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Posts posted by Simsy

  1. 9 hours ago, DangerousBri said:

    Coming from overseas so this is all new to me.  It's there a way to get a seat guaranteed from Castle Cary to London?  First class?   Assume the train is super busy so it may take multiple trains to get a seat.  Going to the farm on Thursday so assume that's not as busy?

    Any help appreciated. 

    Going on Thursday you might be alright, most people travel on weds.

    Coming back they'll just keep loading people on trains until they're full (I know in some countries if a train has x seats they'll only sell x tickets, but that's not the case in the UK, there'll be people standing in the aisle or sitting in the luggage rack).

    I was in 1st class leaving Castle Cary in 2019 because we were told to go wherever there was space. They didn't kick out people with normal tickets.

  2. 1 hour ago, doobie ninja said:

    Thanks for the input guys. Think I've messed up tho.....😭

    Im arriving from Bath...but returning home to London, so I can't have an open return ticket can I as you have to leave and return to the same place 🤷‍♂️ (I've already bought my London to Bath, and Bath to Castle Cary tix)

    Wonder if I can cancel my London to Bath ticket, book an open return to and from Bath, then get a shuttle on the Monday back to Bath?

    Or....buy the lunch time Castle Cary to london train, leave the site at 7ish and just hope I'm there for the train.


    I take it that Gate A is for ALL coaches? So shuttle busses and the main coaches?




    Getting a single from Castle Cary to London shouldn't be a problem, as long as it's an "off-peak" single (or "anytime" if you need to travel at peak times).

    If you're looking at national rail website, you can switch between fare types by clicking on "more fares", and check which services the ticket is valid on by clicking "other services you can travel on".


  3. 11 minutes ago, blutarsky said:

    Can anyone give me a definitive answer on how to pronounce Quechua please? 

    Spanish spelling of a South American word used by a French company selling tents in the UK.  Take your pick on the pronunciation!

  4. 20 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    I take it you've already seen this and don't buy that some people are naturally disadvantaged and if we simply "treated everyone equally", then it's going to work out really badly for some folk and really well for others, who benefit from ingrained societal advantages?


    I prefer this one. You don't have to give people "special treatment" if you fix the crooked system. 


  5. 3 hours ago, doobie ninja said:

    I was thinking this too....but then I'm scared of being at the station and everything is sold out to get back to london 😬

    Or pre buy a ticket...the journey might take for ever to get out to Castle Cary, and then I miss my train 🤷‍♂️ right dilemma 🥴 

    Advanced tickets don't guarantee that you'll be able to get on the train, it's still first come first served. The only benefit of them over open tickets is they're cheaper, but they're only valid on the specific train you booked (which you probably won't be able to get on at Castle Cary).

  6. 6 hours ago, arcade fireman said:

    How reliable are Decathlon's delivery times? Mine is scheduled to arrive Monday 20th June which is cutting it a bit fine...

    I ordered a camp bed from them a week ago, estimated delivery 13 June. Got the dispatch email yesterday and a text this morning saying it'll be delivered this afternoon.

  7. 1 hour ago, Cooter said:

    Thanks so much for the kind words.

    It's all a bit strange. I've had some health issues over the past few months and part of that has caused me some concern about going this year. Believe me, securing a ticket, then cancelling it and all the plans that we all make just a couple of weeks ago has been weird to say the least.

    I just hope I'll want to go back there next year 🤞

    Right, iplayer here we go!

    That must be so hard. Hope you're alright and get to go next year.

    I missed out on tickets for 2017. Had the time off work so went to Scotland instead. Walked up Ben Nevis, visited Edinburgh, had a bit of a cry watching Radiohead on the telly.

  8. 16 minutes ago, AlexOvd said:

    Stupid question for a first timer.

    How feasible is to get a meal between 5-10 pounds? I am starting to think about my budget 🙂

    Do the festival has some sort of "own money" like others or you can just pay with your card everywhere?

    They have had a "food for a fiver" option at several stalls in the past, but sometimes it's not really a meal it's more like a snack.

    I'm expecting prices to be higher this year (as they are everywhere) so I wouldn't be surprised by £10+ meals.

    Co-op's good for cheaper food - snacks, sandwiches, probably stuff to cook if you bring a stove.

    Pay with your own card (or cash), they don't have their own payment system that they force you to use.

  9. 51 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    Do the see tickets coaches have toilets ? I’d imagine mostly not … I know I’m not far away but I’m wondering if so can have a few pre drinks in the pub 

    Think the info says they can't guarantee loos if it's a short journey. I suppose between see and national express all the coaches in the country are requisitioned for glasto so you'll just end up with whatever they've got.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 hours ago, SouthbanKen said:

    Alright guys, been to Victorious in 2018 and 2019 (missed last year but am back this year and looking forward to it.

    Am I right in thinking that Beats and Swing is now in the car park / concrete area next to the toilets and that this is where Andy C will play - if so, I think that will be banging. 

    Gutted that the Seaside Stage has gone - did i read that this is because of some kind of development / building works?

    My main issue is where to stay. Used to stay with friends over in Gosport which was ideal, but they have moved and i have left booking a hotel waaaaay too late and prices are massive. So, i might drive in each day - where would be the best place to park do you reckon - don't mind a bit of a walk or paying a fairly chunky price, but really don't want to get stuck in traffic each day / night. Any thoughts?





    Yep, Beats & Swing was in the D Day car park last year, I assume it'll be in the same place this year.

    The Seaside Stage field is closed for a couple of years while they do work on the flood defenses. Hopefully it'll be back when the work is finished.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Barneym said:

    Honestly how does anyone write this shit with a straight face. It’s gonna be the same with a slightly different design and cocktail menu

    Tacos and mescal with a side serving of pretentiousness.

  12. 8 minutes ago, 4AssedMonkey said:

    Yep.  I was at a small gig recently, fairly close to the stage and some c**t just pushed in front and then held a phone the size of a fucking iPad up right in front of my face, filmed an entire song then fucked off again.  Wasn't dancing/singing or even seemingly enjoying it at all.  The temptation to kidney punch the fucker was almost overwhelming.

    Or maybe I'm a grumpy old twat who needs to move with the times or something.

    I find it funny when people are dancing and singing along while filming. Camera shaking all over the place, mic picking up their own terrible singing. Do they actually watch the video back?

  13. 1 hour ago, Suprefan said:

    Nobody here has ever heard of a Cantina it seems. and yeah, lets ask the native californian what it means lol.

    We all know what a cantina is.

    So it's going to be Mos Eisley themed.

    • Upvote 4
  14. 25 minutes ago, amb said:

    Anyone getting a bit tetchy about the prospect of this rail strike? Will be relying on the train to get to my coach pickup point so am trying to think of alternatives already! 

    Yep, we've already got our train tickets to/from the coach.

    At the mo my plan b is hoping we can borrow the in-laws' car and leave it in Bristol (where we're coaching from) while we're at the fest.

    Plan c is hire car but we'd either have to pay to have it Tue-Mon, or hire separately and pay the extortionate one-way fees for both journeys.

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