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18 year old. packing.

Guest westy 2007

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I had a beer or two stolen last year - or maybe i drank them... i can't remember. However, i did talk to a couple of people who had been really unfortunate. There are w*nkers in every walk of life and there are bound to be a few at Glasto. Just don't take anything of value (only take what you can afford to loose), keep your wallet/money on your person at all times even when sleeping. Another tip is don't camp right next to main pathways, and stay away from heavily congested areas such as near toilets, or right next to the Pyramid stage. I nearly always camp right next to the fence in the far field of the family field as i've never had any trouble there (everybody is friendly there). Plus thats a good area as your high up incase the unmentionable weather arrives.

Generally though Glasto goes off with minimal hitches. Never had anything stolen (i think) and i've been for quite a few years. My parents always go and bring the kitchen sink, but camp in the disabled field which has stewards on the gate nearly all the time (although most of them are either constantly drunk or stonned - i got given a spliff by one of them lol).

The main thing to remember is to have fun (and bring enough money in order to have that fun and for emergencies), you'll have a great time. It is, after all, the world's greatest festival!


See you all in a field in 3 weeks (gosh, its only 3 weeks away - GET IN!)

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Last year on the Monday I was sure I had been robbed - all my girlfriends stuff was everywhere and was £150.00 down – we all had a good look around and came to the conclusion we had been stung!

We gathered our stuff and headed out off site – pulled into a service station and felt something in my foot while a was in the queue at burger king

I was sure it was the guide you get when you get in

Got to the car looked in my shoe and there was the £150.00 only then did I get flash backs from the night before – me and my girlfriend headed back to our tent as she was done in – I wanted to go and see the Verve and Neil Diamond - but fell asleep

I believe I woke up realised I had no cash on me started rummaging through mine and my girlfriend stuff – found the money put it in my shoe and fell back asleep –Hahahaha

Moral of the story is - You are more likely to rob yourself than to be robbed


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i'm glad you agree with me, but i'm not sure i like the acronym of my username to "mr naf" :P

i am a boy though so i guess we can get away with being dirty and disgusting. :P by the way i've reread my post and it did read a bit aggresive... i didn't intend it to be!

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Thanks - it will be interesting if this is rolled out across the UK by Trading Standards and Weights and Measures { the two Departments that do deal with under age drinking }

It makes sense to have Challenge 25 in force everywhere in the UK then at least everyone knows where they stand.

Thanks for sending me a copy which I will pass on .


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Hmm I remember I had a go at Glasto-Worker in another thread due to his general Kill-joy demeanour and the fact you can tell he is one of those people who has been given a small ounce of power and took it FAR too seriously. Fair play if its just someone posting some knowledge they have the odd time to try and help other people out, but from what i've read, hes not trying to do that.

The fact that people we've never met have imposed these ridiculous restrictions on drinking a liquid that is part of our countries heritage is ridiculous.

Then in the context of Glastonbury, the way people like that are, is even worse.

I'd DEFINITELY get a beer for someone who couldnt get one themselves, or just give them one of my cans. Who cares man, if you got knocked down tomorrow and died, you'd wish you hadn't sat there reading a rulebook about licensing laws and f**k knows what else.

Live it up lads, its Glastonbury :P

.... Apologies for the rant :P

Edited by tylerdurden
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Hmm I remember I had a go at Glasto-Worker in another thread due to his general Kill-joy demeanour and the fact you can tell he is one of those people who has been given a small ounce of power and took it FAR too seriously. Fair play if its just someone posting some knowledge they have the odd time to try and help other people out, but from what i've read, hes not trying to do that.

The fact that people we've never met have imposed these ridiculous restrictions on drinking a liquid that is part of our countries heritage is ridiculous.

Then in the context of Glastonbury, the way people like that are, is even worse.

I'd DEFINITELY get a beer for someone who couldnt get one themselves, or just give them one of my cans. Who cares man, if you got knocked down tomorrow and died, you'd wish you hadn't sat there reading a rulebook about licensing laws and f**k knows what else.

Live it up lads, its Glastonbury :O

.... Apologies for the rant :)

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Hang on the staff are only following ' the laws of the land ' so are you claiming the staff should break the law ?

if you don't like it stand as a MP and see how far you get in changing the alcohol laws.

