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18 year old. packing.

Guest westy 2007

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It's what people are like at Glastonbury.

My first was in 2005 (muddy early-doors glorious Sun) and I fell over in the urinals Fri eve (I know really nasty). The action stopped and some guy from NZ picked me off the floor and ensured I got my right foot back in my welly before hitting the mud-bath below.

Not only did he do the above but he also used his short supply of wet-wipes to clean my hands as "he was not having that"

Since then I have promised myself anyone I see in any sort of trouble I will help, than includes requiring a beer.

Thats Glastonbury for me and how it differs from day-to-day life. Everybody looks out for each other.

Thats what makes it so sad when you get home.

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3 or 4 teeshirts

2 pairs of shorts

5 pairs of boxer shorts or whatever your preference of under-garment is

lots of socks


Remember you'll also have whatever you went in. I always leave a pair of jogging bottoms and a teeshirt in the car, something comfortable to drive home in.

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real simple for me

few tshirts,. some socks.. don't wanna endup wearing wet socks ..so always enough socks! , plus a fresh pair is nice , and they don't take much space

jeans to wear during day & jogging bottoms to sleep in/sit at the campsite- and suncream..i burn easily :(

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I downloaded this the other day, but I can't remember where from, so I'll copy and paste it here: It's all you'll need:



Things in GREEN are bare essentials which you shouldn't go without! Other things you may consider necessary. Or at least, I do......


Really important things (leave behind at your own mortal peril)

YOU! - For obvious reasons....

Ticket - be silly to go without it.

A tent - your own personal hovel.

A sleeping bag - to sleep in. Its very cold at night in August!

A torch - so you can find things in the dark.

Money - to buy things.

A cash/debit/credit card - to get more money.

Some form of ID Especially if you ARE over 18, but don't look it. if you're worried about taking your driving license or passport, get a good quality colour photocopy of your passport.

Train ticket (if you are travelling by train) - So you can get there and back - GET A RETURN TICKET cos the queues to go home on monday are mahoosive.

Roll mat and/or lilo - to sleep on.

A blanket - to put underneath your sleeping bag as it helps keep the cold out - cut a hole in the middle to turn it into a poncho.

A pillow - of some description - i have a tiny one from millets which was £5 and its far superior to a pile of hoodies. Or alternatively buy a cheap one from Wilkinsons in the town centre when you get there.

A mallet - for the unfortunate people who end up in brown camp and won't get their pegs in the rocks - sorry, ground - for love nor money.


2 pairs of combat trousers with many zippy pockets - so you can carry everything and your precioussssss things won't fall out. Ones with zip off legs to convert them into shorts are even better.

3-4 tshirts/tops - you will inevitably buy a few there as well.

2 hoodies/jumpers - can double up as pillows if you want to save space.

2 pairs of shoes - if you lose a shoe/a pair get wet and won't dry, you can always wear the other pair.

6 or 7 pairs of socks - always take more than you need in case they get wet.

5-6 pairs of underwear - clean underwear will make you feel mildly less scummy.

Woolly hat - for if its cold at night.

Sun hat - for when its sunny.

Sun glasses - to look uber cool.

A warm fleece - to wear at night if it's cold.

A pair of plastic flip flops and/or wellies - for negotiating your way across the moat to the tap. Or you can go barefoot.

If in the days before it is pissing it down and there isn't a foreseeable end to the rain, it would be advisable to take wellies and a funky rain mac. IT GETS VERY VERY MUDDY

You can also take bubble wrap to turn into a rain mac, and this is a good way of meeting new people, as they will want to help you pop the bubbles. It's also surprisingly warm!


If you forget any of these, they can be bought on site or in town. then again, so can most things!

Deodorant - to help curb your own natural fragrances!

Toothbrush and toothpaste - so you taste fresh and minty.

Condoms - because you never know - as my mum would say, 'better safe than sorry'.

Plasters - you'll inevitably fall over drunk and graze your knees. This season I will be mostly wearing Pirate plasters. Or go for a mini First Aid Kit if you're feeling rich and accident prone.

Painkillers - for things that hurt.

Sun Cream - so you don't get burnt. You can still get burnt even if it looks cloudy!

Loo roll/Tissues - for when nature calls. or you need to blow your nose (NB - it is normal at Reading for your snot to be black)

Wet Wipes - good for freshening up.

Hairbrush/Comb - to sort out hair, obviously. Or to hold as a 'microphone' when you're miming along to The Darkness....

A Mirror For vain little princesses. Or people with contact lenses!

Shampoo/Conditioner - to wash your hair with in a bucket.

Towel - for drying off afterwards. And fighting Vogons. You should ALWAYS know where your towel is.

Food, Drink and Cooking

2 EMPTY 5 litre water bottles - take them empty as they don't weigh so much and you can go to the tap and have a good store of liquid at your tent - keep one as water, use the other to turn into diluted orange or blackcurrant squash.

Tin opener - to get into tins. Or only buy tins with ringpulls!

Plastic cutlery - to eat things with.

8 variety pack of cereal - for those of you who need breakfast in the morning. Also make excellent munchies - try not to scoff them all on the first night!

Camping gas stove, saucepan and whistling kettle - to cook things on and heat water - can't beat a cup of tea in the morning.

Other Things

Mobile phone - so you can contact your mates when you lose them/be pestered by your mum to check you're not doing anything too illicit....

Wallet - but empty out things you won't need over the weekend - cash, cash card and ID is all you should need!

Keys - so you can get in the house when you get home!

Batteries - for electrical things, walkman, torch, camera, vibrator etc.

