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Posts posted by strummer77

  1. 57 minutes ago, Superscally said:

    See you on the barrier. The LCD thing makes me sad. I wanted to see em but no-one came with. As it happened, Coldplay were peak brilliant that night, so I have no regrets, apart from the fact that I couldn't do both...

    Most of my bunch were split between Coldplay and EW&F. I went on my own but managed to find some old friends I hadn’t seen for ages.

    Would say that was the one evening I’ve been to where so many went different ways and all had a great time. The end of a challenging festival and the right bands were all on the right stages playing to the right people. 

    Mans that’s why The National would nail the Other slot. Would be one for the ages against someone popular and mainstream. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Superscally said:

    What about the Verve? I wouldn't rule out the National either, but it ain't next year and depends if their new album is full of bangers like they say... "Band in new album best one ever shocker!"

    Feel that The National are Other Stage headliners. I’d rather see a band like that go down a storm on the Other Stage than be lost a bit amongst the wider Pyramid audience.

    Feel The National on The Other Stage has LCD vibes of greatness 

  3. 7 hours ago, incident said:

    That's not what he's saying at all. He's quoting what the fee was at the time, and contrasting it to what those artists could earn elsewhere.

    I think mentioning just two implies they got more. It’s silly to pretend everyone except the Stones has got exactly the same amount. It will vary year on year as currencies fluctuate and different bands will have different costs, crees and expenses to consider.

    The ‘standard fee’ is basically a starting point and a guide which is pretty close. If it was a steadfast rule then they’d never be negotiating. 

  4. 15 hours ago, SomeoneListeningIn said:

    Now that the sports are over...

    Thought I'd try to list all of the potential headliners for next year, including any rumours/info we've got as well as anything that could be used as a case against each act. Tried to order them somewhat from most to least likely. Apologies if I've missed any major act/got any info wrong/missed any info.

    Fleetwood Mac - comments made at Wembley, someone on the farm who's ITK supposedly said they've been booked for next year. However, they've famously been out of Glastonbury's price range, what's to say that'll change for next year.

    Foals - supposedly 'in the frame' to headline next year, could follow in The Killers footsteps by headlining after doing a big secret set. However, they're not really any bigger than they were in 2016 when they subbed - who's to say they won't be given that slot again rather than the headline gig.

    Elton John - he's currently on his final mega tour which was clearly planned very far in advance, so could have been booked a while ago which would allude to the rumour that some 2020 headliners were booked a year or so ago. However, he's never played the festival before - maybe he's just not that bothered about playing Glastonbury.

    The 1975 - probably the biggest British band to come out of this decade, make the most sense of any 'new' artist to get the gig, Emily seemed interested in Matty's comments about wanting to headline the festival, another album is on its way later this year. However, they're headlining R&L this year and its rare for an act to headline Glastonbury the year after. Not impossible, though.

    Neil Young - Michael made comments about Neil Young coming back next year. However, Michael talks a lot of shite.

    Coldplay - friends of the festival, obvious, easy deal to make, crowd pleasing, Emily loves them, Chris Martin was popping up all over this year, 2020 will be the 20 year anniversary of their debut. However, they last headlined in 2016 and currently haven't released any new material since then, is it too soon for them to return?

    Arctic Monkeys - they're a safe bet, they've released 2 albums since they last headlined (with a third potentially on its way) and it's been 7 years which is long enough by Muse and Coldplay's standards. However, there's no guarantee that they're going to be active next summer.

    Kendrick Lamar - Emily was at his gig last year and sang his praises, likely to be active with new material next summer. However, is he too expensive? He was rumoured to be R&L's most expensive booking ever back in 2018, will he take Glastonbury's low pay?

    Lady Gaga - her Vegas residency will have ended by then, likely to have new material out in the next year, her stock has risen a fair bit due to ASIB, played back in 2009 so she knows the festival. However, it might be too soon after her Vegas residency to have a new show ready to tour and she might not be active over the summer months.

    Blur - they're friends of the festival, would be a popular booking with the masses. However, there's no guarantee they're gonna be active next summer and there was a poster on here suggesting that they're not gonna play Glastonbury again.

    Beyoncé - potentially gonna have new material out in the next year, would be a popular booking with the masses, she's a huge superstar and would be a welcome returning headliner. However, would she need/want to do it again? There's also no guarantee she'll be active next summer.

    The Kinks - there's decent info to suggest that they're getting back together, they were supposed to headline the first ever festival back in 1970 but didn't, so it would be quite poetic for them to headline the 50th anniversary. However, would they headline, or would they be more likely for a sub/legends slot. Or they might just do their own gigs and not play festivals at all.

    Kings of Leon - rumoured to be playing Pilton Party, which usually results in a big booking at the following festival. However, would they really be at the top of the list given all the other options? Perhaps a secret set would be more likely.

