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A little game we played

Guest ghandi

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On getting back we all send each other emails and marks out of 10 the gigs we saw and the reasons behind it!

Ok then! Here goes.

1) Can we have a 3 way tie!!! Or is that cheating?!

Coldplay 9/10

Brilliant gig, just what Glastonbury is about in my book, good sing a long music, good company and lots of drink = a bloody good time. Love there new stuff to date and I actually thought the new single at the end was a signal to the new era of the band, hopefully some of the dross of the last two albums has gone and I might start loving them again.

Radiohead 9/10 , only the weather stop it from being a 10. Everything else was there. You know i love the band the music et al, the setting was great and the realisation of not missing them again as the special guests, although widely rumoured, i wouldn't believe it until someone saw Thom over the fence beside the stage! f**king brilliant gig! I did notice the rain.... but only just.

Elbow 9/10, I love Elbow and have much man love for Guy Garvey, he's a proper bloke that wrights cracking lyrics to great songs, you should really listen more closely to earlier stuff than to right them off as slow and boring, Wrong they are a class act, just only come to the fore in the last two to three years and as they celebrated they have been around for 20! Great sunset gig finished brilliantly with " One day like this", a true Glasto anthem. Also did you see the state of his trousers! He had been up to the Park to see the Walkmen and had fell over in the mud, did he change for the gig, f**k no he loves it!

The Joy Formidable 8.5 / 10

Didn't get a 9 because of the 20 minutes over due start. But what a gig from a band with only one album, raw and energetic and in Ritzy Bryan they have a true perhaps in the future very famous front women. She plays lead to her two men on Base and Drums, and together they are great to watch. I am going to see them in October.

Laura Marling 8/10

Missed the start because of Joy Formidable starting late, but as a wandered onto a very hot sun soaked Pyramid with Cider in hand a great calm came over me as i wandered through the deck chairs and people lying on the floor to get a decent viewing spot. Now I am not a great lover of this type of music, but she transcends that. She has a great voice and rights lovely lyrics and of course is a sweetie pie. A lovely performance in the sun, really enjoyed it.

Kool and the Gang 8/10

It was nice to finish off the night and festie with a bit of old school, and Pete and myself being of an age to be old soul boys who remember dancing in clubs to these really got down with it on the night :) Good old sing along , and a bloody good choice to go against Bouncy on the Pyramid. Though not in my top five they run close.

Two Door Cinema Club 8/10

The Boys didn't let anyone down, the songs as played out last year but on the bigger stage. People know how good they are but i bet they didn't know they were going to get as big a crowd as that! I even like the two new tracks they played. Time will tell how long they last.

The Kills 8/10

Yes i know music i objective and i have never tied myself to any specific type of music and i really love that dirty earthy blues type rock that these and Jack White produce, its proper down in the mud ( if you pardon the expression!) stuff. Of course i love Allison Mosshart, although i try not to let it cloud my judgement...... much :)

Anna Calvi 7.5/ 10

I really like her, i know none of you do. Really good although short owing to the one album. But she really does have a cracking voice and is a very very accomplished guitar player. One really to watch in the future although i believe she will remain Underground. It just depends one the exposure she gets.

U2 7.5 / 10

I would have liked the gig save for reasons we all know. Not really being attentive as although i got there from the start i was wondering around for 20 mins trying to find you lot and then the heavens really opened and as i had been standing in the rain for about three hours it really started to tell on me. I have watched it back and if i had been down at the frontish i would have enjoyed it more.

Wombat 7 //10

I really like the Wombats, they have some cracking tunes and performed them really well, wasn't really close enough to tell how well though, although they sounded good. I was torn between going to the West Holts to see Little Dragon and after watching it back online, Little Dragon were really good, and i would have got closer to the front there, oh well the choices we make!

Plan B 6.5 /10

I really like the album but he didn't play my favorite and did some sort of karaoke mix of Smokie Robinson songs... i think? Again we were at the back and it was a bloody hot afternoon. Enjoyed it though could have been better.

Stonefield 6.5 /10

First gig of this year in the JP and really enjoyed the set, they got a great reaction , really good stuff from the youngsters!

Yuck 6/10

Same score as Andy and all for the same reason. I love the base guitarist, if the Ramones and John Entwistle had a love child and by some miracle it was a girl, then she would be it. Very humorous and a good player as well. Some good tunes but the lead singer is weak IMO and as Andy said the drummer is just there because he has a big Fro!

Everything Everything 5/10

Not really " Everything", they were ok. They are actually pretty ground breaking in their sound and have some really good catchy numbers but not enough to make me stay until the end for fear of not getting back though the Pyramid crush to the tent at the other side after Paul Simon!

Warpaint 4/10

Only because i didn't see enough of the set. I quite like their dreamy 70's American style music. They are an all girl band but that shouldn't count against them :)

Kaiser Chiefs 3/10

Sorry but save a couple of tracks i was very bored. Never been my cup of tea. I don't even think Ricky what's his name has a good voice and the rest of the band a anonymous. The new stuff sounds as bad as the rest of Employment except the hits which are good, but not great.

Big Audio Dynamite 2/10

I had to stand through this lot in drizzling rain, and we all know why. I would not have chosen to do so but for the kings that are and Thom and boys.


The Eels, same as above except the Kaiser Chiefs followed them and they were not worth waiting for!!

All in all a really great festival for me ! I would have loved to have seen Friendly Fires ( but they clahed with Elbow ) , watched their gig on BBC Glasto website and i would have been dancing non for the whole gig :), gutted i missed the Horrors as well, but the mud put pay to that. I also watched Primal Scream and was very impressed, although i would still have got extremely wet as it was on Friday night,

Anyway thanks again for your great company as always, lets look a long way forward to 2013 :(

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