A camera - either normal or disposable (make sure it has a flash!) as you'll kick yourself when your friend gets mummified head to foot in toilet roll and gaffa taped to a telegraph pole and you haven't got the photos to laugh at for years afterwards.....

Penknife - because you never know when you might need a thing for getting things out of horse's hooves.....

Gaffa tape - for fixing things like tears in tent canvas. Or fixing people to telegraph poles.....

A lighter - for lighting campfires and cigarettes. And for the Sunday night vigil!


Buy them there because its less weight to carry. Set up camp, get your wristband, and then head off into town to go shopping!

Food - loaf of sliced bread, margerine/butter and sandwich fillers and anything else that takes your fancy.

Drink - undiluted squash, milk, beer, spirits etc.

Paper plates and plastic/polystyrene cups - so you have something from which to eat and drink your own festival cuisine....

A bucket - to do washing up in, wash hair in, carry water, make punch in, wear as a sexy hat and throw up in. But not all at once.

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Some of you lot are way too organised. OTOH I've been at it a good few years, so I suppose I do some of the prep without really thinking about it.

Clothes though: leave the final decision until a few days before the festival, so you know the weather forecast. I does make a big difference.

Even if a scorcher is predicted though, pack some warm layers - a boiling hot cloudless day can turn into a chilly evening very quickly.

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That list is absolutely ridiculous. You'd have to be the 8 armed freak from Mortal Combat to carry all that shit. Bubble wrap?

I'm going to take 3 tshirts, one hoodie, wellies, pumps, sleeping bag, ket, loads of socks, underpants, shorts and waterproofy pancho.

nothing else.

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Good News - Bad News

The bad news - In the UK you must be 18 or over to Buy drink but Government guidelines advise Bar staff to id everyone ' who look ' under 21 even if their actual age is 30.

International Passport (current, accurate photo)

UK Driving License (Provisional or Full, current, accurate photo)

PASS accredited Logo Cards (MUST have the hologram)

Yes I know all the arguments but if you are 25 or younger the odds are you will be asked as staff cant risk taking chances.

The Good News - I will not be working in the public bars this year but will be working in the WBC Campsite Bar.

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There honestly isn't much thieving goes on at Glastonbury anymore. Think there used to be a fair bit before the fence. The worst we have had stolen was a chair by our neighbour who got pissed off when we asked them not to piss right next to our tent (we weren't that far from the long drops. they could have walked). Never experienced proper theft at all though. Some people are unluky. Don't leave anything you can't afford to lose in your tent.

There are the lock ups as well that you can use. I never bother but know I should.

The whole messy tent thing, I am messy anyway but just think that maybe it will deter them if they go inside and have to hunt for something of value!

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i always take at least 10 pairs of socks. Ridiculous you say? Nope. If I'm wearing wellies (which, fingers crossed, i won't be this year) i have to wear two pairs of socks so they don't rub. Wearing two pairs in wellies = VERY SWEATY FEET. So lots and lots of socks is a great idea. Plus they take up hardly any space, and putting on clean socks just makes you feel cleaner! :(

re: the Lock Ups - I always use these for valuables (car keys, money etc); they're an invaluable resource for us, and they raise money for charity. Double bonus points!

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Good News - Bad News

The bad news - In the UK you must be 18 or over to Buy drink but Government guidelines advise Bar staff to id everyone ' who look ' under 21 even if their actual age is 30.

International Passport (current, accurate photo)

UK Driving License (Provisional or Full, current, accurate photo)

PASS accredited Logo Cards (MUST have the hologram)

Yes I know all the arguments but if you are 25 or younger the odds are you will be asked as staff cant risk taking chances.

The Good News - I will not be working in the public bars this year but will be working in the WBC Campsite Bar.

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You don't mention the source of your Information.

If the guidelines have changed then this will be part of the briefing once staff get on site but clearly its moving higher and higher.

Lucky enough I don't have to worry this year as I will not encounter anyone under 18 inside the WBC Private bar.

Edited by SunshineSky
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i always take at least 10 pairs of socks. Ridiculous you say? Nope. If I'm wearing wellies (which, fingers crossed, i won't be this year) i have to wear two pairs of socks so they don't rub. Wearing two pairs in wellies = VERY SWEATY FEET. So lots and lots of socks is a great idea. Plus they take up hardly any space, and putting on clean socks just makes you feel cleaner! :)

I have to say I agree about the two pairs of socks in wellies lark. I find that they rub less and if it's really wet and muddy (of course this won't happen this year but I've done Glasto too many times in the past!) then even if you get a booty it generally doesn't seep through two pairs! :( on fine days I sometimes still wear wellies and still wear 2 pairs od socks but then I just switch them around the next day i.e. the cleaner less sweaty pair on first and wear the others over the top....

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bringing loads of socks was the best thing i ever did for glasto 07.

also..bin bags. whenever i venture out for the day i wrap all my belongings in my tent in bin bags just in case the rains come and flood my tent. then my clothes are nice and dry.

bring gaffa tape too. it's good for so many things like:

a tear in your wellies

a tear in your tent

to wrap your drunk friends around a pole with

to attach any newly brought glasto items to the back of your backpack if you have no room on the inside


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If you are travelling by car, leaving a clean set of clothes and footwear in the car is a good idea, so you can feel cleaner and almost human on the drive home, and not get so many strange looks when you stop off at services.

Of course, if your tent gets flooded, you've also got back up clothing.

My friend is thinking of bringing a solar powered shower, but I think he'll just be overloaded.

I prefer the wet wipe wash.

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