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Yoghurt on a Stick

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Everything posted by Yoghurt on a Stick

  1. Your (and everybody else's) determination is admirable.
  2. Possibly of use to someone near the telford area; https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/323886636935653
  3. That's so very, very true. I had the opportunity to be very corrupt (or even plain old corrupt). I even knew how it could be done, without any forensic trace. After I arranged my own redundancy, I told them about the 'fault' in their system of operation, and how it should be negated. They took it up immediately. I don't mention that to glorify in what a great systems analysis I could be. More to tell you that how sh*t I am at corruption.
  4. If she's from the Black Country, i reckon she could nut rivets into steel girders.
  5. The first was certainly in that era. That was when i was supposed to be studying Economics at Essex University. It would be fair to say that I did next to no studying. The second time I was working, and it was day release from my employers.* * - I once found myself (owing to an internal re-structure) suddenly being in charge of lots of budget money (millions), but having no line manager. I was left to my own devices. As I had already got the section running like a Swiss timepiece, I decided to allow myself to go on an IT course for 2 hours a week. This was at the start. Then I declared to my assistant that it was now a one day a week course. I used to go and do about and hour of IT in the morning, and then go over to a pub opposite, which opened at about 10am. I used to get paid to be in the pub drinking. Is it any wonder this country is on its knees, with bandits like me around!?
  6. I flunked two degrees, as I could handle the maths elements. Mind you, one was a Building Surveying degree, and that involved a lot of work in the area of structural mechanics. I'd sit in the class room frozen with fear, as I simply hadn't got a clue what the lecturer was saying. May as well have been talking in Russian.
  7. My definition of that equates to 'hard as f**k then'.
  8. Pork scratchings are appreciated in either area.
  9. 'The band's name was derived from Dexedrine, a brand of dextroamphetamine used as a recreational drug among Northern soul fans to give them energy to dance all night.[5] While recruiting members for the new band, Rowland noted that "Anyone joining Dexys had to give up their job and rehearse all day long'. The Northern Soul nights in Birmingham (and probably elsewhere) used to take place in a nightclub which catered for the 'mainstream' disco type crew up until about 1am on a Saturday or Sunday morning. Then at about 2am they's open up again for the Northern Soul crew. As the venue was only licenced to 1am, there was no alcohol at the bar for the Northern Soul punters. They didn't need it - all they wanted to do was dance. Oh, and take speed.
  10. By which i mean, yours is a fine question to raise.
  11. I wouldn't like to play you at Cluedo.
  12. So, all I have to do is think of the number I first thought of, add 10. divide by 2, and multiply by a number that's going to be drawn out of a tombola, and all will be well with the world? I think I'll settle for @Joshuwarr's response. My head can deal with that.
  13. Would upvote, but am out of them.
  14. I had thought that there might be an 'appropriate' number of people interviewed. Looks like they've nailed it on the numbers front then. The figures mentioned / data in the report is impressive stuff.
  15. You should stop looking at beauty products on TV That way lies madness
  16. That was an interesting read, and goes someway to explaining the scale of the 'beast' that is Glastonbury Festival. However, is the sample (see below) mathematically an OK sample number wise? I have no idea. Just asking, is all. The report was based on a survey of 643 Festival-goers – interviewed face-to-face at the 2023 Festival – plus an online survey of 354 Festival staff and 148 volunteers, as well as 30 telephone interviews with local businesses
  17. I'd not heard of Millport before your post. Looks like a nice quaint place from the photos I've just looked at. I guess all those ten mile walks are going to stand you in good stead for the festival.
  18. How lovely. Where was the ferry trip from and to? I've been to a few of the islands on the west coast of Scotland. To me, getting on a Calmac ferry is heaven.
  19. Somebody's got to put it on here. He definitely deserves it; As an aside, here's an interesting homage;
  20. Cheap framed ones here; https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005444844834.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.2cc255ba4jxDeP&algo_pvid=24a98bc1-be4d-459a-b7e3-8971ddfb0e77&algo_exp_id=24a98bc1-be4d-459a-b7e3-8971ddfb0e77-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!1.99!1.99!!!1.99!1.99!%40211b600217105493947954628ea50d!12000033107114621!sea!US!904084002!&curPageLogUid=jlJtvArldoYC&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A&gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt Obviously they'll be a P & P charge to consider, but framed ones will last the weekend - only in theory though. They may well get lost along the way.
  21. Excellent - on both fronts. Have ran out of up votes.
  22. Ran out of upvotes.
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