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Yoghurt on a Stick

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Everything posted by Yoghurt on a Stick

  1. I must confess that I have been very tempted to write to them via the ebay messaging system. In fact, I did do a draft message to them on the ebay site, but then thought 'better not'. I dislike avarice.
  2. I'd use a much stronger term than idiotic. So, the bar on sale on ebay is £2.01 more than you can buy it from an Oxfam shop, and then they want you to pay another £3.50 P & P on top! And all that to get a bar that they have already opened and checked. I'd call them c**ts myself.
  3. You've got to be a very special kind of weapon to do something like that.
  4. Reminds me of the time that I got a mouthful of horrible water from the defrosting tray of a defrosted freezer, using the siphoning method. I'm actually toying with the idea of buying one of these myself https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/374760288099?chn=ps&_ul=GB&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1-MctOgleRmiB4Z1B47bYpg25&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=374760288099&targetid=1647205089240&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006562&poi=&campaignid=17206177401&mkgroupid=136851690655&rlsatarget=aud-1641271186540:pla-1647205089240&abcId=9300866&merchantid=586278570&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJUq6BIdHJ3O_Plrb5UeGhDoQXi0-c9Nqb2sfYFSG8dxpOWRk6x-h2RoCTFQQAvD_BwE There's some overgrown waste ground at the rear of my garden where I might set up an irrigation system to grow a certain type of plant. I grew 7 plants there a couple of years ago and got a fine haul from them. Now somebody has given me 20 seeds to grow. If I set up the system then it would mean less trips into the almost jungle that is the unused land.
  5. As an alternative suggestion, you could possibly think about buying an electric drill drive pump eg. like below; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/374760288099?chn=ps&_ul=GB&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1-MctOgleRmiB4Z1B47bYpg25&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=374760288099&targetid=1647205089240&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006562&poi=&campaignid=17206177401&mkgroupid=136851690655&rlsatarget=aud-1641271186540:pla-1647205089240&abcId=9300866&merchantid=586278570&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJUq6BIdHJ3O_Plrb5UeGhDoQXi0-c9Nqb2sfYFSG8dxpOWRk6x-h2RoCTFQQAvD_BwE You would need to bring the pump, a cordless drill and 2 lengths of hosepipe. I only mention it because I suspect it would be a quicker operation that siphoning.
  6. I have pissed myself twice as a fully grown adult. Both 'happenings' occurred when I was almost press ganged into driving around an OAP lady speed dealer. On both occasions I was, for a variety of reasons, unable to leave the car..
  7. Unfortunately i couldn't enact that plan as I had no idea that it was going to happen. I can't do violence anyway. it makes me want to throw up when I'm in its presence.
  8. I thought that it might be an unwise thing to do. Then again he's an absolute monster for drugs, so looking after himself isn't exactly a priority. I have another mate who can do Glastonbury without having a sh*t, or taking Imodium. He has his last dump in a motorway service station (he can time such things) on the way down to the festival (from Birmingham) and then releases the 'Mother Load' in another service station on the way back to Birmingham.
  9. Like Reservoir Dogs, but with sh*t instead of blood, I should imagine.
  10. Thanks for the added information. I don't mind as it's for charity anyway. That said, I only bought the bar to get two people off efests a Glasto ticket, so may have to leave my chocolate purchases there for the moment.
  11. My next door neighbour's ex boyfriend (a true psychopathic) once came into my house as my wife was next door seeing his girlfriend for a chat.Anyway, this deranged man came into my house and started talking about 'how us men should stick together'. I responded with the line 'I'm not a man'. You should have seen his face when I said that. Obviously I am indeed a male of the species, but I don't consider myself a 'man'. Well, not a man like him. About a month later, he ended up lifting his girlfriend (our neighbour who owns the house next door) up off the floor by her throat. Her kids came screaming and crying into us at our house. And then I was given no option other than to rush out of the front door and confront this angry martial art black belt bloke. I did manage to do that. I diverted his anger and he let her go. Then he started on me. To cut a long story short I came out of it quite well, considering. Only a few bruises and he knocked one of my teeth out. Now, if he's considered a man, I want no part of being a man.
  12. I once went from the Wednesday to the Sunday evening without eating. I never even drank water. it was purely alcohol and drugs. By the time Sunday evening came along I was in a terrible psychological state. It is not an action that I would advise people to take. In fact, far from it. I now realise the importance of eating at a festival, as well as taking liquids other than alcohol on board.
  13. I've just come back from a trip into town. While there the Oxfam shop caught my eye, and I thought it must be fate. So, I went in and bought a bar. I had no idea that they were £3.99 a bar. Anyway, I didn't win. Boo hoo.
  14. I guess that's a 'load' off your mind - so to speak!
  15. Not directly related, but I have a friend who takes Imodium just before and during the festival, so that he doesn't have to go for a crap. Probably not the wisest thing to do health wise.
  16. Similar thing here, for less money. Not sure if the quality varies between the two; https://www.theworkplacedepot.co.uk/garden-trolley-cart?gad_source=1#vat&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJYYE_hubDFNtwqphJ8-rWj7VSXRd_ZMh7pbPcUDM7Fye0ogtiJig-hoCM7oQAvD_BwE
  17. Dear Roy, I've got this black plastic disk with a hole in the middle. Is this a record?
  18. Have an empty one of these in a backpack (add a funnel too if you are a woman*) Fill it up with piss where you are standing (covering your parts with a spare jumper or some such), return it to your backpack, and empty in a long drop at a later date. * A funnel may not be necessary. I know this because my wife can piss into a milk bottle with no spillage.
  19. This is not a recommendation, as I have no idea of the quality of the product. However, it 'may' do the job; https://www.temu.com/uk/outdoor-folding-bed-cushioned-folding-bed-for-office-nap-camping-beach-g-601099538357269.html?_oak_mp_inf=EJW41aOm1ogBGiBhNWM3MDUyZDY4Y2E0ODE4OWJlNzExZGFjYzJhYWZmZCDI5rK97jE%3D&top_gallery_url=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.kwcdn.com%2Fproduct%2FFancyalgo%2FVirtualModelMatting%2Fa42d55121ca9d5616879bff97bc4c12a.jpg&spec_gallery_id=4079821276&refer_page_sn=10009&refer_source=0&freesia_scene=2&_oak_freesia_scene=2&_oak_rec_ext_1=Njk2OQ&_oak_gallery_order=226934793%2C518446275%2C1328931498%2C1537097613%2C2048879146&search_key=folding bed&refer_page_el_sn=200049&refer_page_name=search_result&refer_page_id=10009_1713283823008_nh90gma06p&_x_sessn_id=jfjc28hrlp
  20. That was nice of him to help take your mind off things at that moment in time.
  21. This might be useful for somebody living in or near the Cradley Heath area of the West Midlands https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1774222353062986
  22. This from Shangri'lart ; =====================================================================================-=== Yes, this is a real invention from 1925. American inventor Hugo Gernsback created this mask, called “the Isolator,” to increase productivity. The helmet was designed to block out all noise and sensations outside of a person’s work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Could it be that people are putting their wins on social media to monetise their win by getting 'hits? I don't know much about this area (which probably shows) but know from the media that 'influencers' get their money this way. It'd be easy to slightly re-glue a wrapper and then start filming yourself re-opening the chocolate bar.
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