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Yoghurt on a Stick

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Everything posted by Yoghurt on a Stick

  1. OK, here's a tenuous one, in that it's got the word 'sun' in it, as in 'Sunday'. And I really should have posted it this morning too, but never mind;
  2. I had to look that up. It would appear to be true that a fungal growth can occur on a tree from a lightning strike. However, the fungus doesn't look strong, to me https://www.kew.org/read-and-watch/king-alfreds-cakes-fungus
  3. Do you mean that they'd never get sufficient funding just from selling small tin boats? I've just recalled that I had previously wondered if the stall owners were also the mill's owners?
  4. I had no idea. And I've driven there and back too! My capacity to remember 'things' is diminishing. Thanks for the clarification. It's a beautiful site for a festival. I gauge that because we had our own mini festival there - complete with silent disco in the wee hours. Someone i know had hired the kit with loads of headphones so that people could dance and not have music blaring out across the landscape. Then some of us decided to go around the clock, and not sleep. So, we had a fire. And then at about 7am or 8am a proper hunt came over the hill right in front of us. It was a proper hunt too. I didn't see any objectors (apart from those around me that was).
  5. I've not been to the Farmer Phil's Festival, but did get to stay on the site during a temporary break in the covid lockdown. It was my mate's 60th birthday. How he managed to secure that site in the middle of covid I do not know. You mention Ratlinghope, but other than knowing it's in Shropshire (where I live) I see no connection. Do they have a festival?
  6. I have sent two entries into the Water Aid competition. I may work on a third entry.
  7. I would upvote your statement / sentiment, but have ran out of them. 🙂
  8. So, I was right on the other thread - it is a water mill. My memory has been compromised by various self indulgent activities and older age, but 'knew' that it was a water mill. There was always something fitting about this stall being at Glastonbury. It just seemed right.
  9. Thanks for clarification. I guess al_coholic could still try the competition, and if he won, give the one winning place to a friend, and then give his own winning ticket to another friend to see if they could blag there way in. I have given two Glastonbury tickets to people to use and they got in.
  10. I'm shoehorning this one in, as it does mention 'suns' within it. It's a song that gives me goose pimples;
  11. Surely if you won and they asked you for two people's details, you could just give them two other people's details? I once won two adult Interrail Passes and they said they were not transferable. However, when I approached them with a heartfelt story they transferred them to two of my friends names. Use 'The Force'
  12. Mike Pinder - Moody Blues keyboard player.
  13. I seem to recall the profits from the little tin boats going to renovate a building - possibly a water mill. Can anyone confirm? https://www.alamy.com/steam-powered-boat-stall-at-glastonbury-festival-of-contemporary-performing-image5084195.html
  14. Is that a live competition, or has the completion date been and gone? I've tried looking but can't seem to find anything.
  15. Don't ask me why (because I don't consciously know) but I'd take Morrisons over the Co-op any day of the week.
  16. My mistake - I haven't read the whole of the thread, but should have known that the discussion hadn't veered away from G +lasto ticket comps, and onto the purchasing of whatever it is people shop for in supermarkets. As an aside, I once realised that I was the 'loony' in the supermarket. I was the person who 'everybody' was shuffling away from. That was quite some dawning / awakening.
  17. Surely a Morrison's is better than the Co-op? Is that not a thing? I know that the Co-op around here sells stuff that's more expensive than the M & S around here.
  18. Have you ever kissed it, in a moment of gratitude? If not, I think you should. Anybody who has been to and will go to Glastonbury should kiss it in homage. * * - If you charged a quid to kiss the ring, and it caught on, you could be minted. Look at the people (eejits) queuing up at the Blarney Stone, as example of a similar successful business model.
  19. Wow, what a story! Of course, 'we' can't even begin to hypothesise with not knowing the scale of the 'piece' (ringpiece!) of artwork.
  20. I have a friend who grows small oak tree saplings from acorns each year. He gives the saplings to people who have suffered a bereavement, so that they can plant each sapling where they want, in memory of their loved one. Might be an idea for you. Remember - From acorns great oak trees will grow.
  21. I knew that Scotland had an alcohol tax, but was totally unaware that Wales had too. There must be loads of people with vans ferrying in cheaper alcohol across the border and into Wales, surely? Same goes for Scotland. I don't live so very far from the Welsh border (Shropshire). If only I had the cojones, I could make a mint.
  22. We have a large log cabin at the end of the garden, which has electrics and wifi etc. The cabin lights had been left on as well as the heating, so I needed to turn them off, as well as close the door so that a fox or some such didn't get in there. Cabin photo two.htm
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