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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil

    UK Politics

    At least he's reducing his frying and not celebrating ,(as you did with a post) how easy it's been made for flyers to f**k up the planet.
  2. Neil

    UK Politics

    Kicking him out won't revive tory support.just seen raynor do the warm up routine for starmer.
  3. Neil

    UK Politics

    No sort of surge.
  4. Neil

    Dua Lipa

    I'm just pointing out that dua is a parody.
  5. Neil

    UK Politics

    Yup Japan will probably be next cos he was about to go there when COVID hit. hes cancelled his summer holiday plans already to fly a bit less
  6. Neil

    UK Politics

    Never asked you where you are? north camp used to be my manor. and the tumbledown for beer. I was brought up in Hawley; born in aldershot (at the Cambridge).
  7. Neil

    UK Politics

    That's a real big change not even Blair had labour winning councils like that. The times they are a changin'.
  8. Neil

    In Memoriam

    doesn't get as interesting or as diverse and exotic as my local shops (stapleton road). no mushrooms available, but 1 5 types of yam, if you need a big choice. 😛
  9. Neil

    UK Politics

    labour won my home council of Rushmoor which is Aldershot and Farnborough. as solid tory as it gets (tory MP since 1914) so that's a big surprise. never thought i'd see that - thought there was more chance of a it getting a libdem MP.
  10. Neil

    UK Politics

    There's always money for war £3bn a year for Ukraine. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/02/david-cameron-commits-3bn-a-year-in-aid-to-ukraine-for-as-long-as-necessary?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other I wonder how that's accounted for. Explosive Weapons have a limited shelf life and then have to be replaced, if they were given to Ukraine to use rather than be destroyed here then there's no cost to that supply of weapons.
  11. Neil

    UK Politics

    His auntie who is mates with bjork, chemical brothers, underworld, Hugh grant, Liz Hurley, seal and more. Aunties probably don't come any cooler. Uncle is also cool, the son of a famous actor with his own technical career in film with a flat in la (that my kid just used). also has a song written about him by a famous band; Hardly the most boring aunty and uncle.
  12. Neil

    UK Politics

    Was crossing a road earlier withat a crossing with lights and was halfway across when the lights changed and one of the idiots decided to go at full pelt and just missed me. Unusual that was, I normally notice that drivers give me a lot of space cos no one wants to be the guy who crashes into a mobility scooter.
  13. Neil

    UK Politics

    Probably not a great Idea. I guess it would take about 15 mins each way on this slow rental power chair. My normal scooter is much faster but too much hassle to use and then charge.
  14. Neil

    UK Politics

    I've just found out that I've got a 24 hour McDonald's just down the road from my new gaff quite fancy popping out for one 🙂
  15. Neil

    UK Politics

    Here's only strted the loads of money job this week and Free board and lodging in that there London where money often isnt enough to be able to rent a decent place allows him to save loads without the hassle and cost of running his own gaff. If impressing people is his thing there's plenty he can reel off for what he's done, where his connections go, etc, etc,. I'm really chuffed that he's well established as an adult and should be okay for the rest of his life and I'll pat myself on the back for a job well done. Mostly his mum but he doesn't get his maths brain from his professor mother who failed her maths GCSE three times.
  16. Neil

    UK Politics

    They were happy taking tax avoided money too, so why not slavery cash.
  17. Neil

    UK Politics

    Greens in Bristol are definitely taking slavery money. I have the source for that claim now.
  18. Neil

    UK Politics

    He's missing the attention. And anyway already exposed he's thick as pigshit by him not understanding the covid restrictions.
  19. Neil

    UK Politics

    Not my kid who has just Landed himself a stupidly big wage for his second job. A wage that's better than most people get from a whole lifetime of work. not sure he knows how lucky he is. He's Living rent free with his auntie so also saving loads.
  20. Neil

    UK Politics

    You must be setting a bad example if she's considering voting for the kippers.
  21. You've nailed it but missed that you can hang out at the worst and most boring place on the farm and surrounded by the worst people.
  22. Reckon the government should give ratchliffe the money for a new stadium after all so it can fail to open and we can all laugh.
  23. Neil

    UK Politics

    Real idiot change like Brexit!
  24. Neil

    UK Politics

    I didn't have you down as old enough to have a kid of voting age.
  25. Neil

    UK Politics

    I'm saying the conclusion was based on stevies judgement and comparisons with past perceptions. His judgement can be bad and the theory of visible support still good. So you shouldn't dismiss the theory without looking where things went wrong for the conclusion.
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