning I have time to join a union and possibly claim wrongful termination (they expect me to do more work than there is to do)

- I hate my job, and needed this push to find something else

-My best friend is single for the first time in 8 years (though it will be a little while til he appreciates it)

so yeah I can't fill out my time with too much, but there if I can ge a new job and a decent severence package/some cash for wrongful termination, I will go to Sonisphere and maybe head over for some Amsterdammage before the end of the year :)

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Wow, sounds like you have plenty to occupy your mind!

Im glad your nan is looking better, I remember when my nan was ill and in hospital, it was very stressful :(

It's so easy to get stuck in a rut at work, I've had some rough times in a couple of previous jobs which have pushed me into doing something about it and as hard as your situation must be on that score it sounds as if you're already in the fire, so even if you end up in the frying pan at least it's an improvement!

One of the guys I was camped with at Download this year was telling me about last year - he went with a group who were celebrating a couple's wedding - it was their honeymoon. Among the group were the presiding vicar's two sons and apparently within hours of arriving the bride had started an affair with one of them... it ended in a mass brawl. Not a fun weekend!

One of my friends is apparently going to make millions by writing a children's book - and when he's made his money he's going to move to Thailand to write a horror novel after which he will retire & go fishing.


so if you do soni, will it be the whole weekend or one day? I was considering Maiden day, cos Knebworth isnt' far from me - although money is still an issue.

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Not alot really here, Waiting to see if I get into uni at Edgehill doing leisure and Tourism management foundation Degree to start in sepetmeber. On the reserve list so need to wait and see.

Other than that trying to find a job, Saving cash, Seeing my friends, A few Rugby league matches, Football season starts again :D

Overall a long and boring summer but I think the Xbox 360 and the gym is going to take a beating but it will be worth it in the end I hope.

Lith - Glad your Gran is going to be ok :) Hope your going to be allright as well :)

Edited by spwan-of-the-devil
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I've decided to conduct air con wars in my office this afternoon now that I've finished spying on the people in the office opposite us(yes, I really am that bored)

Someone in our office doesn't understand that air con doesnt' work with windows open (really can't be bothered to go into that for the nth time...) so I've decided to alternately turn the temperature up & down. Last time I turned it down to 10C before they decided it was getting cold :D

spawn-of-the-devil (long name! :P) computer games & gym sounds reasonably constructive tbf :) I hope you get the uni news you're hoping for :)

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i have nothing until PARAMORE/DEVILDRIVER/36 CRAZYFISTS GIGS AND PETER KAY ..................but thats not till f**kin november haha

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I've decided to conduct air con wars in my office this afternoon now that I've finished spying on the people in the office opposite us(yes, I really am that bored)

Someone in our office doesn't understand that air con doesnt' work with windows open (really can't be bothered to go into that for the nth time...) so I've decided to alternately turn the temperature up & down. Last time I turned it down to 10C before they decided it was getting cold :D

spawn-of-the-devil (long name! :P) computer games & gym sounds reasonably constructive tbf :) I hope you get the uni news you're hoping for :)

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LOL - actually thats an ace plan - I'll hold the air con controllers to ransom at some point over the summer I think... not quite nicking the aircon but making it impossible to use.. ha ha ha ha ha that appeals!!!

I've turned it down to 19 now. Every so often someone says 'it's freezing in here' and turns it off without checking why they're so cold... then it goes on again when someone gets hot. I love chucking stones into a pond and watching the ripples.

Im waiting to see how long it takes someone to LOOK at the temperature the air con is set to as well.. I changed it yesterday morning at 8 :D

Next, Im gonna turn it up - to about 30.

When are your results due? 'Day' isn't very informative :P

go-go-tonymon (another long name! lol) I want to see Alter Bridge, but that's October so Im not really very far ahead of you. Im considering High Voltage Saturday now but that's proper money, and close, so probably unaffordable tbh. :(

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Since DL I have declined a marriage proposal, had a minor breakdown, become single, had a major tantrum at work which resulted in me gaining an assistant, lost my brother, found my brother (seriously. he went missing for like a week. aparently he met david haye and went on hockey tour, was having so much fun he forgot to tell anyone where he was. odd boy), trashed my house and now I think I'm just about balancing back out to general everyday stress!

So yes. Fun.

Edited by bekimo
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Since DL I have declined a marriage proposal, had a minor breakdown, become single, had a major tantrum at work which resulted in me gaining an assistant, lost my brother, found my brother (seriously. he went missing for like a week. aparently he met david haye and went on hockey tour, was having so much fun he forgot to tell anyone where he was. odd boy), trashed my house and now I think I'm just about balancing back out to general everyday stress!

So yes. Fun.

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Since DL I have declined a marriage proposal, had a minor breakdown, become single, had a major tantrum at work which resulted in me gaining an assistant, lost my brother, found my brother (seriously. he went missing for like a week. aparently he met david haye and went on hockey tour, was having so much fun he forgot to tell anyone where he was. odd boy), trashed my house and now I think I'm just about balancing back out to general everyday stress!

So yes. Fun.

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Busy for you too then. :¬S

Not all bad though, Im assuming gaining an assistant at work is a good thing, finding your brother is probably also a good thing ;)

Trashed your house - is this in a DIY sort of a way, or losing your temper & smashing things up sort of a way? I've done both in the past.... regretted it when I lost my temper, I did quite a lot of damage.. :¬/

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AVENGED/STONE SOUR another thing on the november list to do haha

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no probs, I could tell ;) Im out of funds for a while now, got the Alter Bridge tix at the weekend that will have to do me for now. I'll have to wait & see how Stone Sour tix sell. Maybe if they're still available closer to the time...

I often want to trash my house in an angry 'I want to get rid of everything' sort of a way, but Im too much of a coward - expensive!!! :D

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I am a little worried about the Stone Sour thing and getting tix as it looks like its an arena tour. FFS!

Anyhoo, Im sure I'll sort something out.

I think your more wise to refrain from trashing the house than a coward hun! Currently I have a whole in a door in my house, in the floor at the bottom of the stairs and my sofa is broken almost in half. Can't afford to replace it! :(

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