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Everything posted by Ben7amin_

  1. Ben7amin_

    2024 Headliners

    As the link I provided shows there are restricted view and regular seating still available
  2. Ben7amin_

    2024 Headliners

    Correct it has not sold out, I'm not gonna waste any more time trying to convince you. The £58 ones on the same page are not restricted view....... I feel you might go away and but all those remaining tickets now lol
  3. Ben7amin_

    2024 Headliners

    Sorry not buying it. Still get tickets for Manc tonight for £50 from original POS Please don't feel the need to defend an act you likes honour by saying they have sold out. As I said its probably more to do with cost of living crisis going on. https://stereoboard.seetickets.com/event/the-1975/ao-arena/2710546
  4. Ben7amin_

    2024 Headliners

    Makes a lot of sense.
  5. Ben7amin_

    2024 Headliners

    I mean yeah that is a bit ambitious for acts well passed there peak. Perhaps an Ego needs to take a hit...... in that cano. The 1975 tickets were £75 and they are a bigger deal right now. But despite both rebuttals I still feel that we are gonna start to see more big stadium shows struggling to sell out Unless people are living under a rock their is a cost of living crisis and these big tickets are gonna start to be out of reach for a lot of people, that previously would have gone to these shows in a second Artists might need to adjust their expectations accordingly
  6. Ben7amin_

    2024 Headliners

    I don't think this is a problem unique to them I've noticed repeated adds for the Weezer / Pumpkins stadium tours not selling out. I think people are feeling the pinch it might well mean it's getting harder for punters to stump up for stadium price tickets. It may well be a sign that things are changing no fault to the artists.
  7. Ben7amin_

    2024 Headliners

    I have interestingly just read an article the 1975 have not sold out any of there dates on the current tour (a quick check In Ticketmaster has confirms this) It could either be that have declined in popularity Or alternatively it could be cost of living impacts fans just not affording to pay those prices.
  8. Oooh have exit stage left next in my reading pile
  9. Only just discover this thread. Top 4 music books I've read in no order (This might change if you ask me tomorrow) Keith Richards: Life Pete Doherty: A Likely Lad Mark "E" Everette: Things The Grandkids Should Know Jarvis Cocker: Good Pop Bad Pop
  10. Look At We Killing Something I'm told it's a Gangsta Rap term
  11. Ben7amin_

    2024 Headliners

    Puts her in the frame for 2025 I would say she ain't gonna just do Glastonbury and nothing else
  12. No matter how famous Radiohead are. People will still assume there gonna see a 90's rock band and get miserable when that's not the case. . I mean it's now over 20 years since Kid A I love Radiohead but definitely an act it's better to see in their own show and not at a festival imo Did the same as you caught both shows manc was so much better
  13. Not sure if this is here already. Not sure any new names that haven't been discussed but... hey
  14. Wait you guys clearly have not noticed the large Pyramid shaped object in the background!!!! Only one Headliner sized act that has a famous Pyramid song. And if that clue was not subtle enough the answer is Filipino pop star Charice!!
  15. A friend just told me Cast are playing Glastonbury, he knows some of there touring people. Asked what stage and he shrugged his shoulders. I'm sure they are probably the kind of act to excite people who have not listened to any new music since the 90's. Have not done any checking on it as in all fairness it wasnt that exciting news to me.. Sorry Cast. Having now checked them on Spotify they do have a few big tunes. Flying, Finetime, Walkaway etc. Etc.... but still probably a smaller slot somewhere
  16. You will know Feeling a moment & Pushing the sense as well the riffs were all over TV
  17. Yeah that's a cracker. For me given as open act they would get about 10 songs I'd love this 1 - Feeling A Moment 2 - Insomnia 3 - Just The Way I'm Feeling 4 - Yesterday Went Too Soon 5 - High 6 - We Can't Rewind 7 - Comfort In Sound 8 - Buck Rodgers 9 - Come Back Around 10 - Just A Day Fully aware it cuts out some albums out and it was painfull to not fit Pushing The Senses in but hey it's a fantasy pick. Silent Cry & Generation Freakshow have some good moments but I just don't feel even the best bits of those albums hold up to the first 5 albums
  18. Having seen them a few times they play Buck Rodgers, JTWIF & Just a day every gig. They 100% will also drop in the lead singles for some of there mediocre more recent albums. Yet even on their own tours these songs are poorly received. As a band they seem very irritable about people not listening as much to more recent stuff but as a fan of theres they perhaps need a reality check that the reason people are not listening to those albums is that they are just not very good. Mind you...... sometimes Glastonbury brings something different out of acts and they put there best possible self out there. The Manics also insist on the a similar thing to Feeder however at Glastonbury last year they disregarded the last 10-15 years of recording and just did the songs people want to hear.
  19. Even if it was like one act a week from ticket day to live up drop would be amazing Be great if it was like every Friday at 6PM One of the smaller acts got announced give them a bit of a platform .
  20. (Now I dont think this will happen) I'd love them to release smaller names. For example. Be great if they dropped the BBC introducing line up first. Although I guess its probably one of the layer ones to be sorted. Give a great little leg up to smaller acts get people listening to them.
  21. Yeah on the aforementioned secret set I remember they tweeted there disappointment at not being able to play the same day the festival was cancelled. Had a look for the original tweet
  22. Could the rumours page also have a... Ruled out list at the bottom?
  23. Not sure there will be so many repeat acts from last year. At least not in prominent slots.
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