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Posts posted by Splatt

  1. What if Beck is the 'solo artist' with a band...someone who has got shows to sell first and the festival might even been after him for a while.

    I know that the general consessus is, that he's only big enough to sub...but having two strong(ish) headliners already, could they take a bit of a risk with the third one?!

    Err no .... This years risk is Kanye.

  2. The late booking suggestion does seem to point to Blur. If it is them and BST don't sell out then it looks like we're not gonna know our third headliner until the week before.

  3. Fleetwood having to play 3 nights in a row still seems to make them unlikely, right? I reckon they were gunning for Prince, couldn't get him, then asked Blur and Damon was up for it.

    I reckon you might be right.

  4. The way I see it that if it is true that Flo' isn't headlining, when I think there is a general consensus she is big enough, the the 3rd headliner must be significantly big enough/legends status for her to be happy to sub one of the nights instead (& choose not to headline any other major fest). I can only think of two bands big enough with realistic prospect of playing: Prince or FM. If it's not Prince it's gotta be the Mac.

  5. So how do we reckon ticket balance payments are going? There seems to be much fewer communications about paying up this year. Just a single email from seetickets, a couple of tweets from the festival and no re-tweeting from Emily's account etc. even the website seems low key with just an FAQ article as opposed to a massive PAY NOW banner. Given that the pay-up window is only open for another 36 hours or so, unless there is a massive push this afternoon doesn't it suggests GFL are rather happy with the numbers paying up? And that this might mean any need to release the line up anytime soon diminishes rather greatly.

  6. I can see Flo subbing for the Mac (seriously can't believe we're talking FM again but I've recently started to think it could be a goer).

  7. Pretty sure can pay by phone but they don't post out and you have to collect tickets in advance in person from festival office in glastonbury town. Guess its one way they can try and ensure local have best opportunity of securing.

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