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Everything posted by lost

  1. sending debt to gdp over 100% with an aging population? Well if you think thats a good idea tell your pension provider to go 100% gilts and help out.
  2. We can make an educated guess as we know what the market is and thats people who buy uk debt expecting its value to at least hold its purchasing power when it matures and ideally out perform other asset classes. Why would anyone invest in something they think will do badly.
  3. Yep but the bond market doesn't have to believe those rules are credible.
  4. Its not really copying the Tories its both parties following the OBR. Liz Truss went against them and look what happened to her so can we really blame Starmer?
  5. Hinkley might be ready by 2030. I think Sizewell is looking more like the middle of the next decade.
  6. It was burried in that IMF statement recently that advised Hunt against cutting taxes further, that the Tories have had the easy wins during the drive to net zero so far and during the next stage (which will probably happen under labour) more costs will need to be passed onto the consumer.
  7. I've seen this run by a few publications. Difficult to tell if there is "a rift" as Starmer purposely moved to the right by getting rid of Dodds for Reeves. So many of Reeves ex-colleages on the OBR so its no suprise the position she's taking.
  8. You'd also get a "selling season" in the stock market when the big company bods had to sell off aload of stock to pay their tax bill. In turn then you'd get hedge funds who knew what time of year a companies stock was about to fall and act accordingly just beforehand putting on massive shorts.
  9. Its impossible to tax all as I said you can't value everything all the time and even if you could there are crypto currencies out there with encrypted block chains meaning nobodies got a clue how much you've got.
  10. The "most" is woolly for me. Simply because money will flow into the assets that are not taxed, Crypto, antiques, fine wine. The government can't have a team of experts on everything to constantly value it.
  11. Its more recessions isn't it when assets can correct 30% - 40%. if you lose your job as well and are having to sell your house to pay the tax bill right at the bottom only for it to return to its previous value by the time your back on your feet your going to pissed.
  12. That doesn't answer Neils question. He doesn't even define what wealth is.
  13. Yes that was Liz Truss's plan .. lower taxes, more growth. Issue was the markets wouldn't tolarate the extra borrowing in the short term. It will probably mean higher taxes or cuts (The IMF said we should look at axing the triple lock) The green levy on energy bills is one tax they might look at.
  14. People only want to bring down emissions if we leave it for our kids to pay for? Sounds about right.
  15. They could still do it without the £28bn coming from borrowing. Add the cost to energy bills and pass it on directly to the consumer.
  16. Taking out Saddam and a Sunni minority governing a Shii majority is looking more stupid by the day.
  17. Apparently women move to the right after having kids. Probably linked to being more aware of threats (percieved or real) So women could be explained by the declining birth rate.
  18. Yes I'm well aware I wasn't at an age that was using many public services and the difference between the old hospitals and new PFI ones was striking. I feel like housing costs are such as massive component of quality of life. My girlfriend at the time who was a little older and went straight into work I think was working the police call centre for £6 an hour and bought a 1 bed cottage for £22k, she used to buy food at M&S because in her words she had more money than she knew what to do with. Another friend worked in a record shop and used to be out every night everywhere. That was the big difference for me if you worked, even an unskilled job there was a clear jump in quality of life, you'd have a decent amount of disposable income.
  19. I'd say it depends. The quality of public services went up but I'm not sure about quality of life. I was at uni in 1997 (which was free) I did an unskilled job on the side for beer tokens and the people who were doing it as their full time job were earning enough to buy houses and raise families (before minimum wage and tax credits) those a bit higher up the ladder in the private sector still had final salary pensions. I'm not saying any of that is labours fault as the change from the 1990's with things like housing and pensions has happened globally due to demographics but I think in the working class areas at least (if you were not a miner I suppose) they'd prefer the 90's.
  20. I actually think most fans of other clubs liked him during the first few years. There has definatley been a change in demeanor though which I guess is probably linked to him wanting to quit.
  21. Yes I was also thinking that it may force a few clubs to panic in the next 6 months. If he'd leave before a potential title though is another matter.
  22. Who do we fancy for Liverpool next Alonso?
  23. reform upto 13%? Must be their best ever performance.
  24. Yes its quite difficult to gage and I havent been since covid so I'm only going on what I read. I think the farming industry is subsidized over there so cheap food has always been a massive thing. I remember going in the 1990's and having $2.99 all you can eat breakfasts and wondering how the hell they did it. A good measure of a country is McDonalds and I saw the dollar saver burgers which existed as recently as as 2018 are now $2.89. Also some of the price rises in vegas look mental. A meal for two at a non-posh chain resturant now coming in over $100.
  25. I've been seeing as many "cost of living" posts from the U.S as I've seen from the U.K. It's optimistic to think that sort of stuff has damaged the Tories but won't damage Biden. The people in power always get the blame.
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