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Posts posted by cheesey_toastie

  1. Just now, cheesey_toastie said:

    Unless things have radically changed.. just rock up at the coach area with a valid email and they will throw you on the next coach to Brum. Nobody turns up ontime for their return seat and they just want you off site - they'd rather fill coaches than have empty seats. 

    I camp near the coach site and the noise of the coach announcements starts around 6am from (hazy hungover) memory but I'm sure if you ask a steward on the way in you'll get a better idea of the return times. 

  2. Unless things have radically changed.. just rock up at the coach area with a valid email and they will throw you on the next coach to Brum. Nobody turns up ontime for their return seat and they just want you off site - they'd rather fill coaches than have empty seats. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, warriormonk said:


    Ah OK.  Looks like different system to when I last went by coach.

    They probably got sick of mates falling out with each other etc in the interim and just send them individually now!

  4. 2 minutes ago, warriormonk said:

    Also e-ticket should specify number of coach seats booked

    My e-ticket doesn't mention anyone but me. 


    I booked as a group - we all paid separately after but they've all had their e-tickets to their registered email address. HTH

  5. 29 minutes ago, bennyhana22 said:

    Agreed. Just can' t see them elsewhere, I'm sorry to say. In addition to @gigpusher's observation, I'm just not sure I see them as your typical secret setters, anyway.

    My only visit to the Pyramid all festival and I can't wait. I think they're going to be superb.


    I know - it was to be my only Pyramid visit too. I love the new LP and the memories of dancing to them at previous Glastos...  


    Oh well - I guess that's a ticket sold for their next UK tour then :) Enjoy the set! Maybe I'll stand at the back of the field and try to watch the first 15 mins. 


    We made a vow to always go watch the heritage acts a few years back, just an annoying clash!

  6. What do you think the chances of another set somewhere of Vampire Weekend. I've promised my long suffering friend to go to see Albert Hammond and I'm sad I'm going to miss them.

    I wonder if they are too big and too busy touring to do a secret set somewhere... anybody got a hint I might be wrong and pleasantly surprised?

  7. 1 minute ago, rawrsomesauce said:

    Anyone dumping a lenor bottle full of piss onto the grass should be banned too, empty it down the long drops or compost loos! 

    Always thought the compost loos were supposed to be for twooos and not ones too. 

  8. I understand that the message has to be a simple, non ambiguous, "no peeing on the land" but there must be a huge difference is peeing in the hedges next to the streams and emptying a Lenor bottle in the middle of a grass field where it will drain slowly and filter?


    I think the toilet provisions have got lots better - only issue I see is the Pyramid when it's packed out (Dolly Parton etc). Often thought they should just run a giant urinal trough down the side of the walls on the right facing stage!

  9. 2 minutes ago, clitbang said:

    Could have 1 hospitality ticket from a friend but I need to know the name of the person in next 15 mins an have the money within a few hours. Know this is late quick madness but it's how it is. Message me urgently.

    Seems legit. 

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  10. 19 minutes ago, mpdow2 said:

    Probably will be given Frank Turner is on beforehand. Do people think the crowd will leave post Frank?

    I know Marc Riley bigs them up but do they get much exposure elsewhere? Might not be the same level of draw. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Wear shorts when it rains*. Your legs dry quickly.

    *and when it doesn't 

    This - and wear a hat. Keeps your head warm when it rains and your face from burning when it doesn't. At night it also keeps you warmer. 

    I find an old baseball cap or a floppy affair works best.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Keithy said:

    Tsk. Getting the lineup off Twitter. You lot don't deserve the Crows Nest. You need to trek up the hill each morning and have a look at the blackboard outside to fully deserve getting into the Crows Nest. It's a labour of love not convenience.

    ^ This - though as a Hitchin' Hill camper it might come down to some technology by the Sunday. 

  13. 35 minutes ago, found home in 2009 said:

    John Cooper Clark, he's one of those people I've always sort of wanted to see, but not enough to actually pay for the experience. Always hoped he'd pop up at a festival I was going to.

    Also excited by Babymetal and briefly got excited by Proclaimers before realising they clashed with the Burning Hell. How can I have a clash dilemma for 11:30 in the morning 

    You won't be disappointed with JCC - always delivers! 

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  14. I went after rupturing my ACL and had cartilage in my knee joint two years ago. Took a walking stick - put battery powered fairy lights on it and everyone who saw it gave me lots of room and didn't push (and always got a big thank you). 

    My mates carried most of my stuff and I just set up base at the Pyramid stage all day. Had a good time despite the limited range! I vowed if it turned into a mud bath I was going straight home though!

    Heal fast! 


  15. Sad news - my sympathies with his family and friends.


    Thanks for some memorable festival moments Jake. A great group that brought the fun and the music. 

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