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Nobody Interesting

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Everything posted by Nobody Interesting

  1. So whoever wrote this thinks doing stuff in the next 6 years will cost more than leaving it for the next 11 years............. Cos inflation never puts up costs does it! I have seen figures that show the difference will be a double cost in delaying. All depends who writes the stuff and what their aim is in showing the numbers. One thing is obvious, or ought to be, doing nothing will cost trillions as what we have will crumble and as this winter has shown will cost in lost work hours, rebuilding costs etc Still, none of it will be done til 2045 at the earliest
  2. It was sustainable when introduced as nobody saw inflation going high, wages going up loads and so the max it ever would be was 2.5% and that would be covered by the annual growth they all expected. DOH
  3. You can get a refund on tickets til 3rd May so even if you pay the balance you will get to see lots more of the lineup before that final date.
  4. All part of why there are now limited Wednesday arrival tickets - to spread the traffic out over more time as the councils did not consider events like this when scheduling their works.
  5. Blimey, where to even start............................... In simple terms changes to almost everything and how it is done as it does not benefit the masses how it is done now. Everyone should be able to see that as the evidence is everywhere. The world is full of hate, anger, conflict, war etc - this happens because of how systems are set up and as a result of these the electorate move further into the space that generates such. History shows us where it all likely leads. Perhaps as history is there to teach us maybe we try a different way - like Costa Rica did and so far so good. I could go into detail here but it would take me days to do it and few would read it all and take much notice so there really is no point. The world is run by those who created the systems and the systems work fine for them - so they will not change the systems. Until such time as we reject all the 'normal' parties then those systems will not change.
  6. It's the cookies that dictate what ads you see. Unless you clear all cookies, including the ones you want (no easy way to see which you do and which you don't) then you get ads based on recent web browsing and newer cookies with a few older ones. Also a few 'sponsored' ones as well.
  7. Which is exactly what those who the system benefits want............... an electorate who just accept it or decide to disengage with it. They are winning on all fronts and people like me who have been pro change for their life see no real point anymore and think perhaps the time has come to give up and just live the rest of our lives outside of 'societal norms'
  8. History says yes, back to the Tories and a dribble to Lib Dems. History is always a good place to find what might happen in the future. Not sure how Reform will effect things? Look at Ukip from 2013 onwards and you will find the answer. I see nothing, not a thing, to suggest the UK political scene will change in my lifetime
  9. 25% Tories, 40% Labour, 10% lib Dem Seems 7.5/10 are quite happy with mainstream aka same old same old
  10. As proof that this does not happen I give you 1997 to 2010.
  11. Voters of 'left' parties seem far less willing to change who they vote for. Ukip then Brexit Party now Reform all have big chunks follow them when they are fed up of the Tories. When people on the left are fed up of Labour they tend to vote Labour or not vote
  12. Most Corbynites are still in the Parliamentary Labour Party. Very few left/were thrown out. They just toes the new line like good boys and girls do in Parliament.
  13. The thing near gate C that you could walk up had stairs - was it still a thing last year? All I remember is that you walked up inside and out onto a platform. Might be for that
  14. Modular staircases/tower cranes................... that's according to Googles image search. Made by Liebherr
  15. Talking of UKIP............................. I see them moaning about changing a flag and wanting the England kit burnt. Yeh, cos changing a flag!!!
  16. Don't forget Ukip still exist so Reform are no 'kippers' Reform were created by people who did not think Ukip were radical/right enough and members of Britain First joined up. So Ukip and Reform are different beasts, both racist but one far more racist and nasty than the other. The fact that 10-15% of people might vote for Reform says all too much about the state of the UK.
  17. I loved the mosh pit for it too - bonkers but a huge fun way to start a day
  18. You don't think that will stop the conspiriloons do you?
  19. I feel and share your pain It will be worth it though
  20. They have updated the website so it may have changed - 9am to 9pm entry as they had not put that in but no idea what else they may have added/changed
  21. More to politics than Labour and Conservative - but sadly the others get very little coverage apart from Reform who now seem to be mainstream news despite having never actually won anything. Media bias is scary at the moment.
  22. Will Starmer and Sunak contact Karrimor?
  23. Another great way to use Tax payers money. Home Secretary James Cleverly used a private chartered flight to visit Rwanda at a cost of £165,561.53 to the taxpayer, government documents have revealed. The latest transparency data from the Home Office showed Mr Cleverly took the flight in December last year as he headed to the capital Kigali to sign a new treaty with the African nation around the government's asylum seeker deportation plan. According to the document, 14 people were on the plane, with the Guardian reporting they included members of his private office, a small team of civil servants, a photographer and a BBC TV crew.
  24. Any self respecting Labour supporter would understand fully why the request was made.
  25. Nowt wrong with anything that celebrates Pride
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