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devilman last won the day on December 13 2017

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    Music and festivals duh!

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  1. Blimey it's been a while? Does this mean you will return to the hallowed grounds?
  2. In an unexpected bout of randomness and coincidence, in the last week Chevelle and Rob Flynn have love emoji'd posts on FB I made 3 years ago. One asking for a UK tour and the other after meeting him after a gig in the Cathoose. Me being such a massive social meeja presence and all that, they've obviously decided that I'm their new conduit to announce their appearances at Download :)
  3. Surprised no one has come on to whinge about the traffic. I went in Wed night and missed it all. Leaving Sunday was a breeze. Had a great weekend.
  4. Well this all got a bit nasty! I think the general idea if you don't like someone is to avoid them. We have a button specifically for that. Stalking their every post isn't healthy. As far as download being oversold goes, the arena was smaller than usual with the Metallica towers and the guest area being reorientated, but the main issue was that of there being no alternatives at busy times. In previous years of that level of attendance, there was always something on all the stages. The crowds were spread out. This year, after tea time, unless you liked what was on in 4th you were either sardined into 3rd or part of a herd of wildebeest stampeding and crushing between main and 2nd. It was painful in that heat. If you're not putting stages against each other then put them next to each other FFS. The water point at 4th was often without a queue and yet those down by main and 3rd were an hour long. Trouble was it was just too painful to battle through the crowds to get there. Bars looked ok but I never used one all weekend. I normally support a festival by buying all my food and drink there but the campervan price hike pissed me off that much that I refused to buy a drink and ended up spending less than usual even with the ticket hikes included. It was going to be my last one but sudden onset FOMO is a real thing and because the crew were all buying I did too. If it is A7X and Rammstein then I'm there. I'm looking at foreign festies now though. The guaranteed slot in June that was Download's is up for grabs and the tickets may get shifted on.
  5. Vicky Hungerford has said it's definitely not Trivium.
  6. devilman

    Meet up?

    Sorry just seen this. Hope you had a good experience.
  7. Interrupters are more ska than punk for me and they'd totally go down well at Download..................... ...............as long as it was on the Avalanche stage so the double denim dinosaur chair turtles didn't have to listen to them. Pretty sure I heard them blasting out of 3rd one year anyway. IIRC I got a ticket to see them at the Barras on the strength of it. They were great.
  8. Aye, had tickets for Edinburgh too. Seems like there is no interest in them. I'm just waiting for Fever333 to pull out again to make it a pretty much zero band line up for me but I'll still go if they don't shift.
  9. £500 as a bundle. Not splitting. If I can't sell them altogether I'll still go just to throw turds at 1975. I was seeing RATM at Edinburgh too. Gutted.
  10. £500 as a bundle. Won't split. If I can't sell altogether I'll still go just to throw turds at 1975.
  11. Apart from Rammstein who have just done a Stadium tour.
  12. Pretty much wraps up society in general these days. People are so used to divisions and flying off the handle when they don't need to I don't see it changing any time soon. If you're in the centre, the first thing that someone sees from the edges is you and you get the hate. Does my head in. I'm not even sure there is a silent majority anymore.
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