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Everything posted by xxialac

  1. I don't think people are "properly upset" Just pointing out that with less than 3 days to go, they obviously have the programme in place and set times drawn up...so why not take a picture of the times that they can describe as provisional, post it on twitter and keep punters happy?
  2. Don’t think people are being cynical generally. It’s not a big job to put up the stage times is it though? Prob take one person an hour max. In fact they’re welcome this year to just take a picture of the programme and bung that on twitter which would take minutes. Not inconceivable we’ll get something today as obviously they’ll be working…
  3. Coach company has just sent me an email “You are expected to wear a face covering on board the coach, unless exempt” Planes are basically flying coaches (but with better air circulation) and there’s a reason a mask is mandatory…
  4. Got it completely wrong on likelihood of free tickets for this year and sorry for being an argumentative dick about it.
  5. 18 months into the pandemic, everyone has worked it out long ago other than you. Here are some tips. https://www.visionexpress.com/eye-health/glasses-mask-tips
  6. Yes, the festival starts in about 80 hours. You obviously have the set times, so release them!
  7. “Yes, you stand an increased risk of catching Covid compared to staying at home but the risk - even at a festival, is still small, possibly smaller than the risk of an accident on the drive down” This isn’t remotely true, is it. 5,000 people caught covid at Boardmasters and those are the ones they know about, so the real figure will be much, much higher.
  8. Why are you saying this? Willing to bet you it won’t be a total wash out. Sounds like it’s what you want, odd…
  9. Can’t wear a mask to protect others in a crowded coach as my glasses steam up. Amazing how others manage, isn’t it? I’ve heard it all now…
  10. I live in a city and can avoid public transport. But I don’t have a car so getting to EOTR leaves me no choice but to get on a coach. Prolonged exposure + Indoors + No masks + People who have been intensely socialising. It’s the perfect conditions for covid spread. And we have something like the third highest number of cases anywhere in the world and rising…
  11. “everything else felt like I had some control on distance / keeping space / wearing my mask” To be fair @Unreal did explain exactly why a coach journey was the make or break.
  12. Sorry didn't mean to sound argumentative. There are lots of things that are not against the law but are still antisocial and not wearing a mask in a crammed coach after mingling for 4 days is well in that category for me. It's also risking infecting the coach driver who effectively is being forced to get on that coach. I'll ask people politely and accept a no (but will be sighing internally).
  13. Two different things. The festival is outdoors or at least always offer some form of ventilation. The coach is indoors with the worst possible lack of ventilation. I'm in Spain and maskwearing on all forms of shared transport is 100%. Seems crazy to successfully avoid getting Covid all weekend and then get it on the coach home?
  14. Several reports of many people at Green Man coughing on the coach back and most not wearing masks. Please can anyone on the coach put a damn mask on! In other countries this would be a given…
  15. Sorry to ask again bit does anyone know if they normally sell ice inside the site?
  16. Luckily they can’t predict that far ahead!
  17. Set times today please!! Can’t leave us hanging til tuesday…
  18. Looks like Abba are doing one of the Tipi sets https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-58339627.amp
  19. Nah. It’s a Portishead reunion and a Daft Punk secret set in the Cider Bus.
  20. Didn't it used to be buried on the site under Other UK festivals or similar?
  21. Tomorrow afternoon feels about right.
  22. Battles now active and touring at end of Summer. Maybe they could be persuaded to come over in Spring too.
  23. Some of the clashes can be resolved by correctly guessing and sticking around for the late night Tipi acts of course.
  24. No surprises in that lot or in the ones that don’t make it. Does suggest people don't rate the headliners that much this year.
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