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Everything posted by JoeyT

  1. On the bright side at least now the ticket sale date has been announced we've still got the date the actual ticket price will be announced to argue over 😄
  2. Can't believe the sale date has moved. Of all the things which didn't have a pattern the sale date was the one thing that did. Is nothing sacred anymore 😂
  3. No mention of a 100% refund given no one knows the actual price of a ticket is a bit shitty in my opinion.
  4. JoeyT

    Arctic Monkeys

    Nothing more than I was told already. That Ashton Gate tweet looks like it’s pretty much confirming it’s imminent…
  5. I say save on the programme cost and go all in for Fleetwood Mac.
  6. £2 x 180k is £360k. £3 x 180k is £540k In what world is that not a lot of money?!
  7. Binning off the big programme is definitely something I'd be looking at if I had any say in those things. Make it digital + save a ton on print costs.
  8. If the structure is going to change at all I could see something along the lines of below: (I don't think it will & honestly think they'll announce everything inc. ticket price in the next 48 hours) Announcement of ticket sale date, deposit amount and brief blurb about total ticket price being confirmed nearer the time. 2 options in regards to choosing not to pay off ticket balance. First being cancel before Jan 1st and receive a full refund / Cancel between then and balance window to receive 50% back. Full ticket price confirmed in February.
  9. Is it an absolute must that they announce the final ticket price at this stage? They could quite easily run with the usual £50 deposit and announce at the same time that due to rising costs / inflation the total confirmed ticket cost will be announced in good time before the balances need to be paid off. At what point was the total ticket price announced for the 2022 festival?
  10. Can't actually believe that people would think the festival are going to confirm via email to someone the ticket sale details before putting it out publicly? We're better than that aren't we?!
  11. Can't wait for the announcement. Can wait for the inevitable disappointment at the cost.
  12. I think auto refresh has to be the way forward. Just whack it on & sit back. This also gives you more time to pray to the ticket gods whilst it does it’s thing.
  13. I can’t take the credit for this nor answer questions about it 😂 @dotdash79 was the kind soul who sent this to me.
  14. What words should I be using for auto-refresh so it stops? Postcode / Registration number?
  15. Think we'll be touching £320 with all the seeticket taxes thrown in.
  16. Buzzing for the announcement so we can all start moaning about ticket price.
  17. Lots on here... https://search.bilibili.com/all?keyword=Glastonbury2022&from_source=webtop_search&spm_id_from=333.1007
  18. JoeyT

    2023 legend slot

    Roxy Music... Not for me Clive.
  19. I've already arranged to drop off our daughter at the in Law's on the Sunday morning in order for me and the Wife to come in to my office and fire up a few computers in readiness for the battle at 9am. When are we thinking ticket price / date of sale will be confirmed? Next week sometime?
  20. JoeyT

    Pilton Party

    I got home at midnight, daughter decides to wake up at 5am. Didn’t even drink last night but still feel hungover 🙃
  21. JoeyT

    Pilton Party

    JP field but at the opposite end (next to the woods)
  22. JoeyT

    Pilton Party

    I was just thinking this. Looks like it'll be a decent evening. If I see you, I'll give you a nudge. Looking to get there about 5.45 / 6.
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