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Acoustic Festival Traders

Guest hellcats

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After trying to contact the organisers of the festival after the 2007 fest was cancelled, and failing miserably to get any joy from them, I had written this one off as a loss. However, when I got in touch this year I decided to attend (against my better judgement - I would've been going to Glastonbudget had 5dc not taken over the concessions there and trebled the price of a pitch since last year!) as the person I was dealing with via email told me that the festival was no longer in the hands of Rob and Mike (Artists2Events) but that I was entitled to take up an offer of a pitch in lieu of the one that was cancelled.

I realised that the guy was lying when he signed 'Rob' at the bottom of about the 5th email!! But anyway, being the die-hard optimist that I am, I decided to say nothing and give it a go.

Well, what a mistake that was! According to the guy that was siting everyone, there were 84 non-food traders and only 1500 tickets sold!!! He was a bit concerned about this as he said Rob and Mike hadn't told him how many traders were attending - well there's a surprise!

Apparently a number of acts that had been allegedly booked didn't show up and there were a good few people complaining as they'd bought day tickets but had not been told on the gate that these very acts they'd come to see had been cancelled. (Roger Hodgson from Supertramp and the guy from Wonder Stuff to name a couple)

Basically, these guys from A2E are just out to make a fast buck and I would strongly recommend that any trader considering attending next year thinks again as YOU WILL NOT MAKE ANY MONEY!! And will probably also incur a loss like the rest of us!

I took just over £200 and paid out £300 in wages. Thank god I didn't have to sit through it all weekend as I'd set up and gone to a proper festival run by the decent and lovely people at Off the Tracks! One guy left on the saturday having taken precisely........ NOTHING! Another girl travelled from Cornwall but also left on the saturday along with a few other traders.

The punters at the festival are mainly camping types who like a bit of music thrown in so they come equipped with most of the food and drink they need for the weekend but were not allowed to take anything into the arena. Beer was being sold at ridiculous prices so it's no wonder they brought their own on the whole.

The whole event is a joke really! It's the worst organised and most greedy festival I've ever been to and that's a fair few!

Edited by hellcats
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I attended this festival after having bought tickets for last years Rock n Roots festival which surprise surprise, was cancelled at the last minute! We were offered tickets to this instead of a refund. I would have preferred a refund but the man formally known as Mike Stevens, who strangely still uses his e-mail address was unable to refund as Rock n Roots festival no longer exists. The extract below gives a more detailed explanation of who else to avoid.

The company running the festival in 2007 and 2008 are no longer trading.

The festival has been taken over by R.U.Gowin and a marketing agency

Acoustic Events, they are running the 2009 MAY 22-25th event. All

outstanding tickets are going to be honoured by the organisers.

Not a festival I would have chosen, the initial line up looked good with Roger Hodgson and Deacon Blue as the headliners. However no Deacon Blue, Albert Lee or Mungo Jerry and no explanation.

There may be 4 stages but with hardy anything happening on any at the same time, we never had a clash moment!

Roger Hodgson of Supertramp did perform and was excellent, as were The Bad Shepherds, Imeda May and Chris Difford.

We did support the stalls, a bag, a waistcoat and a rug were purchased, we had wondered why so many craft stalls dissapeared on the Saturday, what a shame for them. As we were in our caravan we were self sufficient for food and beer etc.

This whole experience has made me very wary for the future and I will try to always pay by visa and avoid anything linked to you know who!

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We went and had a great time.

Weve been to all of the Acoustic festivals and had tickets honoured for the following year when the one was cancelled in nantwich.

I did feel that there were quite alot of stalls for the event and in a way a bit concerend for the traders and there takings. We did buy some things and used the food stalls and the bar, personally I didnt find the beer prices expensive. £3 for strongbow, £3.50 ish for lager, £3 for the real ale. those prices are cpmparable to a night out and beart alot of other festival ive been too.

"The punters at the festival were the camping type who like a bit of music thrown in", sorry one of the strangest comment ive heard about festival goers who are all campers, where else would we stay ?

We heard that the reason for Mungo Gerry not being there was that he demanded more money and the event wernt willing to pay, fair enouth rearly if that was the case. Roger Hodgson did turn up and did a good set, he did charge a fortune though which did hit the festival in the pocket.

I do agree about off the tracks though, damm good event and done it myself 6 times over the years.

If its on next year we will be there as Im sure will be many more who also had a great time.

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I must've been misinformed about Roger and beer prices then but I heard there were a few people complaining about no-shows, beer prices, etc. My point is more the fact that they obviously don't care how many traders will be left out of pocket and will probably continue getting as much money out of traders for as long as they get away with it. You have to admit it's suspicious when they try to deny who they are!!

My comment about camping may have come out a bit wrong but I've never seen such an orderly row of posh caravans at a festival before and some of them even had their caravanning club fire buckets outside which is what led me to this conclusion - I'm not the only one who thought this you know? Maybe I go to the wrong 'class' of festival but give me any of the other 30-odd I've attended over this one any day of the week!

