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Virtual campfire 08


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there were 10 in the bed and the little one said roll over roll over

so they all rolled over and one fell out, bumped his head, ate a shed

please remember to tie a knotin your pyjamas single beds were only made for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

9 in the bed and the little one said roll over roll over

so they all rolled over and one fell out, bumped his head, ate a shed

please remember to tie a knotin your pyjamas single beds were only made for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7......

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Hey found out loads today.

The ferry across the Mersey is actually rather shit.

Birkenhead is rather shit

The Customs and Excise Museum is rather shit

The quality of the sandwiches my son made is rather shit

The chance of me actually spending another day touring Liverpool is rather good.

Have we all had good days too???

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Well i had a knackering weekend!, Went out friday night and got totally shitfaced!, Then woke up Saturday morning at 4am and drove up to Whitehaven in the car then rode my bike (push bike) to Sunderland (Coast to Coast) 146 bloody miles and 10 hours on a bicycle!, Hardcore or what!. Then had work on Sunday at 9am!. So christ i'm rather tired now!.


Awesome :ph34r:

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hey guys sorry to disappoint no manic Pete stories lol bloody wish there was tho :lol:

i have been poorly and on the settee all weekend, now im at work poorly i have practically no voice and its not self inflicted how shit is that!!!!!

hope your all well nearly T day :lol: i still need to work out how im gunna pay for the ticket, i will have the money but im not alllowed to use my card to buy things on the internet, or in a shop only to draw money out :ph34r: damn debts lol

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In mathematics...

2 X 9 hour journeys / Y amount of spliffs + 1 bike ride pulling a briefcase on wheels that is seemingly bigger than myself behind me = KNACKERED!!!

...but it was worth it, afterall, how could I turn down a personal invitation (with frilly edges) from the Boosh themselves to watch them perform at my hometown due to my legendary status? :lol:

And they were actually much better than I expected. I kinda thought I'd be dissapointed but not a bitski. Lot's of music and a live band too, I think they'll be concentrating more on the music in future like rather than the stand up, seen as though they made an hours presentation about the bleek visions of the future before playing 4 tunes to finish off the show with :O

Aaaah yes! And the sugarpuff monster gets raped until his head blows off! :lol::lol::ph34r:;):P:lol:

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