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Everything posted by WhatADin

  1. "anyone planning to bring a campervan or campervan" LOL
  2. We've ended up getting a pitch at https://ashcombepark.com/. Think we've paid an extra £30 but there's no gamble of getting a spot, it's secured and I don't have to think about it, and no hill of death. LOL
  3. Would Jamie T be a shout? He played the Guildhall the other day and the tickets sold out right away. I had it on a Twicket alert but literally couldn't get there fast enough.
  4. It's usually around the 10thish of December the first announcement. Occasionally we'll get a tease on the Castle Field... but since The Streets.... I don't think we've had one of those have we? Even then I think those were usually the Spring announcements, rather than the December one. I've been buttering up my mate who is extended family of the OG organisers, but they are giving me nothingggg. lol EDIT: Good Vibrations was in March - https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/whats-on/huge-good-vibrations-sign-put-castle-field-sparking-victorious-festival-line-speculation-319656 (Sidenote, I don't remember it being that snowy in 2018!??!) https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/people/victorious-festival-2020-does-fit-u-know-it-sign-southsea-common-give-clue-headliner-1374502 - Streets was Jan
  5. I'm quite surprised actually at how not great he sounds... but I'm 1000% up for belting out Tiny Dancer and I'm Still Standing. If he brings out Dua Lipa, reckon we can get Britney as a special guest as well? LOL
  6. I'm inclined to agree. 15 years ago, totally could have but since she left the UK/leaned more into US media etc, she's fallen off the radar a bit in terms of mainstream. Also, she hasn't released a solo album since 2017 which was a Xmas album, 2016 for a studio album, and No Doubt's last album was 2012. She did release a couple of songs in 2020, but no album.
  7. When she toured last in the UK is was pure Gwen... but her residence in Vegas had No Doubt songs. Also Gabrial and Stephen Bradley have both been in her solo band too (along with Gail Ann Dorsey etc)
  8. Mate! I'll save you a spot at the front barrier complete with my tartan bum flap & 00s LAMB hoodie!
  9. Not headliner but... Gwen Stefani for sub on Friday...?
  10. This is the first and only thing that would actually seriously make me think of giving up my ticket for Glastonbury. I'm a die hard Gwen & No Doubt fan.... Likelihood of a Friday slot?! Is it pipe dream, is it out of the odds?!!?!
  11. Haha! As lovely as they are I would both break my ankle and be unable to fit my fat calves in these puppies. 😝
  12. I've literally spent this morning writing a pros and cons list between a decent pair of waterproof hiking boots and a pair of Aigle wellies. I haven't needed festival wellies for a LONG, LONG, LONG time... mainly good weather and most of the festivals I tend to go to have been metropolitan. Why can't they make waterproof pink sparkly walking boots!?
  13. I cannot for the life of me work out who we are going to have now.... with the financial side of everything I doubt we'll get any US acts (although I really wish we would). If Superstruct are booking LG, would Noel be like Nahhhhh? Kasabian still feels right. I think based on chatter from Glastonbury etc I I think the 1975 are a no/too big. We don't really tend to share headliners with Boardmasters either, so that rules LG and Flo out (and I believe that LG is exclusive to Boardmasters as well?) When do Truck etc tend to announce. I reckon we're only a couple of weeks from a first announcement though.
  14. Maybe they DO know, but they are a pro gambler and just screwing with the odds.... lol
  15. Yep, spotted. Reckon we can all just REALLLLLLY cross our fingers and get a one-off Oasis reunion? That with a spot of Blur and Pulp... go for the full Brit Pop effect? EDIT: Also, these are apparently from the future. The person has set the date as 1st December 2022. lol
  16. Hoping that Sky Bet coming down means that something is imminent and it's going to blow our tiny little minds. Or.... it'll be Artic Monkeys. 🙃
  17. Has the Sky Bet page come down? https://m.skybet.com/tv-music-and-film/glastonbury-festival/event/30044231
  18. Oooh love a bit of NFG. Tbh, if Offspring are clashing with Rancid, imma have to take Offspring tbh.
  19. I made a point of listening to their latest album to see what the fuss was about. We saw them headline in 2013, but ended up leaving because we couldn't hear/see very well. The album...? Well, I thought it sounded somewhere between a David Bowie tribute act, mixed with some Robbie Williams with a dash of Frankie Goes To Hollywood 'Power of Love' on top. It was not was I was expecting, and sadly while I like many of the aforementioned, it's not for me. Fair play for changing the sound and trying new things but... ehhh, not my cuppa.
  20. My 7 year old will never forgive me if Rancid play and we don't take her. 😝
  21. Jumping in on this... https://www.thenorthface.co.uk/shop/en-gb/tnf-gb/womens-vectiv-futurelight-exploris-leather-boots-5g3a?variationId=H23 would these be any good to last for a few years?
  22. Just wanted to weigh in here on the whole RHCP thing. So my husband saw them twice before this year, he's a massive lifelong fan and said they were the most upsetting and disappointing acts he had ever seen. Think he did Reading and them at Hyde Park. I was undeterred and we went to their London show this year and it was amazing. He said it was basically the show he wished they had always played (although he did get a bit upset they didn't play much early stuff, but he said that was minor compared to the previous performances he had seen.)
  23. That looks solid and I agree. Uncle Bob is lovely but spenny. Although cheap bus fare home
  24. Same! The Cure would be absolutely bloody incredible and would make my year.
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