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Posts posted by Skoo

  1. 22 hours ago, LiamAsprey said:

    is there a limit on the size trolley you are allowed to bring if going on the bus?


    You won't be able to take a huge 4 wheel trolley but should get away with a foldable sack truck type affair. As others have said, you need something that is specifically for off road with big tyres.

  2. 17 minutes ago, bennyhana22 said:

    2-2.30pm-ish on Saturday? I don't think Stonebridge will be rammed.

    Might get busier at 3.30pm for Ross From Friends...

    Mattiel are on Park at 2pm too.

    Quite a lot of those on the E/D thread are heading for Spektre in Spaceport at 2pm on Saturday.


    Ah yes I'm thinking of when I've tried to get in there on a Thursday.

    Spektre are on the Clashfinder as it happens!

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ddiamondd said:

    I like the sentiment, but is it really an accurate show of this loose assortment of ravers if we weren't all stumbling around to blistering loud bangers at 3am?

    Fair enough! Also I didn't realise until a few mins ago that it's a disco set which I'll swerve in favour of the stuff happening at Stonebridge Bar...if I can get in. Always bloody rammed.

    How early does one need to get there for the more popular daytime acts?

  4. Just ordered a 10L box of Lilley's Scrumpey Cider, in Medium. Never tried before, hoping it's yummy.

    Also another vote for the Friel's cider in small cans you can buy in Tesco. Absolutely delicious and very strong.

  5. 5 minutes ago, bennyhana22 said:

    Oooooh, @Skoo, you little tech-houser, you!



    Oh I know, can't help myself! Looking forward to Charlotte de Witte and Seth Troxler as well, and Carl Cox obviously. Some excellent dance music this lineup - no Ibiza for me this year so getting my fix at Glasto!

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  6. Friday the plan is Solardo into Fatboy Slim at Glade.

    Saturday is a tough one but probably Chemical Brothers, then straight over to The Temple for Richy Ahmed.

    Sunday we're undecided, need to see where the mood takes us. Probably JM at West Holts.

  7. 2 hours ago, scaryclaireyfairy said:

    Keeping it IN the tent is just asking for it to get damaged somehow. Pop it outside just tucked under the outer tent skin. Then it's only an arm's length away if it's needed. Empty on morning visit to longdrops (cotton tote bag recommended for discreet transportation :D )

    This is the one.

  8. See Mik Artistik (always mean to, never seem to manage it)

    Spend a bit more time around West Holts 

    Make something in the Green Fields

    Get a massage

    Spend loads of time at Glade this year! Lineup is amazing.

  9. Another vote for the lock ups. Only started using them in 2016 and been a convert ever since. 

    Rather naughtily, I also used them as a way to ration my party supplies. Just stuck everything in a purse along with money and checked it in. Popped back roughly every other day to top up.

  10. 8 minutes ago, dirtysteve said:

    I got that, so refreshed a few times and got to enter my reg details, got to a booking form but by the time I entered all the details and submitted adult tickets were no onger available, so I didn't panic but just refreshed that page a bunch of times in the expectation that other people's transactions would fail and free up tickets, which happened and I entered payment details and submitted and got BOOKING COMPLETE! Holy smokes, that was stressful!

    I tried the same but no joy.

    My heart goes out to everyone who missed out today, I was really hoping to be someone's glasto hero this morning.


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