Most organisers know roughly how many traders works for a given number of punters and this wouldn't have been much better even if all 5000 tickets had sold as 84 traders would still be too many.

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We originally paid to trade at Rock and Roots, which didn't happen and this was the only way of getting our pitch fee back.

Spoke to many disgruntled campers who were in the same boat! These guys had kept their money and made out they had taken over the festival and would grace entrance. However, if they wanted to come in on Monday they had to pay an extra £25 for the privilege! Hence, the festival camp site being half empty on Monday. Cannot believe the cheek of them putting NM (NO MONDAY) on the public's wristbands!

We forewarn anyone not to go to Acoustic or Rock n Roots.!!!!!

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I must've been misinformed about Roger and beer prices then but I heard there were a few people complaining about no-shows, beer prices, etc. My point is more the fact that they obviously don't care how many traders will be left out of pocket and will probably continue getting as much money out of traders for as long as they get away with it. You have to admit it's suspicious when they try to deny who they are!!

My comment about camping may have come out a bit wrong but I've never seen such an orderly row of posh caravans at a festival before and some of them even had their caravanning club fire buckets outside which is what led me to this conclusion - I'm not the only one who thought this you know? Maybe I go to the wrong 'class' of festival but give me any of the other 30-odd I've attended over this one any day of the week!

Most organisers know roughly how many traders works for a given number of punters and this wouldn't have been much better even if all 5000 tickets had sold as 84 traders would still be too many.

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Thanks Simond! It can really ruin small traders when stuff like this happens and I'm glad you appreciate that. Lol about the caravans!

I see someone from Kendal Calling is following this thread and I've traded there too - you got it right last year with the trader:punter ratio so well done! The only reason I'm not going this year is that I've finally agreed to go to the big green which clashes :lol:

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I see someone from Kendal Calling is following this thread and I've traded there too - you got it right last year with the trader:punter ratio so well done! The only reason I'm not going this year is that I've finally agreed to go to the big green which clashes :huh:
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People dont appreciate that small businesses cannot cope with the losses incurred through not being told honestly what to expect of a festival and its visitors and trader numbers. We give up whole weekends to try to make an honest bob, but this kind of thing can have disasterous consequenses. The organisers have our money up front though, so doesnt matter to them how we do...Oh yes, and to all you festival goers not in the know...yes, we do pay copius amounts of money to trade at these events...regardless of if we sell anything or not! Sounds like a lucky escape this weekend for us...we were also due to trade this weekend at the Acoustic Fest.

Edited by gourangaoo4u
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It's worth adding that the fees paid by traders help finance every festival. Without that income ticket prices would have to rise quite considerably.

In the present economic climate this probably ain't going to be the easiest of summers for festival traders so if you're thinking of buying festival clothing, jewellery or a new pair of fairy wings, don't buy the stuff in your local high street, buy it from a festival trader instead and help keep them (and festivals) going.

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We`v been to the last two events and they have been quite different for a number of reasons.

The layout,as in reversing the arena and camping was a great idea and the area felt so much more festivally.

The weather was much better this year of course.. BUT tbh... the line up was abso;utely shite compared to last year... I only fully remembered how good last years was on seeing a T Shirt with all the acts on.

That Supertramp gadgy... we heard all the stories..wanting 5 plants on stage at 3k each... he got pissed on bamboos from Homebase.... the pretentious bastard... I couln`t stomach anymore after listening to his sickly speil so retired to the domed tent area to consume "shareables" whilst leaving our lass to tell me he actually forgot the words to some song!

The Christians--- favs of ours bailed it out for us--but not everybodies tasse du te. Adie and the Sheps went down well.

Traders.... bugger me. TWO FUDGE stalls...and as many indian style jackets to kit out the cast of a Bollywood re-make of Ben Hur. Pleasant enough to give ambience etc etc--- but not for making a fair crust. No suprise to see so many packing up.

No cash point buggered us up---- I found myself going round everystall on sunday evening tyring to get cash back. Unsuccesfully, so could not imbibe further on the not so dear ale. 3 quid aint TOO bad for a festival pint---wont get many cheaper i`d venture.

This fest will do well to survive based on this years events.

(there wont be 84 traders there in 2010 thats for sure!!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sympathise with the traders - as punters the choice was great, but there did seem rather a lot competing for limited business. Slightly surprised though to see so many traders leave early - having got set up and presumably paid staff for the whole weekend they may as well have stuck it out, and the good weather meant at least stock wasn't likely to get spoiled. We intended to buy more on the last day once we knew how much cash we had left, but found most of what we wanted had shut up; the cash didn't go to the remaining traders as it was specific stuff we had our eyes on. Even the grocery left early so we couldn't buy stuff for breakfast on the last morning.

We were there slightly under sufferance having being offered tickets following the debacle of "Rock 'n' Roots" and not getting our money back, but did enjoy it. Still not sure I'd trust the organisers again, though the facilities, music and atmosphere were great.

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