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Nobody Interesting

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Everything posted by Nobody Interesting

  1. Good old head in the sand Sunak already trying to gain Reform voters back by ignoring the obvious " The UK needs to build new, gas-fired power stations to ensure the country's energy security, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Tuesday. The new stations would replace existing plants, many of which are aging and will soon be retired. But the government says the plans do not include measures for climate change-limiting carbon capture. That could threaten a legally binding commitment to cut carbon emissions to net zero by 2050, critics say."
  2. I get a feeling of deja vu here - this is what was said when the rolling back on the 28 billion story broke and kept being said for months until it was scrapped. Will this one prove to be real and follow the same pattern? Time will tell
  3. If this were to happen then any real difference between the m and what we have is gone. The 2 main differences were 28B Green plan and workers rights. Take them away and what is left? Is this really what the Labour Party now is or likely to become?
  4. It's more about the rights of those wrongly convicted than those who are obviously very guilty of vile things............... Perhaps we could bring back the stocks for MP's that break the rules or laws?
  5. We got stage and splits on May 12th. No official times were given until arrival in the programme. Any unofficial clashfinders that may have got the times spot on were pure fluke 😉
  6. Because that's what scientists say and it peaked 3 months ago and so any effect would be falling now - but temperatures are rising. Also look at the 2015 El Nino which was stronger and yet had far less impact in global and sea temperatures.
  7. 2024 off to a flier, beating all previous sea temperature records and El Nino peaked in Dec 2023............... so no real connection.
  8. Cameron did it cos UKIP were getting 12-15% in elections and polls so he could get their voters to vote Tory. It worked and then back fired as we voted to leave. What will the Tories promise to try and get back the 13% who say they will vote Reform? I await a shift even further to the nasty right from them.
  9. I wonder if the news rules to be announced this week on what extremism is will show Anderson to be an extremist.
  10. @steviewevie Following on from last week: "As three major lenders announce mortgage hikes (one is also lowering some rates), we thought now was a good time to give an overview of the market - and where rates are headed. Current average fixed mortgage rates are 5.78% for a two-year (up from 5.56% at the end of January) and 5.35% over five years (up from 5.18% in January), according to Moneyfacts." Banks helping themselves to more profits as they increase rates without any real reason.
  11. Their website only shows 29th June as having anything.
  12. and take off mortgage interest from any profit and unless you got a house for half it's value you will have made little or nothing.
  13. Analysis: Labour risks looking like little more than Tories in a red rosette By Matthew Thompson, political correspondent, Sky News The government's plans to create, in Rishi Sunak's words from outside Downing Street, a "robust framework" for tackling extremism have had a little more flesh added to the bones this weekend. This coming week, Michael Gove is set to publish a new definition of extremism, which looks like it will link extremism to some attempt to undermine British democracy or democratic values. The move has prompted howls of outrage from various quarters: civil liberties groups concerned it will suppress freedom of speech, and religious groups such as the Muslim Council of Britain, who fear they will fall foul of a definition they have branded "offensive, ludicrous and dangerous". However, one quarter from which there is barely a squeak of dissent is the Labour Party. Some observers have noted that the Tories' extremism drive is a way to seek a dividing line with Labour. Potentially even to make relations with Labour's large Muslim vote even more fractious. But what is clear from Labour's various pronouncements over the last week or so is that their settled position is broadly behind the extremism crackdown. Last week, Sir Keir Starmer agreed with Mr Sunak's Downing Street speech. This morning, Rachel Reeves told Sky News that they would wait to see the detail of Mr Gove's policy, but that it was "right that we look again at the definition [of extremism]". Yes, there may be noises off from those on the left of the Labour Party. But the risk for the government is that they seek to draw a dividing line where none exists. For Labour, the risk is that, like in debates over last week's budget, they again open themselves to the charge of being little more than Conservatives in a red rosette.
  14. Since when have simple facts ever bothered the Daily Hate?
  15. All major lenders have been increasing them over the last 3 weeks. It slowed this last week but still slightly up again. https://www.mortgagestrategy.co.uk/news/rate-increases-get-the-upper-hand-this-week-moneyfacts/
  16. Recently a government think tank came up with stats on the State Pension and how it will rise. They had inflation over 2.5% until 2026 - nobody really knows quite what will happen. Bond and mortgage rates are going up which shows banks do not think much of a cut is coming any time soon. All that said, if Labour cannot win and win big now then they will never win.
  17. When polls do not pick up, which it seems they are going backwards, more back benchers will send in letters to the 1922 committee. If Sunak waits til after May then, after a thrashing in the council elections, more will follow and there will be a Tory leadership election. Who on earth would want the job knowing full well that they will lose an election soon afterwards? There is no logical reason why they will wait til after May - but when have this lot been logical?
  18. Still, UK Politics. What a mess that all is
  19. I grew up on the outskirts of Leeds. Nothing wrong with the area at all nor the vast majority of the people. No idea how anyone can know where a person who nicks a caravan is actually from though when it does not say!!
  20. Maybe, just maybe the UK electorate is wiser than it has been in recent years.................. Cos the polls since the budget are grim reading for Sunak and co. Tax give aways having a negative effect, not happened before and if this continues I stand corrected and doff my cap to @Ozanne. The GB news paid for poll made me laugh.................... 18%!!!! and yet GB news on their website barely mentioned that and chose to say voters do not trust either leader with the economy LOL
  21. The vans were the idea of then Immigration Minister Mark Harper (who was then my MP and he boasted about his idea. He will be afront runner as a 'unity' candidate for next leader of the TGories.
  22. Goes to show how far vile far right the party has gone
  23. Thursday 9.02 am just after the news on Radio 6 when they will then talk about the line up being announced.
  24. Labour want me to think they are the Tories!!! If that is true then the UK is f**ked. A pretty much two party state with two parties that are nigh on the same. So glad I am not young.
  25. Every day that goes by I see the gap between the two main parties get smaller and smaller and in time it will vanish all together if it has not already.
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