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2015 Campervan Tickets - Those in need - Download Festival

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Over the past couple of weeks, good to see a steady exchange of campervan supplements passes both here and gumtree for those genuinely in need.

When I was looking at the same time as my ad on Gumtree I also put an advert in Derby and surrounding area newspapers. Nothing came from there, gumtree came up with the goods. However if you have no luck an advert in one of the big city papers might just do it. If you wan't something you gotta go the extra mile.

***RESPECT*** this site...

On one of the other threads there's a grumble about these exchanges. It's true to say you don't appreciate something until you lose it. These passes are hard to come by if we lose this resource it will be more difficult. So I'd suggest don't talk about cost.

Whats working and I think is cool, putting your name here saying you need a ticket and putting your name here saying you have a ticket you don't require, communicate offline, all we want is genuine dudes and dudettes to be able to exchange these passes and enjoy download, rock out, head back to the camper and party some more.

Now you will always get your dealers spoiling things, everything from telling you a sob story, to get what they want from you for very little to then go to someone else asking for an extortionate rate, no better than a ticket tout. We want to get away from this. You know who genuine music fans are, you've only got to ask a few questions to know......Have fun :)

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You guys seen this!

I'm nothing to do with the seller. Don't know who they are.

They've got some savvy and advertised it as campervan supplement so got their ad accepted. Good look peeps!

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Right folks, as I've just posted, I bought seamonkey on eBay's supplement for £155 inc postage and it's getting delivered tomorrow, woop woop! My search has not been without issues tho.

About 2 weeks ago I put my mobile number on Gumtree and on here for ppl to text me if they had one for sale. I received a text message in some very poor English offering me one. Following an exchange of a few messages, all of them in very poor English, I agreed to buy the person's ticket for £70 by bank transfer. Now the guy wouldn't answer the phone claiming he had lost his voice and was unable to speak and he also said he didn't have a camera phone. now I know what you are all thinking, why did I even entertain this bozo right? Well I agreed to send him half the next day and the remaining half on receipt of the ticket as I didn't entirely trust him but it was too good an opportunity to miss out on.

Anyway, after sending him the £35 I have had no replies from him and he has not answered my calls, save once when I rang him from work and the number was withheld. He assured me that he would send the ticket the following day and that he hadn't done it cos his mum had been ill. I was slightly reassured as the address he had given me was in Scotland and he had a Scottish accent.

Unsurprisingly I heard nothing more from him, he continued to ignore my texts and never answered the phone again.

Now in the grand scheme of things I know that £35 isn't a great deal and all together, with the money I've saved buying my other tickets from Gumtree too, I have spent roughly what they all would have cost me on ticketmaster so I don't feel too bad.

I have informed actionfraud.police and they are investigating.

Now it may have happened for many reasons, the guy lost his phone, maybe his mum was really ill but I don't think that a total lack of comms is entirely innocent.

I am gonna post the details of the person here as I don't want any of you guys to get caught out by the same guy.

Name P Muirhead

Address 26 Hermes Road, Elgin

Mobile no. 07904448790

Sort code 070436

Account no. 00754780

Obviously the account and sort code are the important things, the name and address could be made up for all I know.

Just be careful guys, get photos of the tickets with the date on a piece of paper next to them to verify they are the real deal.

I know that many of you will think I was stupid to send any money (I mean, who doesn't have a camera phone these days right). I think of it as a gamble that didn't pay off.

Please be aware of this tho ppl and don't get done up the bum like I did.

Anyway, I am now out of the race, good luck to you all and enjoy download whether in tents or vans.

Keep your horns up folks and remember, on a Crazy Crazy Night, in Detroit Rock City, God Gave Rock n Roll To YOU!!!

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I think this is the conman that got sent away for 2 years for going to Cuba with £18k he conned out of old fogeys. Google his name. The time between his old operations and new would be about right. I doubt that;s the right address but he's pretty stupid so who knows. Either way your cash is gone.

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