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Funny shit you saw/heard at Download

Guest Lithium05

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In an attempt to breathe some life into the board, did anyone bare witness to any rib ticklers this (or any!) year?

The best one for me was on the Friday morning, a guy camped near us recited very loudly with spot on impressions and word for word, the opening dialogue from Back to The Future culminating in the line "Doc are you saying it's 8.55? I'm late for school?!" It actually was 8.55 and it all stemmed from someone shouting "what's the time?" :D

Also my mate can't hold his booze particularly well and passed out in his tent around 9 on Thursday night. He woke up at aroun 5.30, pulled the covers over him, and someone at the bottom of the tent pulled them back! He looked over to his side and his GF hadn't moved, He sat up to find someone lying at the bottom of the tent wrapped in his blanket... he pulled the blanket away from the face, didn't recognise the guy, so he woke him up:

My mate: Excuse me

Wasted stranger: What are you doing in my tent?

My mate: This is my tent

WS: I was here first

MM: Erm... no, you really weren't

WS: Oh... Can I stay here now though?

MM: Not really mate, I'd prefer you found your own tent

WS: Oh... It's cold outside, can I have one of your jumpers?!

MM: Get out!

I pissed myself when he was telling us that the next morning, the fact that this guy got in, zipped up behind him and stayed in his tent, the smallest in our circle, was brilliant.

Anyone else got any good ones

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Also, not as funny as it was disturbing, but did anyone see the guy at the village bar on the Saturday night get up on the table, strip and start w*nking?! Twas more than a bit weird, my friend was trying to get me to film it, but I didn't want a vid of a guy having a w*nk on my camera! He was then pelted by cans for a while before being taken away by security!

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This is a true story back in the M.O.R. days they allowed huge camp fires.My mate pulled this girl and went into his tent to have sex.Anyway we noticed that the fire was shining enough light so you could see everything sillueted what they was up to.We called all of the people we could around us to watch telling them to keep quite when my mate shot his lot we all cheered about 20+ people you have never seen 2 people move so quick.

The other year was my brothers stag do so when he had gone for a wander we filled his tent with whatever we could find empty beer cans,food wrappers,mud etcWhen He went to bed finally nothing was said,we thought this strange then realised in our pissed up state we had done the wrong tent and they was not even camping with us.We told them some kids had been hanging around and they must of done it.

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Also, not as funny as it was disturbing, but did anyone see the guy at the village bar on the Saturday night get up on the table, strip and start w*nking?! Twas more than a bit weird, my friend was trying to get me to film it, but I didn't want a vid of a guy having a w*nk on my camera! He was then pelted by cans for a while before being taken away by security!
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True story from back in 2006. There were about 8 of us camped together, three of the lads i didn't know but they were friends of a friend. Anyway, One of these lads decided that he didn't want to go and wait for the toilets to do a poo, so decided to use an empty Carling Box in his tent. Afterwards he was saying "well.....what do i do with it now??" and all his friends suggested he threw it. As he went to throw it he slipped and threw the Carling box back into his tent!! and when he pulled the box back out there was no turd to be found hahahaha!!!!

I can't remember if he actually found the turd or not but it was hilarious.

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Village w*nk... eww!

The only funny thing I seen was some girl to wasted to walk to the arena (at 10am!) and falling over, her boyfriend looked mortified and everyone was laughing at her, then she starts drunkenly shouting 'what you laughing at, come here, I'll take the lot of ye!' hahaha idiot.

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The only funny thing I seen was some girl to wasted to walk to the arena (at 10am!) and falling over, her boyfriend looked mortified and everyone was laughing at her, then she starts drunkenly shouting 'what you laughing at, come here, I'll take the lot of ye!' hahaha idiot.
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My first download was amazed by the atmosphere every1 was having gd time, met lots of ppl during the manson and slipknot set which i have to say was truley amazing. enjoyed the bottle war before slipknot and the random calls of "Buttscratcher"


Oh and of course "SIT THE f**k DOWN"

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I must remember to post the photo I've got of him dribbling milkshake shortly after :(

People seem to have forgotten I had some too! Just not as much so I wasn't running round like a madman trying to put the fire out :(

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Just search for "Buttscratcher" on youtube and all will be revealed.

Personally I was dissappointed by the lack of "Bus w*nker" shouts. Buttscratcher is sooo 2008

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Wasn't sure where else to post this, but because it amused me I'll stick it here.

Had a dream last night the The White Stripes were playing Download and I was watching them down the front to get a good spot for Faith No More, they started with "Seven Nation Army" and everyone apart from me and 3 others just left. The band got angry and refused to keep playing to such a small crowd. I exclaimed to one of the remaining people "who the f*ck are on the other stage?!" And woke up :D

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Hello all. Lith, wheres this pic of me drooling a smoothie?

On sunday night i recall my neighbours reciting monty python for about half an hour straight. We also cling filmed our mate to a trolley on sunday(?!?) while he was nailed. He found a drink on the floor thinking it was water. Then relised it was overproof polish vodka.

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I have no intention of this being a boast at all, for those that may see it as one, but on this years Thursday, i managed to see my way through 21 pints of cider (the on-site apple, pear and my own strongbow) there should be no missunderstanding that i was a ) very drunk and b ) very happy but on any regular all dayer in my local city center 21 pints would see me visiting an emergency room, i infact wouldn't get close to that level of consumpion especially without a proper meal in me. Despite lower food intake levels does anyone else find themselves drinking more and handling it better at a festival? Could it be the friendly atmosphere or something?

PS. I never had a hangover! I never do! Ok, so that was a boast. :)

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