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Everything posted by bennyhana22

  1. The trouble is, and others may correct me, I just don't think she plays like this anymore. That's four years ago and I can only remember sets I've seen/heard in the last couple being 10bpm faster, massive reverbed kick drum left to boom alone frequently in between tracks, and just lowest denominator bang bang bang. I promise I'm not being a moaning Minnie, it's just that that Awakenings set is off the scale fantastic and it frustrates me that I'll possibly not see her play a set like that. I can only imagine, if the Arcadia line up proves genuine, that she'll headline and will play a nosebleed kind of set. It'll be absolutely rammo, mind, as she's one of the very biggest name draws in world techno atm. Ben
  2. bennyhana22


    Apparently Basil Brush has just posted something on Tik Tok and the Kidz Field team are fucking livid. Ben
  3. Is she a newbie, @kalifire? I so hope she is, with that comment - she's going to lose her shit... Ben
  4. I could see Courtesy and Or:la fitting in nicely into the Beat Hotel's replacement. Skee Mask is a tricky one. I'd say his natural home is IICON, given his leftfield, multi-genre style. object blue (for she is a lower-case artist!), again, could be IICON, but Silver Hayes might have been the natural fit for her... Ben
  5. That's lovely stuff. Sadly, for me, I think that his b2b with Palms Trax will be a set of stuff that just isn't me. Though I'm super happy that so many in the thread see that as a must-see. Oh, and Child 1 (now living in Berlin) and his mates managed to bag tickets for this year's Nachtdigital. They realised how close the release time was 5 minutes beforehand on their way home. Jumped out of the U Bahn and hotspotted a phone to a laptop and got them standing in the street! I have raised the young Padawan well. Ben
  6. bennyhana22

    Sober times

    Not gonna lie, @ian the worm...am watery-eyed reading that. Extra-large hug on the way at RH on the Wednesday. Proud of you. Ben x
  7. Still never seen him. If he were to play that kind of set in Silver Hayes, I'd be there with bells on. Ben
  8. Oh they were! Regis' vocal wailings take a little getting used to, but Surgeon is a genius and his 3h set a couple of weeks ago was perfect as a warm-up for 4 nights of mayhem on the Farm. Ben
  9. As said, I've only ever seen them play an hour's live set and it flies by, such is the spectacle. Even if not quite your thing, I'd highly recommend seeing them at least once, as it will be an unforgettable experience! Ben
  10. Oh for gods' sakes, Will! I hope she plays the last set on Far Out After Dark - that will be amazing for you (not going to GM this year as I'm bookending the summer with Glastonbury and Shambala. Mind you, I do still have a carry-over Boomtown ticket that I kind of need to get rid of!). Ben
  11. Yes. Twice. Their live show is an hour of 'ad lib' noisy techno. They stand opposite one another on either side of their set-up desk and build tracks from 'scratch' - obviously there will be some structure, but they like to be as spontaneous as possible. One of them uses a mic to add heavily treated 'vocals' into the tracks at times. It's banging. They're incredibly into what they do and create a fantastic energy. And, knob twiddling art notwithstanding, they really rave it up, so it's a proper techno rave feel. I loved both sets when I saw them, the first time opening for British Murder Boys, so that was a far from shabby night! Ben
  12. Comfortably, my favourite find from the Silver Hayes poster so far is Sofia Kourtesis. I'd been aware of her before but didn't know much about her. I dearly hope that her live set is given a cracking slot that fits with the rest of my plans. Could be pretty magnificent if her recorded material is anything to go by. Really interesting and different house/occasionally deep house that 'does' so much more than a lot of generic dance music produced these days. Very excited for her. Ben
  13. Hey, don't worry about it. It's great that the thread caters for everyone, no matter what their dance predilections. I walked past an Artwork boat party in Silver Hayes one year, sunshine blazing, mirror shades ahoy, taps aff, and that couldn't be further from what dancing is for me! But everyone was having a brilliant time and there are many on here who would be all over that. All I ask for is that there's kindness and respect in here, and a space for everyone to share their love of dance music. Gods know there's enough agg in the rest of the forum. Rave on, team. Ben x
  14. Fair point. Well, I've seen Overmono live (and may again in Silver Hayes), so seeing them DJ super-late would be fantastic. Ben
  15. As said, out of upvotes, but YES! The live on IICON dream is still on. Ben
  16. Out of upvotes, but OMG, that was just spectacular. Ben x
  17. Do love a bit of Hawtin. Saw him at Club Paradiso on Mykonos (clang) a few years ago. Stellar. Ben
  18. Indeed you were and it was a pleasure sharing the floor with you. I'm really hoping we can manage some get togethers from those on the thread. Ben
  19. Neither should we get into that! Techno is a broad church, and all the better for it* Ben *but tech house is tech house 😉
  20. I'd have been very surprised for someone like Nina K to be announced for SH. Unless there was a big sea change, that's just not the vibe in there. Yes, HAAi is playing, but I bet you her set there contains little/no techno. And this from the DJ who gave us, IMO, the set of the festival last time, and one of my favourite sets ever. Ben
  21. Awww, come on Adam - we've not been short of techno of late. 2019 amongst others gave us: Randomer Partok Josh Wink HAAi Anthony Parasole Karenn Freakenstien Zenkers Stenny Charlotte de W Daniel Avery And that's just a selection! I worry every year that there will be enough techno/electro/psytrance for me, and then when it all drops I have hard clash decisions to make! Ben
  22. Silver Hayes is always light on techno! And the Beat Hotel possibly as much, if not more so. I never see them as catering for that scene, other than a few sets per festival. And that's a good thing. As @Supernintendo Chalmers says, IICON and Genosys are your major techno hitters, along with Arcadia usually for one night, and a smattering elsewhere - Spaceport and Glade can throw up some crackers. Dubfire's Hybrid Live show a few years ago in Glade was ace. So, for me, it's good that SH has it's own vibe. The fact that it has so much daytime partying would jar if followed by lots of full-on techno. Ben
  23. However it's reconfigured, I definitely want a venue in that same place. It was never my natural home, but I bloody loved walking past the BH on my way to/from JPT, with the plinth outside rammed with ravers. A unique venue at Glastonbury (I guess you could say that about many/most, but you know what I mean...). Ben
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