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Everything posted by Euphoricape

  1. Past 10am, still no email.. what time do they start work..?!
  2. I'm a newbie too and would like to know this, have a feeling places all gone before we even get a chance..
  3. Cracking album. Loving the new abnormal, takes me back to the 90s rave days. Hoping to see them on the farm in June.
  4. I have also applied with no previous experience, will we find out next week if we got lucky as applications close on Tuesday?
  5. New orbital album today
  6. Best prediction yet for me. Do u have any info on Aphex playing or just guessing?
  7. Euphoricape

    BRITs 2023

    If Sam Smith hasn't won attention seeker of the year then its rigged.
  8. How do u apply for recycling crew?
  9. I've had several identical emails over the last few days..
  10. This is giving me major second thoughts now. So if I was successful in the resale, I wouldn't get a refund..?
  11. I emailed them about this, training is done via zoom now so don't have to worry about any training Days in London etc.
  12. Thanks. Can u pay for more than 1 place if u get through or just individually?
  13. Anyone who has volunteered with shelter, can you name someone you want to work shifts with so both have same free time available?
  14. By gate runners, u mean people sneaking into the festival?
  15. That's sounds less than ideal.. I read somewhere that u have to attend a training day in London before the festival. Is that true?, as I think I'll struggle to get any more time off work plus I live in Cornwall so not cheap just for a few hours basic training.
  16. Is it similar to oxfam, as in places go in seconds? Hoping i may have a better chance with shelter.
  17. Also what are the shifts like with shelter? Could 2 of the shifts be on Wednesday and thursday or is it all on the big 3 days?
  18. I had the email too, to sign up 23rd Feb. So it's not a guarantee then just a general reminder basically..?
  19. If u get a place do u have to pay the full amount straight away, or just a deposit ?
  20. Is there really a chance of Smashing Pumpkins..? Surely they would be Pyramid if so.
  21. Just picturing something similar to when idles played the park in 2019. My favourite Glastonbury moment ever.
  22. Turnstile in that Friday night park slot would amazing. They were my highlight at Jp last year.
  23. Orbital missing too. JP or West Holts I reckon.
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