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drunk pumpkin

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Posts posted by drunk pumpkin

  1. On 6/13/2019 at 6:59 PM, Moon moth said:

    I doubt this is a genuine post, for all the reasons people have previously mentioned, but I'm also pretty sure that there will be people reading it who are considering the same thing, so for what it's worth, here's my two penneth. 

    I'm part of Glastonbury security, so I can tell you what will happen if you do 'opt out' of volunteering.:

    Firstly, your personal details and photograph will be placed on Glastonbury's block list, so you'll not be able to register to buy tickets for the festival in the future.

    Obviously you'll be blocked from Oxfam's volunteer list, and you'll also be placed on a a PAAM block list, which is accessed by other voluntary organisations, most check the list against any potential volunteers, so it's likely you'll be refused a place to volunteer at most other festivals.

    Your photograph will be distributed, via intranet, to security personnel, and they will be asked to look out for you, you are at this point classed as a trespasser on Worthy Farm land, so it's taken quite seriously. Oxfam also have the right to display your photograph on the festival noticeboards and encourage festival goers and (probably very angry, after having to cover 'opt out' shifts) volunteers and staff to look out for you, and report to security if they see you.

    It is quite likely you will be caught, and if so you will be escorted off the site. Depending on your behaviour when caught, you will either be given the chance to collect your belongings, or escorted off the site immediately if you deem to be displaying disruptive behaviour. If you resist with force you will be apprehended by the onsite police.

    So all in all, it's taken pretty seriously. Glastonbury not only needs volunteers, it depends on them for various health and safety policies which form part of the licence agreement. Volunteering isn't just an easy way into the festival, it's an important cog in the beautiful machine, and you should respect your place and your fellow volunteers and be happy to be a part of it. 


    That’s really good to know. Delighted that this is the festivals approach. thanks for sharing the info 

  2. I wouldn’t turn up with the trolley full as it will probably be turned away. 

    Also be careful with that type of trolley and don’t over fill it, the farm has very large ruts which can destroy those hard wheels and leave you stranded.


    you would be better off with a sack trolley but again I do t know if you will get it on the shuttle!

  3. I’m pretty sure You can only get dropped off at 1 point with the other coaches.

    you then need to end through gate A and make your way up to the tipi village.

    There is a property lockup by gate A if you want to do it in a couple of trips.

    i did it in 2017 up to the top of Pennards for Camp Light.


    its not a great walk but doable! 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Homer said:

    2005 wasn't even a proper mudbath:

    It only rained once and it was all fine again by Sat night/Sun morning.

    There was even a decent comedy value to staggering about in the water in the sun.

    there was some comic value. My mate in 2005....

    The least prepared person at a festival.


    we had a ball though!



    glasto 2005 035.jpg

    glasto 2005 066.jpg

  5. Just now, pilton digger said:

    he has been round and eaten some rabbit scut, failed to spot a security guard in high vis walking past until it scared the bejeesus out of him, studied the going and we can say that it is officially good to firm.


    This is more like it! 

    Great picture and great update!

    Its bloody grim up north so delighted Pilton is getting some good weather!

    I'll now get back in my box!

    Carry on!

  6. Just read through the majority of this thread (skipped the name calling bits) and it saddens me that in 2019 women can't feel safe in public spaces.

    As a father of two teenage girls I worry for them whilst they are out but know they are both sensible enough to stay safe but also rely on the fact that most people are good and decent.

    As functioning members of the human race we all should respect, honour and care for each other. 

    If we see abuse or hatred we should challenge it. 

    Everyone has the right to a happy safe festival experience and I hope we all have one.

    Take personal responsibility for your actions and look out for your fellow man (and woman)

    Also take your rubbish home with you!

    • Upvote 1
  7. I'm still waiting for the...... I've decided that I can't face it on my own so would anyone like to buy a ticket from me post!

    Hope that not the case as if you're genuine you'll have an amazing time!!!

  8. 34 minutes ago, august1 said:

    Late to this. I didn't pay for my ticket so it's showing as no order on my seetickets? Will it go to the address of the payee?

    yes it will.

    whoever paid for the tickets will gt them all. As an example I paid for 3 and they will all come to me at the same time!

    • Upvote 1
  9. On 6/8/2019 at 11:38 AM, ian the worm said:

    I hesitate to post this, but what the hell. 

    This video shows the aftermath of the festival in 2016. It was taken to show the amount of camping waste left behind by the seemingly non caring Glasto go-ers. 

    It was taken in South Park 1 and Rig’s field (blue circle below) and therefore fits your requirement. 

    Sound ON for me moaning over the mess.

    Sound OFF for the just the mess. 

    It’s a tough choice......



    The video should be compulsory viewing when you order a ticket. 

    It melts my brain that anyone in this day and age could leave a field like that. 

    Its a real problem with society today and something which needs to change.


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