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Virtual campfire 08


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Good luck with the interview Rusty.

mmm Coffee. Nothing like the fresh smell of coffee in a morning. Its smells like, well like coffee.

Knockengorroch was absolutely fantastic. Only had 2500 on site at the most, but the weather was wonderful, even the little 12 hour downpour. I haven't smiled and laughed so much ever. Spent the early hours of Thurs morning with a band from Spain trying to learn Spanish. I kept on pronouncong "Bueno" as "Beano" just for mischief. Thurs there was no "official" entertainment so we just mooched around, and strangely it was one of the best festival nights I have ever had. Do remember dancing to a generator and the beat of cutlery crashing to the floor is not to be missed :ph34r: Got a great story to tell about one of Jons ex's which if I can get effing Facebook sorted I will put on.

Best band of the season for me was the Warsaw Village Band. f**king great and all they have is a bass drum, a keyboard, a violin and what looked like a xylophone. Had me dancing like a maniac on the Saturday night, but then I had spent Friday night guarding the entrance gate some 4 miles from the site. After dancing to WVB, I went off to the dance Tent and was talking to my supervisor who pointed out that it was 5.30 am and we were both at work at 9am, for a 12 hour shift as well. We were the only 2 that turned up, well not really turned up as we were there already, so we spent a hot and sunny day just wandering the site, chatting and drinking Chai.

Managed a swim most mornings in the dipping pool, and it's just great as no one is body conscious, so sod the clothes. I even managed to get a rather serious job offer that will make for a different festival season next year.

Oh I've got to tell you about my friends Mark and Dee. This year was the first anniversary of when they met and they are now engaged, and apparently its all down to me. Last year I knew Mark well, but we hadn't met Dee. I was working in the campsite and I walked over to Dee. She turned around, and I just said "My God, you have the most beautiful eyes". I then shouted Mark over to have a look and they both hit it off.

I could really go on and on about this festival, and there is only one a year now in May, but we all really have to go up there as a group. You would all love it, and the crew that I work and camp with are some of the best people in the world. The comedian Phil Kay was comparing and he said "Knockengorroch isn't a festival, it's a state of mind"

I've decided to knock Glastonbury on the head for the festival, but I will still work for the set up etc, but these little one's are the pinnacle for me now. Most of the people I know don't bother with the big ones and have never heard of message boards, and most of the festivals are non profit local community projects and really struggle financially, and I think that I would like to spend a couple of seasons putting a bit more back into them, as I walk away from them confident and fulfilled, and most of all happy and full of energy and fight for the coming year. Without the wonderful people I have met I wouldn't have got this far, and I now know I can get alot further. Balls I have just realised that I am talking rubbish :lol:

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