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Everything posted by Justiceforcedave

  1. Hello! Yes... you've guessed it, I bought tickets for Rage and now I can't get my coach money back. Tickets were £69 each but happy to do both for £69 (I'll cover the £10 admin charge to switch them to your name too).
  2. Oh wow.... yeah this is excellent! Straight onto the must sees. Damnit! I need less bands in my clashfinder not more!
  3. Does he usually play with a band? Perhaps just solo performance?
  4. It's awesome watching them all tear chunks out of each other, leak stories to the press and so on.... then when the new leader goes in it'll be all "Of course they have my full support". Hilarious!
  5. It depresses me so much to say this... but I suspect Labour will gain at least a small advantage whoever gets the job, providing they're not white and male.
  6. Scored two tickets on this advice! Thank you.
  7. Thanks for the hot tip! I figure my best chance will be week of the show when lots of people will have given up trying and there will be a handful of folks who can’t go last min.
  8. Psychic ticket snipers keep grabbing them from twickets.
  9. I'm desperate for a Brixton ticket!
  10. They can't quit if he fires them first. The logic is sound.
  11. Dom Cum writes texts in a similar way to how my mum writes texts.
  12. I can't wait for tomorrow's bin fire. The Brexiteers are gonna be pissed.
  13. Amen. If it's got a runny yolk I'd probably pay more.
  14. Anyone got any hot tips for a chap looking for fado and pastel de nata?
  15. Is a scotch egg a meal?
  16. Justiceforcedave


    Yup! I want that set!
  17. Do we think Macca is the kind of guy to pull something special or different out of the bag for Glasto or is being a Beatle enough?
  18. Anyone been looking at the sound check set list? Jet’s in there. I wonder if some of these are being rehearsed to get unleaded on the Pyramid? https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/paul-mccartney/2022/fenway-park-boston-ma-6bb43a66.html
  19. I can remember another vote where the numbers, details and context didn’t matter much either.
  20. Are we ruling out a secret Glasto slot? Seems a bit big.
  21. Secret ballot innit? Makes it extra spicy.
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