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Posts posted by Skoo

  1. 5 hours ago, Stokesy10 said:

    extreme sleep deprived hallucinations, not helped by acid

    This is an amazing statement, made me chuckle.

    For me, I guess mine was 2007, first Glastonbury, and first time I decided to try acid.

    Was coming down off some MDMA I'd taken earlier in the evening and was sitting at the top of stone circle with some friends, who offered me a tab at around 2am. 

    TBH didn't really think it was working as it was too dark to "see" anything, but as the sun started to come up I realised how spangled I really was. I kept trying to pick up lumps of mud because I'd think I'd seen something. Then I'd pick it up and realise it was just mud.

    Spent the next few hours roaming around the site with my friend, which at around 6/7am was pretty much completely deserted. Met a random guy called Brett who was non sensical who stuck with us for a bit. Spent too long trying to figure out where a sound behind a tree was coming from (there was a speaker there making roaring sounds). Got told off by a security guy for rolling a spliff, ended up in what I think might have been the circus area where there were swings and a see saw, again completely deserted.

    Went to bed around 8am, soaked to the bone but very happy indeed.

    I never really lose control of myself when I'm intoxicated, I'm always in my right mind seemingly, no matter how much I do of anything. Exception to that is the one time I tried GHB and lost about 2 hours of my life, wouldn't recommend that one.





  2. 1 hour ago, JoeyT said:

    Not having to get up at stupid o'clock to queue really is a game changer. There's a lovely apprehensive / excited vibe in the camper fields on that Tuesday evening. Admittedly having always been in the east camper fields the elevation of them allowing a look over the site as the sun sets on the Tuesday is special and i'm not sure you get that on the west side however it'll be amazing none the less for you.

    The thing I have most enjoyed since making "the switch" is taking the mornings at my own pace rather than being right in the thick of it from the moment my eyes are open. The cooking breakfast thing saves about £40 - £50 as well because you aren't overpaying for bacon sandwiches etc.

    I'm not aware of anyone who has gone back to camping having been in the camper fields but i'm sure there will be some.


    I feel a bit of sentimental attachment towards tenting, and if I could do CV field in my trusty tent I would. The whole thing for me is the queuing etc. Never used to bother me but past couple of years it's destroyed me on the weds.

    VERY excited, it's all getting a bit real now!

    Hopefully we can have little West camper van meetup.



  3. 27 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    all you need is a bed, something to make tea on, and something to keep milk/beers cold. :) 

    (tips: cool the beers before you put them in the fridge, else it'll take forever to cool them. Also, freeze the milk).

    Thanks Neil :) We have a little camping stove, so I think we'll do our cooking on that outside the van as don't fancy stinking the thing out. 

    One thing I need to sort out is a gazebo, as this one doesn't have an awning. That and a decent ground sheet pegged in and I think we'll have a nice little setup.

  4. I’m feeling very excited as this year I have hired a camper and secured West CV ticket! Never stayed in a camper or caravan before and can’t wait to experience the festival slightly differently. 

    My camper is effectively a tent on wheels, no leisure battery sadly. But it had a gas powered fridge and cooking equipment. 

    My reason for doing it is the lure of being able to arrive a day earlier and therefore maximise the experience, as well as not having to face the queuing/carrying that Wednesday brings. I’ve paid my dues by tenting since 2007 I reckon. 

    Who knows, maybe I will hate it but I hope not. 

    Getting slight FOMO however about East CV ...

    someone reassure me that West is Best!



  5. Talking of where to camp and arrival times, I fancy Paines Ground again this year, but I really can't be arsed to do the early morning queueing so would like to arrive around 1pm. HOWEVER I also don't want to be parked fecking miles away from Gate C which I guess I would be by arriving so late.

    It's a real dilemma and one I haven't solved yet.




  6. I had a 4 wheel trolley for 2016 - first time with a trolley, had done my research and selected one appropriate for the terrain - inflatable tyres and the like.

    But 2016 was too much even for that trolley. The strip of metal connecting the pulley section to the base of the trolley snapped clean off. No fixing that.

    It happened about half way back to the car on the Monday and nearly broke us.


  7. Just now, crazyfool1 said:

    not sure if she has an account ( quickly tries quoting her :) ) but im pretty sure the festival will monitor all social media channels .. if not her then they will have someone doing it on her behalf 

    Sounds like my ideal job. May as well put my constant lurking on this forum to decent use! Emily, if you're reading this, I'm available for lurking duties.

  8. I am so jealous reading about @H.M.V and @Curlygirl's future glasto extravaganza.

    Also, the idea of walking onto site not having to carry any kit is simply too much for my tiny brain to comprehend. Double jealous. 

    I can't believe we have over half a year to wait until the next one. I know they say you shouldn't wish your life away, and I'm not...but I can't bloody wait. Too much excitement.

    Best eat some pumpkin pie to calm down.




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