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Nobody Interesting

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Everything posted by Nobody Interesting

  1. It is quite mad for anyone to fixate on one, small, part of the whole picture that makes up less than 2.5% whilst seeming to ignore some of the worst contributors all together. I know this should be on the Climate Change thread but it is relevant to recent posts.
  2. Using any part of what someone looks like is wrong. People look like they do and it is irrelevant. It is a rather right of centre thing to do using appearance to try and make your view points stronger. No need for it but I doubt you will get that cos you are too busty ignoring huge parts of other posts to try and be the big man on climate change - wow, you don't fly we are all saved. As much as I admire you not flying throwing it in the face of anyone else is not big and not clever - perhaps try and realise that not everyone in all generations is awful - some are, some are not. Sweeping statements just show a lack of debating ability. Anyway, back on ignore you go as talking to you does become time consuming and utterly pointless and it will just be a matter of time before the personal insults fly. Have a rest, smile and realise that most people of all ages want the same things in life. Be kind.
  3. The Labour amendment is political too.................... they are all as sh*t as each other on this bar the SNP whose stance has remained the same from day 1
  4. Why do feel the need to use what someone looks like against them?
  5. You don't fly, we get that....... but you forget that flying accounts for slightly less than 2.5% of CO2 whereas beef production accounts for almost 20% yet you never mention that. Most young people don't fly anyway - cos they cannot afford it but don't let that stop you having a pop at an entire generation with sweeping statements of 'fact'. Did you get out in Bristol before the pandemic when the youth were on 'school strikes' and had a big march and gathering? They seemed very interested in changing things and certainly cared a lot.................... or are you one of those who moaned that they trampled the grass (which grew back)?
  6. Maybe you need to get out there and mix with the youth and you would soon see that most care lots about lots.............. or maybe that is just the many hundreds that I have known and mixed with over the years and you just see those who are bored with no life and make sweeping presumptions? Who knows.
  7. Time to stop playing and grow some balls and just vote with the SNP one and be done with it.
  8. I wonder how long the Tory majority will last at this rate? If we keep going at 5 or 6 by elections a month they could be out without a GE at this rate. GE NOW Enough of this sh*t
  9. This is a valid point - and at nearly 59 years old the cynicism is now so high when it comes to politics I do forget some might actually be like this.............................. some, but very few
  10. Describe 'sustainable'. PS That is impossible as regards any war as all it takes is one person to do one little thing and it folds. It is like the word 'reasonable' in many legal documents. Put there cos defining something precisely is impossible,
  11. If I were to put my cynical hat on I would say that pensions and how they are protected are simply because of the weight of voters it attracts rather than caring or wanting to do good for people - but of course no government or wanna be government would ever have policy based on holding onto part of the electorate now would they!! If the youth started to vote regularly I wonder how many policies would appear aimed at looking after them more. Politics, cynical, all about getting re-elected rather than the common good!?!? Never
  12. Thanks for that, so only Labour and Tories then want FPTP - I am surprised that SNO wants PR as under that they will get 19/20 seats only!
  13. Depends where you class as South East but Labour and Libdems have always won plenty of seats in that region and the Greens have their one seat there too. Facts though, why bother with them when you can just make it all up as you go along LOL
  14. We are slowly reverting to the 1900's. Work til you drop while the wealthy sit back and give you orders whilst enjoying they lives at your expense.
  15. The Green column says all you need to know. The world is Insufficient.
  16. Very very true and sadly so. Reform are Climate Change deniers and cos people are voting for them the Tories will grab hold of ideas like that. As the Tories move further right the others follow to fill the gap and we end up with little or nothing left of centre. If I am honest and in a bad mood then I think the end game is a big war after which people will change back to liberal and left governments and, for 50 plus years, make the world a better place before the cyclical hatred starts rising again. Glad I am not young
  17. The UK has rolled back on 95% of their policies. Germany has started to delay too. I can guarantee that unless some creative accounting is used by using Carbon Credits very few, if any, countries in Europe will meet their net zero targets. To meet them things needed to be started 10 plus years ago - even if we start on mass today we will not change quick enough. We would be 5-10 years late. The only way things will be 'met' is carbon credits which will become more valuable than gold.
  18. and neither are any excuse for others to do nothing.................. but are and will be used in just that way
  19. China released updates on it last month and are way ahead of schedule - this was always going to happen cos when China decides to do stuff, it does stuff quickly.
  20. I should have said those running the world that have no desire - cos they really don't as, as you rightly say, they want to get richer. One day in the not too distant future China will reach 'net zero' (a meaningless thing in reality) and the rest of the developed world will lose their excuse for not acting................................ so will then blame India instead. Countries like the UK will fiddle while the world burns pretending to be taking action with policies that soon get scrapped. I am so glad I am not young.
  21. Now all I can see when Neil posts is this
  22. ""This clashfinder has been marked by its creator as a fantasy island. It contains rumours, speculation, wild fantasy and maybe even a sprinkling of libel. If you've got any sense you won't believe any of it.""
  23. My generation remembers all of that too - but I also manage to understand the modern world and how things change especially when connected to medical problems people suffer. Put simply, I open my eyes to the world we all live in now and do not try to compare to a world long since past to make any comparisons cos they do not work and would just make me look stupid if I did.
  24. It must be lovely living life being so utterly cynical.
  25. That's what the Tories are doing too - making things decided locally to stop them having to make decisions and annoying people......................................... if politicians do not want to make decisions then what is the point of them? I am all for citizen's doing stuff and scrapping Parliament but they will never do the later, just sit there getting paid while others do the decisions and work.
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