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Posts posted by robith

  1. haha unlistenable is quite a good way to describe it - bearing in mind the fact that I am 23 this year it's not often my Dad threatens to kick me out of the car anymore (like back when I was 15 and my sister and I would scream at each other until the car came to a screeching halt and he told us we were going to be walking back.) But Animal Collective had said effect on him when I refused to turn it off!
  2. I am now tuned in to Efests Glastonbury Spotify :D tis excellent!

    And +1 about Animal Collective - We need Purple Bottle on the list - it's such a nice song!

    Did You See the Words is probably their most accessible tune - it's what broke me into the collective!

  3. I find it easier to buy cheap replacement batteries for my phone and charge them up before going. when your battery runs out just change it there and then. It cuts out having to wait for it to charge and just remember to turn your phone off at night as your wasting battery for no reason.
  4. My sister keeps raving about decathalon, she is wanting a quechua tent too but probably the 4 man. She loves it, she keeps telling me that they do every sport and I pissed on her parade when I told her that was probably why it was called Decathalon. :D

    We will have to go to the Stockport branch from Liverpool but hey, fun day out sitting in tents! Get us in the mood! :(

  5. I have a feeling there might have been a tiny bit of sarcasim in the comment do you not?? But even so does make a good point, some people find these programmes very important!!!

    If the Rugby is that important then don't come!!!

    Or god forbid watch it when you get back.........................


  6. Does anyone know if they will be showing Deal or no deal on a big Screen, I can't miss Noel!

    also my mate is a fan of Corrie so put that on too.

    And and some porn on late night would go down a teat.

    Oh and a big screen hooked up to a ps3 for a quick game of grand theft auto now and again.

    because god knows i can't live without these things for five days at the greatest festival in the world!

  7. It's one of the best things to ever happen to me!

    It is shorter height wise, but the more square shape gives you a bit more room.

    No real porch, but plenty of space for wellies .

    Seriously do it, getting there and having a great tent up in seconds is brilliant. Waking up on Monday morning and having it back down in the same time is a godsend

  8. if they thought you were asking to play the dance village you'll have heard back only from the dance village people - each area is booked essentially independently of all others.

    And the dance village was (sort of) booked before xmas - they'd programmed the stages, and sent out all of the offers before xmas. I posted something about it at that time.

    I can assure that that not all of the line-up is booked - in fact, I'd be exceedingly surprised if more than 50% of the acts that'll play across the whole festival are currently booked. It's certainly the case that they're only booked to about that amount at this time of year normally.

  9. Following on from my thread about DJing at Glastonbury, they got back to me today!

    It was a no, although I don't think they completely understood what I was asking - I meant DJing as in playing music in one of the bars, not the dance tent like! I wouldn't consider myself a "performer" (although I like a dance whilst DJing)

    Anyway, there was one nugget:

    Hi Rob,

    Thank you for your interest in performing at the Festival in 2009 and please accept our apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    Unfortunately all of the stages and venues are now fully booked.

    Good times! I can't wait to find out who's playing! :rolleyes:

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