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Nobody Interesting

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Everything posted by Nobody Interesting

  1. What do you call a person who suggests they are left wing but shows no compassion, hates anything Green, moans about anyone who gets help and generally has distain for anyone who is not them? A Tory. There is also another answer but I could not possible comment on that here.
  2. and as I said, seen your sort lots before........ even when given proof you ignore or dismiss it. The lower links have the evidence of 1990's predictions vs today, it is there and is quite clear but you will not see it because you do not want to see it and will always just dismiss anything others say as rubbish whilst offering zero yourself. El Nino effects will not effect the world fully until mid 2024 so 2023 has little or nothing to do with it - but as always, facts for you are to be ingnored. Enjoy your sand where your head is buried.
  3. Whatever money is spent on in future there really is one unescapable fact. Unless more is paid in tax then less can be done. The UK needs lots to bring NHS up to date not just on staff but with equipment. It needs loads to sort adult social care It needs loads to bring councils up to date with funding It needs loads to change how we all do things to combat the realities of climate change - or it will cost lots more** In short how everything is needs to change or the future might be very bleak indeed for many. With the main 2 parties trying to not change much at all then that bleak future is heading our way as so many think a little change going Blue to Red will sort it all - which it won't. Solution - unless we either all vote for a new party (and I don't mean Green cos I like them) any new party will do then nothing is go9ng to change quick enough. Even Reform coming in, ignoring Net Zero but giving us PR would speed things up (disclaimer I hate Reform and hope they rot in Hell's own Hell). Apart from that cicil revolution is about all I can think of - and we are too feeble now to do it. **Incomplete figures show 2023 cost 4 times more than any previous year in clear up after floods, winds etc than any previous year (source ONS)
  4. So still no reply and still false info. Yes all food produces human gasses but it is not those that are the problem. Beef production takes 20 times more land to produce the same quantity of food as vegatable does and beef production is responsible for 90% of deforestation as they need to grow Soya to feed the cattle - so even more land is used to feed cattle so humans can eat beef. Still, facts never bother you when you want to try and make a point and this time I really cannot be bothered to find you all the links - which are really easy to find - as you will just ignore them like you ignore the question DO YOU EAT MEAT?
  5. If main predictions are correct then it will be colder and wetter. The Gulf Stream will weaken and likely move meaning we get a more Japan like climate with very cold winters. Enjoy
  6. When you spend 25 plus years dealing with deniers etc you know how they work................ and trust me, I know how they work, but you won't believe that will you. Did you read all the links after you upvoted his dismissing post? No, of course you didn't Do you eat meat? I know @fraybentos1has asked this lost but you always ignore it.
  7. It is 100% realistic based on the path the world is now on and the science they used on sea levels rising etc to produce it. If we change path then it gets worse or better. Stay the same, welcome to your watery grave. I tend to trust science, cos science has saved loads of us many times over already.
  8. No, cos they wanted links and could not be bothered to find them................... nice try scoring petty points. Go eat your beef sandwich and moan at people smiling
  9. I'm not really sure how benefits and the need for changes goes to hands tied with green stuff anyway!!! Still given his upvote to a denier on the Climate Change thread I think we can all see his real views hidden under the 'I am great cos I don't fly' mask. Anti green, anti SNP - anti anything progressive and different. I'll probably get a warning for this post cos it is 'personal' LOL
  10. Good grief a denier in our midst then In case your head was buried too deep in the sand then it is public knowledge that in 2023 the world breached 1.5 degrees rise for the entire year. It was on the news, it is on the UN reports, it was talked about at COP. That alone supports my statement as that was not originally thought likely un til 2035. If think that even if I now take time to find you, and Neil (who gave you an upvote) who thinks he is green cos he does not fly but is actually more a Tory) I think it likely you will then find me some nice youtube videos saying what I have linked is not true. I have these discussions lots hence knowing where it leads and the normal outcomes - if I am wrong then I am sorry but seriously, the news is out there and really is so very easy to find. Here are just a few links you could follow.................. but probably will not https://www.pressenza.com/2024/02/world-breaches-1-5c-for-an-entire-year-for-first-time-on-record/ https://www.ft.com/content/8927424e-2828-4414-86b7-f3a991214288 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68110310 https://www.unep.org/resources/report/climate-change-2023-synthesis-report https://wmo.int/publication-series/provisional-state-of-global-climate-2023 https://www.unep.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2023 https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/ and loads more reports here https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/reports and here are lots of useful facts for all deniers out there https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/science/mythbusters https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/ Here are some links to predictions vs reality too All so easy to find if you want to - whihc you didn't https://theconversation.com/40-years-ago-scientists-predicted-climate-change-and-hey-they-were-right-120502 https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-well-have-climate-models-projected-global-warming/ https://eps.harvard.edu/files/eps/files/hausfather_2020_evaluating_historical_gmst_projections.pdf https://www.climatecentral.org/news/ipcc-predictions-then-versus-now-15340 Have a nice day
  11. The weather from 2023 - predicted 2030-2035 for one...................... all over the world things were far sooner. The info is out there and really easy to find. Loads on the UN website for example as well as the BBC and other news websites.
