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Guest Olivavu

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Oh theres a surprise 2 replies to my comment off guess who...

I am in no way saing they are a "slab of dull american rock" and will almost definetly watch them and hopefully enjoy them, but dissing Iron Maiden as a comeback merely suggests that they are an inferior band..

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Oh theres a surprise 2 replies to my comment off guess who...

I am in no way saing they are a "slab of dull american rock" and will almost definetly watch them and hopefully enjoy them, but dissing Iron Maiden as a comeback merely suggests that they are an inferior band..

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Oh have a laugh mate..! :blink:

I slated Iron Maiden because they are an incredibly boring band...I find absolutely nothing about them or their music interesting. They bored the living hell out of me at Reading last year, so I promptly left and was entertained much more by Echo & The Bunnymen.

Pearl Jam are the best weekend headliner Reading will ever have...so just enjoy them.

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Yes because they are your favourite band they will be the best weekend headliner ever..

I thought the same about Maiden, but this close minded view and hatred of other bands is simply boring to be honest, and I bet the mighty Pearl Jam were influenced by Maiden anyway..

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Mike McCready likes Iron Maiden, yes. But I wouldn't say there's much influence from them on the sound of Pearl Jam at all.

Pearl Jam will be the best weekend headliner ever...in my opinion.

Iron Maiden were outrageously boring...they're a bunch of old geezers who think it's still 1980. Their music now is just as dull as the music they made back then. But if you like them then that's your choice.

There's no point in making it a Pearl Jam vs Iron Maiden...because there's no contest.


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Yes because they are your favourite band they will be the best weekend headliner ever..

I thought the same about Maiden, but this close minded view and hatred of other bands is simply boring to be honest, and I bet the mighty Pearl Jam were influenced by Maiden anyway..

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Download it, why I was listening to that track, oh before you were born. *Godamit have I really reached that age now* Anyway, its not punk, though Paul Dianno was a punk vocalist (preferred it to Dickensons voice, buts thats my opinion rather than the actual case).

Prowler and Sanctuary are easily the more punk of Maiden tracks (pre-91 anyway, wouldn't know after that). Incidentally, did they play them last year?

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Yeah, they ended on Sanctuary and Running Free was in the encore. Prowler was towards the start.

I have a feeling Pearl Jams live performance could go 'over the head' of alot of the youth in the crowd, I've got a feeling it's not gonna be the sort of thing we're looking for.

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Well as this is getting all ageist, may I suggest to the 'kids' to keep that open mind of theirs that they are always preaching about, and watch Pearl Jam Tabula Rasa. Because they have consistently been a great live band over many years and 'when I was your age' they were unrivalled and there were some great live acts around at that time (some contemporary live bands to note: Nirvana, Soundgarden, RATM, Alice in Chains, GnR, NIN, Tool etc none of which, could touch Pearl Jam, I know I was there, I saw them) :blink:
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