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Posts posted by Splatt

  1. Sure it's been said before that it uses more energy to turn them on again than keep them on all time - i.e more environmentally friendly to leave them on! However not sure this makes any sense thinking about it.

  2. So much negativity here. Kind of ruining the build up for me!

    I still maintain it is going to be like last year. We'll get in on Wednesday, it will be fine. Thursday or Friday will have rain and weekend will be fine.

    Such a cliche thing to say but it's Glastonbury! I have the most fun here regardless of the weather. If you didn't want any rain, should have gone to a festival abroad.

    Oh I can't wait for the festival as much as anyone - too excited to sleep!

    However facts are facts and its looking almost certain to be a wet one. I also see you've done Glasto '10 & '11, as someone who survived 1997 let me tell you the thought of anything near that scale (which doesn't look likely but anything still possible) does put fear in me :-) But whatever happens this time tomorrow all worries of weather will have gone 'cus we'll all be back on the farm!!! I CAN'T WAIT.

  3. Significant amounts of rain now showing on all models. Latest run looks particularly shite for whole weekend.

  4. Oh bum. Never mind beyond caring now really - we're going to Glastonbury folks! (but will still refresh this thread every three minutes - so actually I must care a lot!)

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