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Posts posted by Neil

  1. 20 hours ago, mattiloy said:

    The practical limitations of having a leader with blind faith in the failed neoliberal economic policies of the 1980s

    compared to the impractical possibilities of having blind faith in spending resources you don't have to fail to deliver on the promises you'd made, and the electoral failure that comes from empty grandstanding.

  2. 1 hour ago, lazyred said:

    This will be as successful as the war on drugs gangs.

    i was thinking that when the war on drugs  kicked off i had heard the names of a few politicians connected to drug importing, always thought it would be too ineffective to catch them and i wonder if there's any politicians  involved in the high profits of the small boats.

  3. 37 minutes ago, LJS said:

    strangely though, unlike at least one other party, they haven't felt the need to abandon most of their core principles to attract the votes of racists and bigots. 

    cos they're already living on the votes of racists and bigots - always the core of nationalism., and stoked with some regular grievance mining (against their english betters. 😛 )

  4. 45 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    Difference could be hung parliament with labour the largest party to total Tory wipeout. I need to know 


    its gonna be that tory whipeout. 🙂


  5. 2 hours ago, steviewevie said:

    ok, well which one is right? Because that's a big difference...

    They're all right, people only dispute the polls when they don't like what the polls reveal. Was that with the Corbyn fans, is that with the Tories now.

  6. 1 hour ago, steviewevie said:


    yes sure...so don't do it publicly. Now the world knows they've taken out the goodies. It was the same with the green new deal 28 billion thing...don't come up with this magic number if you're not going to actually stick to it.

    A Corbyn hangover where any promise can be made.the mistake is taking them seriously.

  7. 4 hours ago, steviewevie said:

    Another case of why come up with this sh*t in first place if just going to water it down and ultimately end up disappointing everyone.

    what you call watering down is probably throwing out the unworkable, which is a good thing. i don't want a govt of posers i want a govt with solutions.

  8. 7 hours ago, steviewevie said:

    Labour lead in polls ranges from 15 to 30 points...


    remember when people used to say ignore the polls theyre wrong, not wrong: corbyn did bomb.

  9. 4 minutes ago, steviewevie said:


    Like I say, people did same push back with min wage...whereas in hindsight that was seen as one of labour's better policies.

    might have been a good policy, but that ignores whether its affordable by employers, especially every year when the pay rise comes around - the only way many businesses can find the money to pay for it, is by cutting hours.

  10. 7 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    yeah, well businesses were all worried about minimum wage or other regulations or brexit etc...and in the end they adapt and survive.

    adapting for the business might be choosing to not offer any hours, the only option if there's no money for the wages.

  11. 59 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

    Biden now publicly saying will not supply weapons to Israel if they do this Rafah invasion. He needs to act tough for the sake of the region, but also for his own electoral chances. 

    acting against Israel damages his political chances cos of the powerful Jewish lobby . the Palestinian supporters don't get close in influence and effect.

  12. Just now, zahidf said:

    They had the chance after Corbyn stopped being leader and failed.

    they tried - they tried to give us RLB . how would labour be doing now if that had happened, nobody smart would be complaining that nothing was going to improve cos the tories were staying  cos he'd got his way. 

  13. 12 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:


    Name them on the left, so I name one and you change 'the left' to be 'socialists'.

    If you change the rules of the game part way through don't be surprised when others don't want to play your game.

    if you get called out for things you've said you throw your dummy out of the pram, because you're too clever to be skewered by your own words.

  14. 37 minutes ago, zahidf said:


    accoridng to the private eye, he was on the verge of being deselected by his local party members anyway

    he'd obviously run out of ways to heat his stables on taxpayers money.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    centre left Starmer project.

    why are those who want a more-left labour part so politically stupid, it seems most most would vote for a new corbyn tomorrow, to repeat their huge fail and give us another 15 years of the tories.

  16. 1 hour ago, steviewevie said:


    I think the idea is to bring those people more work security, but also allows more flexibility in their work so they can work any hours etc. Basically more workers rights.  Looks like Labour, under pressure from businesses, were going to water it down, but those pesky unions have pushed back. 

    the income security for the employee comes at the cost (literally, of the employer), who can't commit to a fixed number of hours because of varying need, the employer isn't not committing because they're exploitative, but because of the varying situation. banning zhc's is a sledgehammer to crack a peanut.

  17. 3 hours ago, pink_triangle said:

    Swinney seems a decent guy, but making Forbes his deputy confirms the claim that the SNP are a left wing party as false. I’m not even sure the Tory’s would give such a senior job to someone who believes gay marriage is a sin in 2024.

    probably just what they want, forbes as dep help push the idea that the greens social agenda is history,

  18. i'm interested in what labour will do with zero-hours contracts, cos for some places, it works well for employer and employee.


    the carers where i live are on zhc's, quite a few are young mums, who want/need the flexibility so they can spend some of their time being mothers.

    changing zhc's could  have lots of carers stop working (which is the last thing the sector needs!)

  19. 7 hours ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    FYI I knew Mark Harper before he was an MP. He was an accountant and had the communication skills of a slug and was shy and hated being out in public.

    i read that and it reminded me that i knew Mark Thatcher (before he was infamous), who was similar to describe to that  above but worked out of an estate agents (in Yateley, hants) selling mortgages.

  20. 2 hours ago, charlierc said:


    Would be a big surprise if he's still there in August.


    Naturally creates speculation for whom they might have tapped as the next name on the list.

    wouldn't be surprised if ratcliffe has chosen the chosen one! give him one last chance to wreck the club

  21. 7 hours ago, 4AssedMonkey said:

    I recognise the name Jesca Hoop, but can't think were from or bring to mind any of her stuff.  Is she a fave of 6Music?

    yeah, shes part of the guy garvey circle.

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