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  1. Can’t seem to see timings on app or am I missing something obvious?
  2. Without doubt one of my sets of the weekend. Was expecting a smaller crowd as thought a lot would flock to Kasabian. Pleased they had a large and committed crowd , quality set !
  3. JMB01


    Could definitely headline Pyramid. I’m not a massive fan but they are smashing this to be fair
  4. Struggling to keep up with where we are at with this rollercoaster but is it too early to at least say we should avoid a mud bath ?
  5. Totally agree , you can always put a few layers on . If the ground is not destroyed then I can live with a bit cooler !
  6. How can you go from 26 degrees to 16 degrees in a day ! guess it will jump up again tomorrow! This thread has reminded me why forecasts a week in advance can’t be taken serious ! all part of the fun I guess though !
  7. JMB01

    Arcade Fire

    Obviously the poster was on the wind up but maybe it’s not out of the realms of possibility? I’d be all over it if so , their best album IMO.
  8. Got lucky 2 years running after being unsuccessful for 9 years ! our lead booker has had his confirmation email but the rest of us haven’t ! Is that the norm this year ? Wanna see it in black and white !
  9. JMB01

    2024 Headliners

    I haven’t checked this thread too much recently. Are Depeche Mode in the conversation or anything ruling them out ?
  10. JMB01

    2024 Headliners

    Haven’t checked this thread for a while but are Depeche Mode still in the conversation? that’s my one wish for realistic options .
  11. Totally agree , I also done these 3 in a row and topped it off with QOTSA and it is one of the best runs of bands in a row I have ever done at a festival . all 4 were glorious.
  12. You know the one that makes you feel so good you just want it to go on forever . Red Eyes from War on Drugs for me , really lifted me when I was flagging a bit. Smallish crowd but everyone seemed to have big smiles and a warm glow when they played that , and for the whole set really . Honourable mention for Golden Hair from Slowdive as well , goosebumps moment . what were yours ?
  13. Tough to narrow it down to 3 but I’ll go for - War on Drugs Slowdive Editors All watched in succession as well , a great Sunday topped off with QOTSA as well
  14. I’m the same , huge missed opportunity if it doesn’t happen !
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