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Everything posted by DeanoL

  1. At something like Elton when the field is that busy, you can't just move to get an unblocked view anyway. It also affects anyone stood in the back half of the field in the same way. It's not like every able-bodied person can all get down the front either.
  2. Yeah and right screen is almost entirely blocked by a single flag that is clearly well back from the pit, so I'm not sure what sort of compromise would actually work (flags only in the pit!?)
  3. Doesn't excuse the water situation, but get yourself a large 5 or 10 litre collapsible water carrier. Only around ten quid, you can fill it on the Wednesday and if its only drinking water in the mornings you want, will last the whole festival. Was a game changer for us!
  4. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    Since people wanted facts: if you look at how long an act actually went over their scheduled time slot they were booked for (not the stage curfew), 2004 Macca was 20 mins, Springsteen 14 mins and Lana 15 mins. So I actually think she got the same 15 mins-ish grace anyone else got.
  5. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    They did allow 15 minutes spare for Lana. Which for a 75 minute slot is a sizeable contingency. They didn't cut her off dead on the end of her agreed slot, she got to carry on until the stage curfew. I think it's unfair to say the festival did nothing to accommodate her when they literally let her go over.
  6. Campsite Wednesday early evening, not saying the festival is getting more middle-class but... "No, we need to keep that area free for the solar panels"
  7. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    Honestly I thought about it a fair bit before going down that route and figured it was so ridiculous and silly it couldn't cause any actual harm - but if you think I've missed something do let me know. Happy to hear it - feel free to DM if you'd prefer.
  8. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    Doesn't do any harm either.
  9. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    And who also wrote and performed at Glastonbury "The Bitch is Back" which is about himself... and it was on that word the whole misogyny thing in this thread started!
  10. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    You can clearly see what I'm doing, I trust in other people to be able to see what I'm doing as well.
  11. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    More casual misogyny with "head" there.
  12. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    I'd imagine somewhere there is a sensible point to be made about how the festival isn't really set up to cater for the needs of acts with very large and complex productions (as you say, down to even hair styling), which is more and more common with younger acts these days. But I suspect it's going to get lost in the trolling and shouting.
  13. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    I am, thank you! Yes, I alphabetise my "records" granddad! (We just call them Spotify playlists) I don't like the everyday misogyny in the term "hot take" though. Come on, it's not the 80s anymore.
  14. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    No. I take it very seriously. I also take the number of albums an artist has released and on what dates very seriously. Knowing that information shows respect to an artist. I'm sure you know how many albums GnR released in 2009-2016 off the top of your head, but you can't be bothered to actually learn that information for Lana. Why? Because she's a woman. "6 or 8." It's just casual misogyny. No-one would say "Oh Springsteen has put out 10 or 12 albums since 2002" - so why say that for a woman?
  15. DeanoL

    Worthy reView

    You guys need to try general camping again some time. A 15 minute wait for loos in the morning is pretty normal. WV seems no better/worse in that respect. I'm baffled by the queues for food...just go into to the festival, there's plenty of choice there! (Although again, anywhere doing breakfast/coffee will have a queue in the morning)
  16. But the Pyramid is on a hill. So you go a bit further back, and the flags are now blocking the screens as well.
  17. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    Six. Bet if she were a male artist you'd know how many album's she had released. Just more unbridled misogyny!
  18. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    What would have been different if she'd been on Pyramid rather than Other? Why would she have started on time then when she didn't this time? And yes, you're right, female musicians get it worse. Absolutely. That's my point. GnR can keep turning up late for everything, they'll still get subjected to "unhinged drivel" in places like this - it was one of the big talking points here when they were announced - but they still manage to keep going. Whereas with female acts, people would use it as a stick to beat them with continuously. It'll happen now, but it'd been far worse if she was headlining the Pyramid - the sort of stuff you're reading today on this forum would have been all over the national papers and Good Morning Britain. She'd forever be up there when people discussed "worst Glastonbury headliner ever". She had a narrow escape by not headlining the Pyramid. Unless of course, you think she'd have been on time had she played the Pyramid?
  19. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    And honestly, what would have happened if she had? Would being on the Pyramid have magically made her start the show on time? She'd have been one of the most disappointing Pyramid headliners ever, it would be all over the papers as a total car crash "turns up late, doesn't finish show". And the amount of eyes on her in that situation, it would have been a potentially career-ending disaster.
  20. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    You make some good points, but I think you touch on the issue there - it's not about misogyny so much as it's about production version music. Yes, the hair is an important part of the "show" but generally this place is full of older punters who don't really care so much about the stage show as they do the music. It'd be more akin to Elton refusing to go on if the fireworks weren't ready and working for the first song. We'd all be saying the same stuff: just go on and play the bloody song. Yeah, it's a shame the pyros aren't working but you make do. It's certainly a bias many here hold (and it's encapsulated by how much this forum generally hates Muse, who are one of the very few male-fronted rock bands who openly put more into the stage than the music...) but I don't think it's misogyny. They both took responsibility for the overrun and offered to pay the fine. Would Lana have done that? If she'd engaged with the festival production team at any point, they could maybe have come to some sort of agreement too. But she didn't. That's the difference. Breaking the curfew is doable if the artist and the festival are on the same page - it isn't if they are at odds.
  21. Because of the type of heat some of the tents were unbearable too. The open ones like Avalon/Acoustic/Woodsies were fine, but most of the stuff in T&C (Cabaret, Circus Big Top, Astrolabe) are mostly closed around the sides with a few entrances each, and they got very unpleasantly humid. After Steve Frost Improv All Stars at the Astrolabe on Saturday, they actually had a guy up on the roof of the tent opening it up so the hot air had somewhere to go! You can get Fresh and Black awnings which might do the job, won't be quite as good but should help a fair bit.
  22. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    They've treated her differently than Macca and Springsteen. And not anyone else who has ever headlined the festival. And to be able to actually go to bat for her, if they wanted to, they'd need her cooperation. They'd need to collectively agree a viable story to peddle to the council as to why it ran late. In the case of Macca and Springsteen, it required both of them to take full responsibilty for it and that it was all their fault for not keeping time. Is that true? Probably not. But can you truly imagine Lana actually telling Somerset Council it was her fault? Or you reckon she would have blamed someone else?
  23. DeanoL

    Lana Del Rey Curfew

    They wouldn't cancel it. But the festival would have to fight it and go to bat for her, they chose not to. Much of that choice I imagine is based on attitude, both during and before the festival. By all accounts Lana wasn't willing to work with them so they just left her our to dry. Not sure what else could have been done. They are. Her performance was scheduled to end at 2245 and they let her play until 2300.
  24. I don't get why people would care about folk stepping on their picnic blanket *at the last act on the last day of the festival* - I mean, any other time, I get why it might bother you - because you want to sit on it later. But are they not even planning to wash it once they get home?
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