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Everything posted by steviewevie

  1. Yeah, agreed. But they didn't recommend jabbing kids, and that was one of the reasons...
  2. Ok found minutes. They were from May but not released until a few days ago. I don't see any recommendations for kids to be vaccinated, infact don't think they ever did did they? I see arguments for and against vaccinating kids, and it does say that there is an argument for allowing virus to circulate amongst children to boost immunity in kids and adults. This is the bit that has pissed off some people who were calling for kids to be vaccinated over the summer like has been done elsewhere.
  3. union jack wouldn't look so cool without the blue bit.
  4. he is arguing they were against vaccinating kids so allowing disease to spread in kids so gain natural immunity. Not sure how true this is as haven't read these JVCI minutes and can't be arsed...but I seem to remember there was an argument that the risk from vaccine was the same or slightly greater than risk of covid for kids, where as indie sage lot said this was bullshit.
  5. Dumbarse brexit shite going to fuck up COP26?
  6. vicious circle, many voters have given up on labour because tories always win (and labour kind of took their vote for granted), but voting snp just keeps tories in power. And the unionist side see voting tory as the only sure way of keeping Scotland as part of the UK.
  7. Thanks for bringing her to my attention. Might have to buy some of her attractive masks.
  8. As a remainer I'm wondering which side I should fight for in the upcoming war with France.
  9. Tories only ones going up! With our electoral system probably would mean greens still have only one MP.
  10. Ran out of upvotes...but what he says. And it's not just about humans too, it's all the other species.
  11. things definitely look like could get worse for many people, tax rises, interest rate rises, inflation etc. Just don't know how many people or how much worse yet...and maybe before next election things will have improved and Sunak will be able to cut taxes as promised and they'll romp home to another win, but all very uncertain at moment.
  12. not surprising really, how many take domestic flights here?
  13. yeah, and only going to get worse (probably).
  14. The age of cheap flights will surely have to come to an end over the next decade or so, unless they come up with an alternative fuel or some super carbon capture tech. Same with cheap meat.
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/29/how-does-covid-end-uk-virus-endemic
  16. Obviously I want this govt to fail always, but we really need this COP26 thing to be a success. This is where Bojo's famous international diplomacy skills are needed hoho. Then after COP26 it's all about NI protocol and whether we're going to have a trade war with EU and maybe even a real war with France. Fun times.
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/28/looking-for-the-peak-the-cautious-optimism-over-stalling-uk-covid-cases
  18. Yeah but that's details, I'm talking about the headlines. But yeah, austerity is going to take more than that to fix, and at same time a lot of Tory MPs don't like sunak the slimy socialist.
  19. Budget's over, think they got away with it, few positive headlines...COP26 now...
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