  12. If we carry on (the world over) how we are now and by that I mean the rate of reduction etc this is a map of the UK in 2100 Hope you can swim.
  13. and that's not just BT sadly. I so hope this site recovers from the hate fest it became and the new owner brings back it's former usefulness
  14. The right wing (formerly known as Far Right) are really starting to show their cards and show how things that used to be said behind closed doors are now acceptable mainstream and fine to say. The message this sends out to nutters everywhere is frightening - and they know it! I really hate to think how awful the next election will be and how many moderate folks will be radicalised by the barage of hate speak we are going to hear - mostly from the Right but also from some of the left.
  15. Wholesale gas prices have, on average in the 3 month period, fallen by 30%. The 'cap' drops by 12.3% We are supposed to be happy about that.
  16. I thought his list was just: Shouty band More shouty band Oh heck, another shouty band etc etc
  17. You are a funny man........................... Ignore one poll with 7% for Green and pick on one you think you can score points with...... for a man who hates people who fly and pretends to care about the environment you seem to dislike the one party with real policies to do something about it and instead make posts that are pretty much aligned to Tory policy!! You are a good true blue chap - or at least that is how you come over on this little forum. Strange comes in all shapes and sizes as does hypocrisy - who knows where what we read here fits.
  18. April/Early May but you will be disappointed about day tickets as they do not do such things
  19. How can Starmer be a winner if there were a load of bad headlines for Labour?
  20. No we didn't. The Labour motion passed as there was no objection as nobody else was there - that motion is meaningless as the Government withdrew from the debate. All we got yesterday was hot air and a meaningless piece of paper which I am sure someone will wave in the air telling us it means peace in our time. The coffee pot is on and smell nice, time to get a whiff of it,
  21. but some will rant that flying is the big problem............................. "" Beef production by three of the world's biggest meatpackers has been linked to illegal deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado, according to campaigners. The savannah, which featured in Planet Earth III, hosts 5% of Earth's species and is a buffer against global warming. In one part of the Cerrado, nearly half of the farms supplying the companies had cut down trees, the Global Witness investigation suggests. The companies, JBS, Minerva and Marfrig said they acted in line with local law. The Cerrado sits next to the Amazon but unlike its neighbouring habitat has not been afforded the same protections. An upcoming EU law to reduce the import of products from deforested land does not include much of the Cerrado, as it is not considered a forest under the legislation."" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68272643
  22. There is always a non party political response available but the main parties just play games so much that they seem to have forgotten how to negotiate and compromise and instead the default is ridicule and belittle
  23. He cares about Gaza but of course it was, in part, aimed at causing Labour problems.......... and Labour's amendment was aimed at causing problems for SNP and Tory......... and Tory amendment was aimed at causing problems for Labour and SNP............ If they all truly cared about the real matter that we should be discussing then they would have had a motion agreed behind closed doors that they could all vote for. Been done before when they wanted on other matters. This whole thing was party political theatre.
  24. Has anyone done a tRump and Truss photo morphing them together - cos they may well becoming the same person
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