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  1. And that's the saddest part about it.
  2. That Wolves flag wants f**king off once and for all. Burn it from the bottom up.
  3. Couldn't believe it when my mate who is on site said that Mik Artistik isn't there this year. Looked on the FB page and Mik said they haven't been booked! What has happened there?
  4. Price freeze tickets sorted. I love this festival.
  5. Polyphonic Spree, Meatraffle, The Cribs, The Turbans, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Mary Wallpapers, Cardinals, Bug Club, Moonlandingz and Bedouin Soundclash would be nice for starters.
  6. Another fantastic Bearded Theory topped off by the run of Dinosaur Jr, Amyl (an inspired headliner booking) and Baxter Dury. As usual at Bearded we didn't encounter a single dickhead. We'll be back next year no doubt about it.
  7. BC Camplight was next level mint last night. One of the best things I've seen for ages along with Meryl Streek.
  8. Makes total sense. Keeps Woodland area free untouched for another day and also solves the Sprints and Soft Play clash that some were worried about.
  9. The Thursday morning coach can't come soon enough. Proper ready for this festival. Need it to help me get over that shitshow at Wembley Saturday just gone.
  10. Didn't get anywhere near. Missed out last year so I can cope but my uncle had put all his eggs in one Glastonbury themed basket so I'm annoyed on his behalf. Off out this afternoon so gna have a good drink, slag the Eavis family and every single f**king dweeb who works for See tickets off, book Krankenhaus tickets, book flights to New York or San Francisco and forget about it. Might even go to Las Vegas and get married. All ticketless posters are invited. sh*t lineup anyway.
  11. I'm planning to spend loads more time in the SE tea tent this year as I only really gave it my proper attention last year.
  12. We're going by coach so won't be able to do the Wednesday but really pleased to read that there will be stuff on from dinnertime on the Thursday so we can get straight into things as soon as the tent is up. Can't wait and it will be here before we know.it!
  13. Bad Seeds would have made me desperate for a ticket in the resale but I don't know if there was even a chance of that anyway. Not blown away by it but there are still plenty acts I'm well into on there and a good few that I'd love to see for the first time. At the end of the day I'm sure we'd all go even if there was no lineup announced because it's f**king Glastonbury and there will ALWAYS be sumert somewhere that interests/amuses/inspires you anyway. I'm desperate for a ticket.
  14. I enjoyed Interpol last year and not once did I look over my shoulder and think about crowd size. Means nowt really. Watched The Turbans with 4 other people at Glastonbury one year and it was my favourite set of the week. Just felt like I needed to say that. I can't wait for Bearded this year. There were a few bands on the initial announcement I was interested in seeing and I love the place anyway but finally getting a Spotify account and discovering I can have two phones linked up to my van on Bluetooth has been a massive bonus. The BT playlists have made me more excited for this festival than I was going into last year and that was up there with my top festivals ever. Roll on May.
  15. A bit underwhelmed overall even though there are a decent amount of acts on there that I'm interested in seeing. It was never going to match the first announcement from last year for me personally anyway and there's loads more to come.
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