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Posts posted by cheesey_toastie

  1. 2 minutes ago, scaryclaireyfairy said:

    I thought I was ok with this and had it all processed. Turns out no, no I haven't.

    I'm exactly the same. 

    In the grand scheme of things there will be other festivals and people losing loved ones is infinitely more important. I think this feeling of sadness and missing out is compounded with our general feeling of helplessness with the situation in general though. It's ok to feel down about a loss of freedoms and fun too.

    See you all on the other side folks - we will be back! 

  2. Just now, Barney McGrew said:

    No, I think 99 was a scorcher... fell asleep pissed Friday teatime, head on a log, lobsterfied!

    Yeah - you only do that once or twice on the first day of a festival! 

    I'm sure we all learnt the hard way - or at least had a friend who did.

  3. 2 hours ago, Barney McGrew said:

    The Manics did, I think.

    Edit: But that was 99.

    Oohh - I wonder if it was that I'm thinking of... I remember them being very concerned as the incident was fairly recent and I was there in 1999 - it was a bit wet too right? 

  4. Just now, Neil said:

    it was Pearl Jam who were playing when there was the fatal crush as Roskilde in 2000.

    Yes - I'm talking about REM at Glastonbury - it might have been 2003. My memory is they stopped mid song and me and people around us referenced Roskilde as why bands were being careful. 

  5. Can anyone help me piece together a random memory. 

    There had been a recent festival disaster (I think it was Roskilde) where sadly people were crushed by a surging crowd. I remember REM (pretty sure it was them) stopping mid song to ask the crowd to step back as people at the front were looking squashed.

    Am I right - was it REM and what year was it? The dates don't seem to work in my mind. 

    Also can you remember what song it was. I remember them picking up exactly where they left off without skipping a beat and being very impressed. 

  6. 1 minute ago, maelzoid said:

    I think there will be a significant number of tickets available for new purchasers next year. And of course those of us that already have them will rally round to help the have-nots of this community. It really will be the best time to be part of eFests.

    There will be a percentage that can't go, are scared of crowds etc. 

    Good luck to those trying in 2021. I'm hoping to go but I might have to throw mine in the pot. 2020 was supposed to be my 17th and I was going to let others have a turn. 

  7. 53 minutes ago, Lycra said:

    The Sun is running a pretty dire headline prophecy this morning:

    ***Link Removed ***

    As the noble Time Lord would say, this is one possible time line, it doesn't have to happen.

    And scaremongering stories sell newspapers. Remember all those occasions we were threatened with ice age winters or frying summers..... 


    By sharing their links and encouraging clicks you're only doing that rag's job for them. 


    Don't buy / click The Sun. 

    • Upvote 12
  8. I understand each stage has their own booking manager. I wonder if they look at these threads? Is it worth posting a few smaller acts you think could be otherwise overlooked. 

    (Sorry if there is already a thread on this). 

    I'd like to see Ledfoot again, played the Bourbon Street bar on a Thursday and it was epic. Gothic blues... 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Ayrshire Chris said:


    my son in law in Hobsonville, Auckland sent me this picture of a beer that’s brewed by The little creatures brewery. Kiwis on the ball as usual!  

    I suppose, like Brexit, once we’ve really experienced it we will be left regretful with a bad after taste! 

    Does that say it's a Belgian style beer?

  10. Yeah it's an email. You show the driver as you get on, bundle your bags underneath and then at a stop they hand you your ticket. 


    One warning. Coach quality is luck of the draw and varies. As does the driver's attitude to beers on board (usually no). 

    After years of driving myself the coach is actually an ok option of you can pack light and live without a trolley of beer (or get a friend to bring that down by car!)

  11. Just now, cheesey_toastie said:

    There's a theory that seems to hold true. The earlier in the sale you got your booking through the earlier the coach time you get. 


    Has been the case for us the last couple of times. (Booking went through late, got an early afternoon Manchester departure).

    Would make sense the admin folks at See start at the top and fill coaches one by one. 

  12. There's a theory that seems to hold true. The earlier in the sale you got your booking through the earlier the coach time you get. 


    Has been the case for us the last couple of times. (Booking went through late, got an early afternoon Manchester departure).

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