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Everything posted by JoeyT

  1. I don’t know that the answer is but I’m pretty sure this isn’t it… 😳
  2. My local county has been battered by the false negative PCR thing. Look at this:
  3. If “people doing their bit” is simply wearing a mask or opening a window then make it a fucking rule if you’re that bothered. Jesus. What’s the point in wearing a mask to Tesco if you’ve got 10k people at an indoor gig down the road etc. The logic is ridiculous.
  4. shooting the breeze is a phrase we need to hear more of. it needs reviving.
  5. Restrictions should not be normalised in a post vaccine world. Lets be fair none of us know what’s going to happen over the next few months as we haven’t gone through a winter with the vaccine available to almost the entire population and putting in restrictions has collateral damage on industries and peoples lives beyond that of the virus let’s not forget that.
  6. Excellent however I fully expect a turnaround in a week or so’s time given past form…
  7. I’d love to see the public reaction if any sort of life limiting restrictions were put back in place. Seems majority are now turning a blind eye to cases, hospitalisation and death statistics.
  8. Absolutely shocking. Hope he makes a full recovery.
  9. I've seen Coldplay 4 times in total which is mad considering although I like them I wouldn't class myself as a hardcore fan. I can't say I've ever regretted it nor would I pass up the opportunity to see them again. The musical snobbery towards them is somewhat bizarre. The longevity of the band speaks for itself.
  10. JoeyT

    2022 Headliners

    keep fighting the good fight brother. i'm also a believer.
  11. 1. Me posting showing that Starmer was wrong previously is different to moaning they provide no opposition. It's literally saying Starmer was wrong previously. 2. I didn't say I was okay with the PM taking a holiday at this particular time. I passed no opinion on that. I asked when is a good time for a PM to go on holiday because there are always issues to be sorted? I admire your commitment to supporting Labour, I really do. It is 100% affecting your judgement in regards to replying to every post though.
  12. JoeyT

    2022 Headliners

    I'm still living in the tent from putting my mortgage on the Christ Martin x Gwen Stefani super group headlining the festival many moons ago 😂
  13. JoeyT

    2022 Headliners

    So the Swifty dream isn't dead in the water then?
  14. When should the PM go on holiday? Boris or otherwise? There's always issues to be sorted, the country doesn't grind to a halt & problems cease to exist in order for whomever it is to go on hols.
  15. JoeyT

    2022 Headliners

    DM replacing Macca. Billie replacing Taylor. What next? Goldie looking chain replacing Kendrick?
  16. They are the classic sunset slot band though are they not? I think they subbed Arcade fire back in 2014. They also have a new album out in November so I'd be surprised if their stock had / is about to drop.
  17. Crowded House > Legend slot (Are we thinking Diana Ross still btw?) > HAIM > Elbow > Macca?
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