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Nobody Interesting

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Everything posted by Nobody Interesting

  1. and just look at the nasty nasty right winning votes - the Tories wil go for thier policies to draw those voters back. tRump like policies coming to the Tory party soon.
  2. Hidden away in part of one sentence is RR's speech was a comment that might indicate how growth will be achieved. Not seen any reporters pick up on it yet and cannot remember the exact words (not listening to the whole dull thing again) but it was to the effect of: "we are changing fiscal rules so that spending on infrastructure is added to GDP" or something like that - in other words, any infrastructure spend will be added to the UK 'value' and thus GDP....... or in a simpler way, very like Corbyn's policy for spending. I may have got it wrong but it sounded very very much like this is what was being said - a fiscal rule change that allowed spending to be added to asset value and thus increase GDP.
  3. Never seen anyone asked to remove stuff even though there are many who have huge communal gazebos/areas. It is just their way of saying don't be a d*ck and consider others. You will be fine
  4. Farage interviewing tRump! OMFGG. and then some journalist says tRump would be great as he is 'a nutter' as so other leaders would be scared as they would not know what he will do. Yeh, cos nutters have a great track record of not causing huge problems.
  5. I once drank down a pub that we later found to be full of bigots so stopped going there but the number of times conversations were held based on just one headline in a newspaper with them stating it all as absolute fact was alarming. They particulalrly liked any headlines that were anti immigrant and apart from the headline they knew nothing else about the situation.
  6. It's The Plan You know, that plan..................... the one where they do nothing and just say 'The Plan Is Working'............... and many people believe them
  7. The day after the first Rwanda plane takes off the GE will be announced.
  8. Teachers are suspended on the spot as are doctors, nurses and so many more....... but MP's? Nah, let them carry on MPs accused of a violent or sexual offence would only be banned from Parliament if charged by police, under revised plans. Under earlier proposals, MPs could have been excluded earlier in any criminal investigation, such as on arrest. Prospect, a trade union which represents staff in Parliament, said it meant the plans had been "watered down". A vote on the proposed ban had been due earlier this month, but was delayed."" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68604948
  9. That is how a racist describes other racists
  10. To us who come here regularly we know you post tongue in cheek................... imagine how you must look to people who only pop in now and again
  11. "and even with public services “on their knees” the UK cant “tax its way to better public services”" In other words, no or low growth equals spending cuts. 5 years of not a lot really changing it is then
  12. I did say a while back this would happen - cos the Lords cannot stop it happening regardless....................... There will be a flight sometime - it may only have one person on it but then headlines are all they really want.
  13. Gallloway also said after winning Rochdale that he would stand there at the next election and the one after he would be 75 and out of politics.......................... almost like he tells porkies.
  14. No idea why but my head says that was the first time WH had it's own poster....................... I am sure the Thingy will correct me.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh3t49NsWBA
  16. I am just repeating what has been put elsewhere - personally I have no idea but had read in several places that he is Saturday. Some say third down, some 4th cos of a 'secret set'.
  17. Seen it said a few places he is Sat - but also seen that there is a Churnups style slot after him so not third.
  18. The whole sentence said "I don't buy the whole Tories are wasteful or corrupt or whatever and Labour will fix that and that will lead to growth." Take one part and it reads differently, take it all and it makes sense and does not say what you suggest.
  19. Politicians never say how - they like to say what....................... cos that is easy.
  20. An initital rise in growth will come simply in having a new government that is not the Tories. Businesses will invest more as they will have more confidence and people will consider spending more as they too will have more confidence............. but for how long? If things remain poor and people see litttle real change then this will stop. Regardsless of who I choose to vote for I hope it does work, whatever it is Labour, the likely winners, will do................ cos if the UK carries on like it is then it will take 100 years to sort.
  21. Maybe, but without tax or growth you cannot fund more and to get growth you need workers who pay tax. The UK is in a mess and whoever takes over is going to need 15 or more years to try and sort it out. Will the electorate give someone that much time? I doubt it.
  22. IDLES are Friday as elsewhere on other days. The rest is not definate Fri/St/Sun in order on poster though as if you take out Shania Twain on Pyramid them Michael Kinawuka would be Sunday but he is playing Saturday. There will be some surprises in who is what day which hopefully will help with clashes
  23. The only way the UK will get meaningful growth in the next few years is to fill vacancies that are stopping sick folks get back to work and to fill vacanices of job those able simply do not wish to do. There is evidence everywhere that immigrants contribute to the UK economy in a big way. Someone somewhere who wants to govern needs to be honest and tell people that if we want growth and so to spend on the services we all want then we need immigration. As nobody will do that as they are scared it will lose them votes then how exactly will the UK get growth now or perhaps ever?
  24. Seems pretty sure she will get 10 years.................... or is that just the excuse for not doing anything much if/when they don't do anything much in 5 years
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