    Taylor Swift - was potentially spotted at the festival this year by @CaledonianGonzo, new album is on its way and her stock has arguably dropped somewhat which could make her a more feasible headliner than she was a couple of years ago. However, she's never wanted to do festivals in the past and there's nothing as of yet to suggest that this has changed.

    Ariana Grande - a very current, big star, likely to be active next year. However, would she want to headline Glastonbury at this point in her career? She certainly doesn't need to.

    Florence & the Machine - could have a new album out by next summer and would be 5 years since she last headlined, which is just about long enough, she's a friend of the festival and would be an easy, safe booking. However, might be a tad too soon to return and likely won't be at the top of the list of options.

    AC/DC - looking likely that they're getting back together with a new album and tour. However, they're gonna be way out of Glastonbury's price range - it's unlikely they'd take the pay cut, probably will stick to their own shows instead.

    Madonna - they're clearly eager to book her, she's likely going to be active over the summer. However, she's always been too expensive and that's unlikely to change next year.

    Paul McCartney - could the fuss about him playing this year actually have been miscommunication about him really playing in 2020? However, Neil seems to have it on good authority that he's not booked for next year.

    U2 - do they have unfinished business with the festival that they want to try and resolve? However, they may not be active next summer and they may see Glastonbury as a 'been there, done that' gig.

    R.E.M - wasn't there some whispers about a potential reunion? However, these are just whispers. Probably nothing.

    Radiohead - @parsonjack spoke to someone close to the festival who reckons they're booked for next year. However, this seems far too soon to return since 2017, likely to have no new material out since then and probably not even going to be active next summer.

    Kate Bush - one can dream.

    I think that's it apart from possibly Green Day. The lead singer was on the farm checking it out so if that gives Taylor a mention it may well give Green Day a hope as well.

    Also I think R.E.M. seems really really unlikely. The band have been quite adamant they aren't returning over the years.

  5. 8 minutes ago, incident said:

    There's only one known example of an act getting more than standard, and that was for for the Stones. Fleetwood Mac aren't the Rolling Stones.

    Michael also suggested he paid more for Macca and Coldplay in the past (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-40273111).

    This standard fee thing is taken as gospel for some reason, I'm sure there is going to be variance when there's different numbers of people involved and travel arrangements etc. 


  6. 28 minutes ago, Hugh Jass said:

    Yet again... there is a standard fee. Imagine the negotiation...

    "Hi guys! We want you to headline this year, but would you mind taking £100k less than we usually pay our headliners so we can get Fleetwood Mac in? Guys? …. Guys?"

    There is a 'standard fee' but in fairness there has been variation on that fee in the past, (and the fee would go up over the years) so I don't think Matt is wrong to think that's possible.

  7. 3 hours ago, efcfanwirral said:

    Is that to play Glastonbury and take the risk or to tour as Blur again?

    I think he meant Glastonbury. Blur have toured and had a new album since Glastonbury

  8. 2 hours ago, eFestivals said:

    KoL would make sense as they're around at about the right time.

    I was thinking more in terms of where would they play next year - but then again maybe if the 50th line-up is super strong they might take a sub slot or similar.

  9. 4 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    I've only read about it on here, so i'm guessing it's info from dee.

    Without casting aspersions on dee, info from Pilton is traditionally very shit and wrong - tho I do have a feeling there might be something to this.

    It's a long time since a band playing PP got a headline slot tho, so if doing PP is tied to a slot I reckon it's pyramid sub or other headline.

    To be fair (as I’ve learned) Pilton info is crap for Glastonbury (especially if it comes from Michael) but there are locals have tended to know the PP headliner fairly reliably. That said KoL doesn’t make much sense to me and those that have tended to know haven’t said anything is sorted yet. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    I've only read about it on here, so i'm guessing it's info from dee.

    Without casting aspersions on dee, info from Pilton is traditionally very shit and wrong - tho I do have a feeling there might be something to this.

    It's a long time since a band playing PP got a headline slot tho, so if doing PP is tied to a slot I reckon it's pyramid sub or other headline.

    To be fair (as I’ve learned) Pilton info is crap for Glastonbury (especially if it comes from Michael) but there are locals have tended to know the PP headliner fairly reliably. That said KoL doesn’t make much sense to me and those that have tended to know haven’t said anything is sorted yet. 

  11. Just now, eFestivals said:

    my thinking is that they're booked as sub, but with the potential to step up to headliner depending what happens with headliners.

    I know that's something the festival does (as a backup plan), so that seems to make sense towards a band that are owed a 'favour' for their secret set this year.

    People keep mentioning Macca (based on Eavis’ comments a few months back) but didn’t you hear since he’s not in the frame for next year? Or do you think there’s a chance?

