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Everything posted by Superscally

  1. I want to the documentary of @Woffy's stag do.
  2. Should I know who Black Dyke Band are?
  3. Would be interesting to see the reaction to a Smiths headline reunion...
  4. Coutinho can still cut it in the Prem
  5. Snowdonia mentalness. Hats fucking firmly off.
  6. You gotta get me four first. If you do, you can have one. Stilettos have done nothing for me tbf and I'm not sure if I fancy the smell of cow shit! 😂
  7. Has anyone done Glasto in high heels the whole time? I'll pay for someone's ticket if they do and film the fun for me*! *Must also secure me, the missus and a couple of buddies tickets in the resale.
  8. Yes! In there like a greyhound out the traps!
  9. Seriously guys. Give up hope. 😂
  10. Fuckinell Stevie, now you're taking the piss 😉
  11. Some big dogs arriving surprisingly late to the party. I like it.
  12. Superscally


    Got four tickets at face value for the Jan 30 gig at Vic Warehouse in Manchester... Anyone?
  13. I think you've been playing around with the LSD if you think the line up is running that deep 🤣🤣🤣
  14. Yep. You need to work harder. At least another five.
  15. What physio support you getting boss?
  16. Tell em to sack it off. If anyone is talking about it...their lack of faith is disturbing. 😘
  17. 😍😍😍😍 Oooh! Just about to get PROPER interesting!
  18. I've heard this is decent: https://uk.bookshop.org/books/becoming-forrest-one-man-s-epic-run-across-america/9780008472511
  19. IT band syndrome is often a beginner's growing pain that people pay too much attention to and IF you catch it early enough you can run through it. Key thing is (as has been mentioned) is to try and strengthen your glutes and TRY (easier said than done) to stretch the ITB/TFL and as long as your pain doesn't go beyond a 3/10 and isn't increasing steadily, you can carry on running. If it does, rest from running, find an exercise that doesn't upset it and keep up with the other stuff.
  20. I only deleted that to avoid that sort of beef. I've got sod all I could make NFTs of, and no knowledge or desire to make them. I just knew that would get thrown back at me as some people here have no ability to read nuance. You're just too smart, you little tinker. It wasn't the point I was trying to make either. Even if there is a move away from the destructive qualities of it, it's capitalism at its worst, not best. It's just the equivalent of a suitcase of money being thrown onto a motorway for people to scramble over. I think it's a bad buzz for Glasto to get involved, it's anti-Glasto. Don't like. It also amuses me when someone has spent 1.6m on a picture of a monkey when that's all it is. A picture of a monkey. Who's the monkey now? However, if proven not to be the case, and it was a force for good, I'd be happy to review that opinion. Might even sell some NFT's for shits and gigs.
  21. Nah man. Crypto is an evil, selfish enterprise that is fucking the planet sideways. No sympathy.
  22. On a similar but slightly different note. Looking forward to being steadily amused by thousands of people seeing their crypto/NFT fortunes vanish/get hacked in years to come. Saw some dude have his monkeys swapped for jpegs the other day on twitter. Oh, how I laughed. 1.6 million down the shitter. Thread now shut down to maintain confidence in the market apparently. Lols. Oh yeah, the metaverse and virtual Glasto is something I won't give a single fuck about. Would be like one of those families that manage to avoid having a telly and are better off for it... It would be shite.
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