Glastonbury has never been above the law and if you are daft enough to break the law by buying drink for someone who is under age then really you cant use ' But its Glastonbury ' as a defence.

this year I will not be working in any public bar so my only reason is to warn people to carry ID is so they don't get caught out as I know loads will assume they will never get asked.

Complain to your MP as its the Government that has imposed this law but don't ask bar staff to break the law.

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dont forget the red wine, warms you up a treat at night

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There honestly isn't much thieving goes on at Glastonbury anymore. Think there used to be a fair bit before the fence. The worst we have had stolen was a chair by our neighbour who got pissed off when we asked them not to piss right next to our tent (we weren't that far from the long drops. they could have walked). Never experienced proper theft at all though. Some people are unluky. Don't leave anything you can't afford to lose in your tent.

There are the lock ups as well that you can use. I never bother but know I should.

The whole messy tent thing, I am messy anyway but just think that maybe it will deter them if they go inside and have to hunt for something of value!

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My usual packing list goes soething like this,


couple of pairs jeans,

t-shirt for each day,

Couple of hoodies

clean socks boxers for each day, + spares incae of rain.

good sturdy boots, Usually Steel toed work boots good quality and can be worn all day comfortably & free from work.

Poncho can be bought on site for a fiver, as can wellies for aboput a tenner incase of rain.



sleeping bag

Blanket for ground.

Wind up torch/radio combo, excellent for night trip to bog or avoiding Guidlines on way back/Worthy FM whilst at tent.

Solar fairy lights (string up in tent, leave panel outside during day) gives a nice light source inside tent.

Have given up taking food, stalls onsite give plenty of variety and at ok prices.

2 cases of beer, two boxes wine, 1 bottle Rum, 1 bottle vodka, transfered to plastic bottles.

Box of coke cans, 200 Cigs,

Usually carried on a sack trolley from car.

Above is for myself and missus, always run out but use bars after.

ID, (sadly never needed as i look old)


1 cash Card.

Erm thats about it i think.

Oh and a massive smile cos i'm at glastonbury!!!!

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It's what people are like at Glastonbury.

My first was in 2005 (muddy early-doors glorious Sun) and I fell over in the urinals Fri eve (I know really nasty). The action stopped and some guy from NZ picked me off the floor and ensured I got my right foot back in my welly before hitting the mud-bath below.

Not only did he do the above but he also used his short supply of wet-wipes to clean my hands as "he was not having that"

Since then I have promised myself anyone I see in any sort of trouble I will help, than includes requiring a beer.

Thats Glastonbury for me and how it differs from day-to-day life. Everybody looks out for each other.

Thats what makes it so sad when you get home.

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Been going since '97 with the missus. Every year we realise we've taken too much stuff, when on the Monday we realise we both have loads of clean clothes left. So each year we take a bit less, but not quite little enough. So, I'll be taking:

I pair jeans.

I pair shorts.

4 shirts.

1 fleece .

Socks + undies.

1 waterproof.

1 pair sturdy boots.


toiletries + stuff.

Booze. Water. Some food. Fruit, cereal bars, etc.

We used to take a change of clothes for the evening, in case we got smelly wandering about all day. Now we just don't care!!

And we've never locked the tent, and never had any trouble. Make it look nice and messy is your best bet I reckon. Throw a few pairs of dirty pants around after your misses has vacated the tent. Keep all your cash on you, in a wallet that's tied to your trousers. Keep some cash in your pocket so you're not getting your wallet out much. That's just my boy scout attitude, but we've never had any trouble in 10 years.

Yeah, get to know your neighbours. People look our for each other. Keep an eye on their tent and they'll do the same for you.

I recommend taking a couple of plastic bottles with spirits in. I favour one Vodka and one JD. Decant into hip flask or water bottle for those chilly evening bands, and helps avoid the need to get out the crowd for a piss every 20 minutes.

We used to kill ourselves trying to do it all in one trip from the car. But it was so painful, that we now do 2 trips, and take more beer than we used to. Much more civilized.


3 weeks to go!

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