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Paul ™

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Everything posted by Paul ™

  1. Am hoping for this weekend, though they have been quiet on the socials
  2. Already here, arrived yesterday 😁
  3. It's a no from us, I hadn't been since 2011 till last year and the OH since 2015. So doing 2022 together was cool, but no rush to go back... It's a £1000 for us to go before leaving the house, 2 x tickets plus large live in ticket. Then fuel, drinks, food, extras.... And then both of us missing a week or so working, and as we work events, it's another couple of grand or so down...
  4. Bearded will have their first line up announcement this month, so probably part of that
  5. 100% agree being a van dweller for 5 years now
  6. A lot are Indian and are of a better standard than the NHS ones that are left, no wonder people go there for treatment at a fraction of the cost too!
  7. https://twitter.com/supertanskiii/status/1709697483339673864?t=ydsRBos30tyZRHnoUikoJQ&s=19
  8. Booked for going back to Goa for the winter months, few weeks and it's out of here for 6 months!
  9. Nothing has changed about beer in the arena aspect
  10. 45 days later, be glad to drive out here tomorrow... let's see what next year brings!
  11. I've had time to think about the Magical Sounds tent and the fact it will no longer be there. Having had some amazing times in that beautiful tent, along with many of my friends, I will be sad to see it go and only time will tell it will be a good or bad decision. Knowing Phil personally since the start of Bearded, and how closely linked him and that tent were to the original festival organisers through friendship and love, I know this must be a massive blow for them, but could also be a relief too and I can only hope they do continue in another field. I am happy for DHP to introduce their own take on a dance tent, again time will tell if that will work or not, but the decision not to have MS there is not a deal breaker for me to attend or not. Change is good sometimes and things do need mixed up to flourish and grow, I too doubted the Pirate Ship demise but Big Ed was a great replacement, and the Meadows was a fantastic addition last year. A lot of people saying they won't go due to this change, I understand why but would also say why not give it a go, the festival does need to change, it is now run by a commercial venture and not a bunch of mates which did include Phil, surely it's better to have a different Bearded Theory than not at all. But if people do take that stance and say they are no longer going, I wish them well and hope they find the festival that suits their needs. Much love to Phil and his crew, hopefully our paths will cross again! x
  12. Not sure if the date change of Electric Picnic might have some influence on when/where this is held.
  13. Its not just tents that are left though.. its chairs, airbeds, inflatable sofas, roll mats, camping equipment plus lots of other stuff not even mentioning the litter
  14. FR have no involvement at Creamfields.
  15. White Eco Camp on Monday afternoon. I think more of these areas will help, slowly introduce them in every campsite and offer incentives if possible. It's not as bad as usual here, the salvagers didn't need 2 days to get what they could and less than usual I hear.
  16. Last 10 years 2013 - Tickets Sept 5th, first announcement Oct 26th 2014 - Tickets Sept 1st, first announcement Oct 27th 2015 - Tickets Sept 6th, first announcement Sept 2nd 2016 - Tickets Aug 31st, first announcement Oct 31st 2017 - Tickets Sept 10th, first announcement Nov 9th 2018 - Tickets Sept 9th, first announcement Nov 6th 2019 - Tickets Sept 15th, first announcement Nov 2nd 2020 - Tickets Sept 7th, first announcement Oct 25th. Then moved to Sept, headliners carried fwd. 2021 - Rolled over, payment plan Tickets 1st Aug, first announcement Jan 15th 2022 - Rolled over, Headliners announced April 9th when 2021 was cancelled 2022 - Rolled over, Announcement Sept 3rd, remaining tickets Sept 11th 2023 - Tickets Sept 17th
  17. No it hasn't, it moved forward a week after 3 or 4 years to the BHW
  18. Technically there is, the coach drop off in Loverock Road come in via Orange Gate, but that's Wed/Thur for coach customers only.
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