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Everything posted by lost

  1. Now that is a fringe issue. When muslims kill other muslims your lucky to get half a dozen people at the protest.
  2. Alot of EU countries appear to be investigating similar solutions.. scandinavia, Austria, Italy etc.. You would think when ones finds something workable the others will copy it.
  3. If thats the case you would think Bravermans "plan B" would be to chose a safe country rather than leave ECHR and move ahead with Rwanda.
  4. I don't really see either party being that much different to be honest. Due to FFP both parties are fragmented and capable of blowing up at any point. You've got the same fringe on the left too. Imagine if Starmer was actually PM right now with power and refusing to back to a ceasefire whilst allowing British arms companies to supply Israel. It would be kicking off alot more than it is within labour.
  5. Michael Gove has turned up: 😄
  6. They've all been kettled apparently. Tommy jumped in a taxi and pissed off just as it happened.
  7. called it. Reduced prem fixture list today with europe mid-week too so Chelsea and West Ham fans with nothing to do.
  8. They wanted people to see what they'd done to provoke a massive reaction from Israel which would then hopefully pull the rest of the muslim world in.
  9. Keeping two politically different groups apart.
  10. Everyone links hands and sings kumbaya
  11. football is effectivley sectaranism as well and most people understand the reasons the Manchester clubs or Liverpool and Everton don't play at home on the same day. Seems a massive risk to me.
  12. This weekend could be pretty bad:
  13. Big names innit. Truss is always Truss.
  14. I always thought it would be Penny vs Kemi when Sunak goes though if it all kicks off on rememberance weekend and things continue to escalate as the war continues (I've seen experts say for Israel to completely get rid of Hamas could take years) She maybe in with a chance when the Tories lose the next election..
  15. He's sort of right you watch these videos of streets in LA and San Francisco, all the people on fentanyl do look like zombies. Piccadilly gardens in Manchester looks similar. We used to call them spice zombies at work.
  16. Seen suggestions elsewhere its a powerplay from FIFA to wrestle the club game away from UEFA with the help of Saudi money. Champions league to be replaced with a world league including Saudi clubs. The champions league apparently raises nearly three times as much money as the world cup.
  17. I don't disagree with any of that and yes a similar virus where the government again tried to elevate the risk for younger healthier people would be met with more cynicism. A virus though that was killing a significant number of healthy people it infected I think people would act differently because well its how we've survived as a species.
  18. We had a building fire near me recently and someone came around and said there may of been asbestos in the roof and everyone should stay in with windows and doors shut until the all clear was given. I didn't see a single person in the street. I genuinely don't believe people are that f**king stupid.
  19. I still don't think people would go out if they thought they were going to die. The issue was most people knew they were going to be ok. The lockdown was to slow the spread not stop. People still went out and congregated in supermarkets and the like whilst others went to work. I don't think anyone thought it would stop the spread surely?
  20. If such a virus appeared I think people would lockdown voluntarily so again it wouldn't be a debate. The issue here was as Boris said if you were under 60 you were as much as risk as probably a dozen other things you do daily. Basically the plebs were not trusted to pass it onto the vulnerable whist the politicians and Sage scientists like Prof Ferguson could party and go around shagging other peoples wives because they believe they are more intelligent than the rest of us.
  21. I'm using excess mortality between 2020 and 2022. Deaths within 28 days of a positive test is pointless.
  22. Germany did well. They had the sense to stick oldies in hotels between hospital and nursing homes. We did about the same as France and better than Spain and Italy. I actually think the whole debate is a mute point. We had a once in a generation level of spending and if say there was another pandemic next year and we tried again it would be simply "bond market says no"
  23. All the Scandinavian countries did better than us though Sweden were the best. The UK did pretty much bang on average. Factors that appeared to well outweigh if a country locked down or not were things like general health of the population (obesity levels) etc..
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