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Posts posted by robith

  1. Ok, this is the last warning - I have better things to do than trawl through removing stuff

    Examples of what I've just had to remove

    Leonard Cohen


    Avril Lavinge

    Janet Jackson

    Jarvis Cocker

    If it happens again, I'll make it non-collaborative - which I really don't want to do. But I also don't want to spend my Sundays undoing the work of people who seem determined to counter the goodwork of everyone who's contributed to this

  2. Ok I've trimmed it to 3 per artist, so people have room to make it up to 5.

    Yes, this is the new rule, 5 TRACKS PER ARTIST!

    Once we have the full lineup we'll make playlists by stage and then y'all can knock yourself out

  3. Hmm, I'm a tad worried as more of the line up is announced this is getting a bit unwieldy. Any cares on limiting the number of songs per artist? 5?6? It just seems some artists are a bit overloaded, and it's meant to be an introduction to them, not every band's entire discography!

    Once we get the full line up, having that with say 5 songs an artists and then more extensive ones by stage would be a lot more manageable

  4. Yes but they'll probably stick them on the Pyramid stage because they're hot news, which would be a criminal misplacement. Gogol Bordello all over again. Please can bands be put in appropriate venues?

    Thank God they're at End Of The Road, at least they'll be on a suitable stage there.

    And to all the Jay-Z apologists, it was enough to put most people I know from going last year - and many others, given the atypically slack ticket sales. And as for the fact that his set was critically acclaimed, I will never respect music journalism as long as Coldplay and Kings of Leon keep winning awards.

  5. Yes but they'll probably stick them on the Pyramid stage because they're hot news, which would be a criminal misplacement. Gogol Bordello all over again. Please can bands be put in appropriate venues?

    Thank God they're at End Of The Road, at least they'll be on a suitable stage there.

    And to all the Jay-Z apologists, it was enough to put most people I know from going last year - and many others, given the atypically slack ticket sales. And as for the fact that his set was critically acclaimed, I will never respect music journalism as long as Coldplay and Kings of Leon keep winning awards.

  6. you went in 05 and 07 yet you consider last years rain torrential?! :D

    weather last year was pretty much perfect i reckon, never too hot during the day, never cold at night and a bit of rain to keep the dust down. I went to Bonnaroo in Tennessee in 07, and believe me the dust that comes with a scorcher is not pleasant!

  7. I'm so glad I've finally read some negative reviews of that set. I gave it a miss on the basis of, well, hating nearly all of his Beatles songs except Blackbird. After the tidal wave of 'BEST. SET. EVER.' comments I thought I'd made a massive mistake, saw some youtube videos of it recently and was thoroughly unimpressed but thought it could have just come across badly on an internet video. This has made me feel much better.

    Were you at one of the MBV Roundhouse shows? Thought that was slightly anti-climatic to be honest, although I'd built it up so much that it could probably never have been as good I thought it was going to be. Sometimes I thought it was getting to the point of too loud and the subtleties got lost. Then I saw them at Bestival and it was an absolute EXPLOSION OF JOY. Never thought MBV could make me dance so much, sound was perfect, the atmosphere was amazing, it was like a cheesy pop show or something but with tidal waves of feedback being met with rapture, incredible.

    As for of Montreal, I've seen them 4 times and one show definitely fell victim to poor levels and another was at Field Day, which if you've ever been speaks for itself. The other two, at Cargo & Koko, were fantastic though, at Koko they ended with Smells Like Teen Spirit, the whole place went off, it was incredible.. not to mention the never ending costume changes/confetti explosions/dance routines etc.

    Just realised I left Broken Social Scene and Tilly & The Wall off my original list, will I ever forgive myself?

  8. A very good magazine is Plan B, it covers a broad spectrum of music but particularly those which are more interesting and alternative.

    I also like Artrocker as it covers a lot of exciting new bands before NME.

    I still have a place in my heart for NME, I know it gets it wrong as much as it get's it right but you generally hear about good bands along with the bad...and it's all a matter of taste anyway.

    The website is fine not as good as Drowned in Sound, but still pretty useful for getting news pretty quickly (even if it's not "Exclusive")

    The NME Tours are good value for money too.

  9. You ran out of intelligent input 3 posts ago, it seems, and are desperately trying to rally up little friends to make fun of the person with a different opinion. Nice. All you have to do now i point and go "HA-HA!".
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