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Florian Saucer Attack

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Everything posted by Florian Saucer Attack

  1. Playing in Israel is not a defence of the Israeli state. Playing in America does not mean one supports drone strikes I think any level headed person who spends a bit of time reading the actions of antifa will have criticisms. In that quote he has not said he opposes the concept of anti fascisms. He criticises the actions of antifa The actual right wing uses 'woke' now to mean anything they want to criticise, the word is now meaningless. Previously it meant to many people being overly sensitive and easily offended for example being offended by some of Cave's lyrics. I take it to mean he does not agree with this version of woke I know woke originally meant being open minded and attempting to be free of prejudice but the above meaning quickly overtook this meaning. At least in main stream discourse If you consider Cave right wing because of this then are definitions of right/left wing are too incompatible. I think your definition of right wing only serves the actual right wing as if takes the conversation away from trickle down economics and other evil policies that are destroying the earth
  2. I put to you 'did every music act who played in the UK and US during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars support those wars? Did you go to a concert in the US and the UK during the wars? if so you must have supported the wars' My point being if an act that plays in Israel is right wing then there should be the same standard for an act playing in every state that inflicts horror on a population., therefore anyone who plays in the US and the UK must be right wing, as are all those who attend the concerts
  3. Apartheid in Israel has been going since before Cave was born. It's not just the last few years
  4. As per my previous comment, did every music act who played in the UK and US during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars support those wars? Did you go to a concert in the US and the UK during the wars? if so you must have supported the wars
  5. “Antifa and the Far Right, for example, with their routine street fights, role-playing and dress-ups are participants in a weirdly erotic, violent and mutually self-sustaining marriage, propped up entirely by the blind, inflexible convictions of each other’s belief systems. It is good for nothing, except inflaming their own self-righteousness. […] Some of us, for example, are of the generation that believed that free speech was a clear-cut and uncontested virtue, yet within a generation this concept is seen by many as a dog-whistle to the Far Right, and is rapidly being consigned to the Left’s ever-expanding ideological junk pile.” So is anyone who criticises Antifa in anyway right wing. Is that the standard you all are setting?
  6. I'm not convinced bands boycotting Israel helps the situation. The Israelis Being exposed to other cultures might help them see outside their world view and help them realise how horrible their state is. A commercial boycott (as in not buying Israeli products) to me does seem like it could be effective and I support that. A far better comparison to the Ukraine invasion is the US and UK's invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Should ever musical act have boycotted those countries during the span of those wars/occupations? Is every act that did play those countries during that time right wing? I read the red hand files regularly and I don't see a right wing viewpoint 'slipping' through. He is unapologetic about some lyrics that are not PC but I don't see what that has to do with being in favour of trickle down economics and pro war. Is the Andrew Sullivan article in the telegraph, it's behind a paywall and I can't read it. Being friends with someone who is right wing does not make you right wing. Do you not have any friends who you agree with politically? I'm from the north of Ireland and it is common here for people to be friends with people with widely different political opinions, the place couldn't function (in as much as it does function) without such relationships Also Andrew Sullivan is hardly the standard barer for avowed right wingers. He is a gay man with HIV who supports gay marriage. Is a marijuana smoker and on Israel. From wikipedia: In March 2019, Sullivan wrote in New York magazine that while he strongly supported the right of a Jewish state to exist, he felt that United States Representative Ilhan Omar's comments about the influence of the pro-Israel lobby were largely correct. Sullivan said that "it is simply a fact that the Israel lobby uses money, passion, and persuasion to warp this country's foreign policy in favor of another country — out of all proportion to what Israel can do for the US."
  7. I know a lot about Nick Cave, I've not seen any evidence of this. Why do you think this?
  8. I'm not sure where I stand on this. I despise the Israeli government but if you are not going to play there why is it ok to play in the UK and USA? They are responsible for horrific atrocities all around the world
  9. You'd have to be a serial killer to wear that
  10. what is the Radiohead and Nick Cave baggage?
  11. New Jim will Paint it just dropped
  12. Vance Joy - 'Riptide' I didn't know this one either. Thought it was decent but I know it would become really annoying after hearing it many times
  13. how is this the most streamed song of 2008? I've never heard it before
  14. Definitive proof that these headliners are a bad idea
  15. I don't think you are being dramatic enough. She has sacked off playing the UK for good! Matt Hancock wanting to do 'I'm a celebrity' must have been the last straw
  16. I say book him Swift, Styles, Springsteen for 2024 SSS
  17. Where did all this Springsteen talk come from?
  18. Don't get mad at me. I'm just saying it's a reasonable possibility. The sooner you accept this the sooner you can begin to recover from it. No need to thank me
  19. Surely subbing Artic Monkeys makes the most sense I want them to headline the other so we get a full set. They would work against Eminem or Swift
  20. hyperpop is alternative pop, I'm sure there are Korean hyperpop acts by now someone on here could probably name them
  21. ' alternative Korean pop' Blackpink is hardly alternative
  22. her husband owns Parler, that's why she is defending him
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