  12. 1 minute ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Plus he played a while back and didn't headline.

    Yup. He could definitely play, but it would have to be a more niche slot for sure.

    Hard to think of one really that suits. If Neil Young headlined again (or similar) he could go before him as at BST and the crowd awaiting the headliner may accept it... but before something fairly contemporary - probably not. The sub slot seems an awfully hard one to pull off at the best of times.

    Maybe a West Holts headliner against someone huge but then he probably wouldn't take that and the crowd could be too big.

  13. 2 minutes ago, K2SO said:

    Radiohead aren't exactly known for it either, but they put on a successful show 

    Massively different.

    Radiohead play their songs live in a way that resembles their records and did pull out most of their 'hits' for the show. I think Bob Dylan plays new arrangements and would not do the latter.

    He could play somewhere, but no way his current shows could succeed with an expectant crowd in the Pyramid headliner slot if reports are accurate.

  14. 1 minute ago, K2SO said:

    Someone in the crowd for Kylie on Sunday also suggested Bob Dylan, which would be really cool. Anything to suggest he wouldn't do it?

    Only the fact that he apparently never plays his back catalogue in a manner that resembles a successful Pyramid slot?

  15. 43 minutes ago, dentalplan said:

    Why not THE NATIONAL?

    upvotes right there ta >>>

    I think they should get an Other Stage headline slot. That feels the best home for them at the festival.

  16. 12 minutes ago, Rose-Colored Boy said:

    I know, I was in the pit, but she should’ve been booked to headline in the first place, especially when they were so desperate for a third headliner that they literally had to ask a band to cancel a gig in another country to do it. If Stormzy being given the gig means we’re returning to the early-2000s willingness to take a chance on upcoming acts then that’s fantastic. I can take or leave George Ezra but he ought to be given a chance on his next album, same with Billie Eilish if she continues her trajectory.

    Oh I see. Sorry I thought you meant her being booked was a conservative choice. Was a bit confused. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Rose-Colored Boy said:

    As pleased as I am for Big Mikey, and relieved they’ve started being more adventurous after the weirdly conservative Florence booking in 2015

    They bumped her up with about two weeks notice until the festival. 

  18. 43 minutes ago, nikkic said:

    Stormzy, Lizzo, IDLES and Miley all proved that. 

    Going through the motions to earn a buck a la Lauryn Hill is not what the festival needs. 

    For that reason I hope they stay clear of Fleetwood Mac and Madonna.

    And I say that as somebody who previously thought both would be a good choice. 

    We thought this about the Rolling Stones though, and they turned up and were fantastic.

  19. Watched about half from just outside the tent. Was fun but left as it wasn't the same as being inside really.

    Was always going to be popular I guess, and they should have had an outdoor stage, but would probably have been more manageable had Prodigy played. How easy it was to switch after that happened, I don't know. Guess it might depend on certain promises given to artists etc.

  20. 1 minute ago, Wooderson said:

    Where were the Sunday crowds at? Janelle had half the crowd Jorja had.

    The Streets was very busy. I thought The Cure was pretty busy too and my mate said quite a few were at The Park for Rex Orange County.

  21. Watched half of The Streets but that was rammed we weren't inside the tent so came to watch the last 80 mins of this, came around the path at the back and seemed quite a lot there to be fair. Not Stones levels but more than a lot of the headliners I have seen.

  22. 9 hours ago, jimbarkanoodle said:

    Sounds like you were probably a jobsworth stopping people you were suspicious of. Hope you are pleased you ruined quite a few peoples weekends by the sounds of it.

    Sneaking into Glastonbury is not stealing, so don't be so sanctimonious. It sells out every year in minutes and people who go to festivals all their lives cannot get tickets as they are hoovered up by well off people with multiple devices in their fancy houses in the home counties. As others have said Glastonbury are well aware of people sneaking in each year and generally don't mind, its only the arsehole who made loads of fake bands last year that has made them bring this in. I am pretty sure I read an interview with Michael Eavis who encouraged those who cannot afford a ticket to get in any means they can. So don't think you are doing a heroic deed on behalf of Glastonbury by stopping desperate people at the gate who have paid someone a lot of money to borrow a band with the sole intention of going into the festival and having the time of their lives.

    Hang on... If someone gets in, then fair play and all that and I hope they have a good time, but to be fair I think some security need to stop some people. If none of the security tried to stop fake bands there could be about 400,000 in there as everyone would cotton on the fact you could just walk in. Whilst it adds to the fun that some get in, it needs to be a challenge to some degree or everyone would be there.

    I know a fair number of people who got in on other peoples tickets (and in one case the steward made it fairly clear that they knew) but this is obviously less of an issue as even if it isn't theirs it is accounted for. However, again, the fact that people can be turned away is what keeps touting down.

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